Little Pink Peas

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Two Pink Peas Blog Candy Giveaway Announcement....

To enter in this giveaway please become a follower of Two Pink Peas...if you are already a follower please leave me a comment that you follow Two Pink Peas.

UPrinting has been very generous to sponsor this giveaway to one of my followers!! This is what UPrinting is going to give one lucky winner...
Prize Details:
100 Postcards for One (1) Winner
5" x 7"
14pt Cardstock Gloss
No Folding
Front Only Printing
2 Business Days Print Turnaround Time
Restriction: Limited to US residents 18 years old and above only. You can find more information about UPrinting at these links below...

**********Disclaimer: Required as per FTC Ruling (Please see example below)
This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting, an online printing company, no monetary compensation was given and I will receive postcards for hosting. See more information about their postcard and other available printing services and postcard designs on Also  The prize, once the instructions are sent, expires on December 31, 2011 *************

Good luck everyone and thank you so much for taking the time to enter into my giveaway. I will keep this giveaway open unil August 15th. ~ Terri

I Won More Blog Candy... WOW!!

VoiceQuilt - CD with Leather Holder

OMG.. My winning streak has been really hot lately. I just got an email from Frugal Experiments letting me know that picked #14 which was ME!! Usually I am never this lucky so I am really stunned and very appreciative to receive ALL of these amazing prizes.

Frugal Experiments said this on their blog...

7 days of unlimited voice time for VoiceQuilt
+44entries so far
OVERcontest is over!

And the winner is...

Entry #14Two Pink Peas Terri M
results powered by

Frugal Experiment says on their blog about what is 
a VoiceQuilt.....

This is a truly unique way to create a keepsake gift, there is no other gift like it. It's a personalized item with your friends and family's messages recorded specific to your occasion. Pictures are a wonderful way to capture moments in time, but hearing a person's voice recorded especially for your occasion is an unexpected, priceless gift.
VoiceQuilt - CD with Leather Holder
I received a package for 7 days of toll-free phone time and a VoiceQuilt keepsake CD with leather holder. I decided to use this as a way to capture my granddaughter's voice. My daughter dialed the toll-free number supplied by VoiceQuilt and handed the phone to Punkin Pie. With a tiny bit of coaching, we were able to capture her rendition of "Twinkle, twinkle little star" and the "ABCs". This is a truly precious gift that I will cherish for years to come. Her Daddy is in the army and they will be moving thousands of miles away from me in a few weeks, so now when I am missing her, I can play the cd or mp3 of her songs to cheer me up.

The process of creating the actual Voice Quilt is dead simple – you and those you wish to record a message, just dial in and say what you want to say. You then listen to the recorded voice messages online, decide the order in which you want them to play, give each recording a meaningful label, and click a button to create your “best hits” playlist. At this point, you have the option of downloading an mp3 file of your playlist, or sharing it with friends and family through email or facebook. Of course, they have beautiful keepsake boxes, leather cd and picture holders or USB drives to capture and present your keepsake to the recipient.

Now I just need to decide what to record to keep. I could pick my closest friends and have them leave me a special message that I could keep forever. This is something that I would LOVE to have had my dad do before he passed away. I could have Casey and Hallie record a message to me, which I will certainly do for sure!!
I don't know what else to pick to record so if any of you have any suggestions I would LOVE that!! I have never heard of VoiceQuilt and I have never used it before either so this is all brand new to me. To get more information about Voice Quilt please visit their website here and if you happen to order something from them, if you could please let them know that Two Pink Peas was a winner and sent you there I would really appreciate it. As you know how much I love to show love to other blogs and businesses, plus they will know where you came from and how you found them.
I wanted to thank T Jones from Frugal Experiments for the chance to win. Please hop on over to her blog here and please visit her Twitter page here and last but not least her facebook page here and please show some blog love and let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. I would really appreciate it.

Thank you Voice Quilt and to Frugal Experiments for this really sweet gift that will last me a lifetime!! I really appreciate it!!
Hugs!!! ~Terri

P.S. I am getting ready to post my new giveaway right now!! So stay tuned!! You will want to enter for sure!!

Robert's Crafts $25.00 Gift Certificate Giveaway...

Robert's Crafts is having a Freebie Friday!

Their blog says...
For today's freebie friday we've got . . . . drum roll please. . .

$25 Gift Card!!!

(I forgot to snag a picture of the gift card before I left the office. lol! Sorry about that!) If you win from outside of Utah, you'll get a coupon code for the website.

Go to Robert's Crafts Blog Here and please let them know that you heard this from Two Pink Peas. Again, I don't get anything in return I just love to show blog love and I am sure they like to know where new followers who enter in their blog candy heard about it from. Thanks girls!!

Remember, tomorrow Two Pink Peas is having a blog candy giveaway by a great sponsor!! Have a great night!! ~Terri

Blog Candy Giveaway To Try To Reach 100 Followers...

Pam over at Pams Party Planning is trying to reach her goal of 100 followers and she is really SO close. So Pam is having a blog candy giveaway so if you could hop on over to her blog and show some blog love and become a follower of hers I know she would really appreciate it. Please let her know that
Two Pink Peas sent you. Then enter her blog candy giveaway while you are there!! You can't win if you don't enter.
Pam's giveaway looks like a really great one. I made sure to follow her and also to enter in her giveaway.

Tomorrow I am going to do a giveaway from a really GREAT sponsor and I am really excited about this one. I will give you all of the details tomorrow sometime.  While I am here, I was out today with my kids and we looked all over for Terry. We wanted to give him his money that you all were so generous to give him. We looked and looked and we unable to find him. I think it was to late but we will find him by monday. BUT, here is some possible really amazing news. The builder that is building our house has seen Terry before and knows exactly who I am talking about. So he has put out the word in Terry's area to all of his builders to see if there is a job that Terry could do. How AMAZING is that? Oh, I really hope this pans out and I can find Terry a job. I will of course keep everyone posted and let you know when I find him and if we can get him a job. I am trying and trying and really trying for him. I was on the phone most of the morning calling everywhere for help and assistance for Terry today. Giving him money will for sure help him but finding him a job where he will have stable money coming in will be the best and greatest gift for him and his children.  This afternoon my kids plus Erin and Jillian got together and made Terry a brand new poster. I have lots of pictures to show you when we finish it. All 4 kids wrote something special on the back of the poster for Terry and his children. They are well wishes and other really sweet words. I will share that with you as well. K.. I am off to get some sleep.
 I will see and talk to you tomorrow!! Many hugs!! ~Terri

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Found Blog Candy & Congrats Pendra...

So while blog hopping I found this new blog and she is having a blog candy giveaway. If you hop on over to her blog please let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you.
I don't get any extra entries or anything...just want to show some blog love that's all!!

You can reach her blog by clicking here

Here is what is in the photo above SO FAR....
~2 Copic Sketch Markers
~1 Copic Ciao Marker
~1 Copic Various Refill Ink
~1 Copic Multiliner
~2 Heidi Grace Flocked Boxed Card Sets (a total of 20 cards and Envelopes)
~1 BasicGrey Epoxy Sticker Set
~1 Darice Botanical Sticker (pressed & dried real flowers)
~1 Maya Road Romance Bloom Ribbon Slides (set of 6)
~1 Tombo Permanent Adhesive Refill
~1 package of Maya Road Velvety Flowers

Good luck girls!! If you happen to win I would LOVE to know that one of my followers or readers won. I would be so excited for you.. I LOVE it when other's win. Speaking of winning.. My SWEET Pendra of Pendra's Place
won a CRICUT EXPRESSION from My Craft Channel
I cannot think of another DESERVING person then my sweet sweet Pendra. Congratulations Pendra. Pendra does not own a Cricut nor ever has so she will now be able to make so many beautiful cards and other items.
I am truly truly happy for her!

So hop on over to enter in this blog candy, if you don't enter you can't win!! Hugs and GOOD LUCK!! ~Terri

P.S. I am working on a little blog candy giveaway myself. I should be able to post that in a few days, hopefully!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

WOW!! More Donations For Terry...

Well, I just cannot believe the kindness pouring in for Terry and his family. Someone so sweet who was reading
 on Justina's facebook read her post about
Terry and donated $15.00.
Thank you so much! I am just floored at everyone and I wish there was something more I could do for all of you who have donated as a thank you for helping Terry and his children.

Tonight my neice Jillian and Hallie's best friend Erin are staying the night at our house. Well, Casey, Hallie, Erin and Jillian all got together and wanted to make more of a difference for Terry and his family. I had planned on taking all of the kids bowling tomorrow night and Jillian gave me $5.00 of her money to give to Terry. I mean, how sweet is that? Jill is a really good girl and I am really so proud to call her my niece!! Jill is only 11 1/2 (can't forget the 1/2) but for her to want to give some of her bowling money to me to give to Terry is just amazing to me. She has such a huge heart and I am very very proud of her for that!!
Then, Casey my son who only has $1.00 gave that to me to to add to the donation. I am very proud of them!!
The kids are preparing to do a lemonade stand tomorrow to raise some more money for Terry. Casey, Hallie, Erin and Jillian are really all pumped up to get as much money as then can to help Terry and his kids. Here is a picture of them with their money and signs that they made... So cute!!

Casey is in the back left with his $1.00 oh his hat, Jillian is next to him in the back with her $5.00 on her hat, then Erin is in front with the floral shirt and Hallie is in the orange and they are holding the signs they made for their lemonade stand tomorrow!! I am a very proud mama and auntie right now!!

So that puts us up to a whopping $69.00 for Terry!!!
How AMAZING is that? Seriously, this hopefully will help Terry and his children for awhile and hopefully he won't
have to walk 15 to 20 miles a day, especially in this
terrible heat for a while.

Thank you so much for donating to this really amazing cause!! We are on a roll and we are really going to change Terry's life, even if it is only for a little while. Change is change!! Hugs! ~Terri

Paying It Forward Update & Thank You's....

Well, I just got a HUGE donation from an amazingly sweet friend and I am just speechless right now.
Me speechless? I know right? Usually I am the one who goes on and on and on, but the generosity of you all has really amazed me. I am just holding back the tears because I know how much this money is going to help
 Terry and his children. I want to take this opportunity to thank those who have recently donated to
such a great and important cause.

Thank you to...

Justina of Justina's Crafts for donating $25.00
Justina's blog is at
Justina's facebook page is at!/justinas.crafts 
Please follow her and let her know that
 Two Pink Peas sent you.

Next I would love to thank Ashley of
The Scrappin' Pink Piglet for donating $2.00
You can find Ashley's blog here
And Ashley's facebook page at
Please hop on over to Ashley and show some blog love.
Please let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you.

To this date you all have helped me collect $49.00 for Terry!!
Can you believe that?? $49.00????? WOW!!
Thank you ALL so much. I appreciate every single penny, every single dollar and every single sweet comment
you all have left me so so much!!
If any of you still wish you donate you still have time. I will be seeing Terry this weekend sometime but I will never stop helping him. I just emailed someone who owns a business, a blooming business to see if he has anything that Terry can do as a job. Hopefully this will come through and he will get a job. This is what Terry really needs for long term stability for him and his 2 children.

Thank you again to every single one of you for
caring as much as you do.
You are really changing this man's life as well as his children who I worry about every single day. I am just really stunned at your kindness and how much you all care!!
Many many hugs to you all!! ~Terri

Dog Lovers...Please Help Me If You Have Seen This Before...

What you are looking at is Bella's FAVORITE toy in the whole wide world. It's name is Monster!! Don't ask me why we call it Monster but from day one we have just called it that. Today while I was gone Bella ripped it apart, as you can clearly see! About 1 1/2 year ago we knew someday this would happen and have been looking for  another monster  and have been unable to find one. There are no markings on this toy other then the word China on it's entire body. Has anyone seen this toy before and do you know if it is still available to purchase? The last picture is Bella walking on my nightstand trying to get her monster because that is how much she loves this thing. Now, I ask myself "if Bella really loves this monster so much why would she rip it apart to where she can not ever play with it again?" I have no is a dog!! So I gather up Bella, her monster (which was placed in a plastic zip bag to protect it) Hallie and Erin and we run to our local pet store. Well, I have looked there before and they did not have it then and I just knew they would not have one now. I was right, no monster! I am just crushed, Bella loves this toy and I really hope to find another one if I can. While we were in the pet store.. look at what I saw...

Meet Roz!! Isn't she just BEAUTIFUL??
She is pink and gray my favorite colors!! I could NOT believe how friendly Roz was. She came straight to me and I held her for a really long time. She snuggled up under my cheek and chin and she was SO loving. (I would share those pictures if I did not look so hideous from running around so I will just share Roz and keep me out of it.. LOL.)
  I LOVE all animals but have been a little afraid of birds like Roz because they can bite and bite hard. There was absolutely NO fear with this sweet little girl.

This was after I was "forced" to let her go back in her cage by Hallie and Erin. They wanted to go and Bella was getting fussy. But Roz LOVED me rubbing her neck. My gosh, I am telling you, it is not that often that I fall completely in love with an animal like Roz but she had me at hello!! lol

When we left the pet store Roz started flapping her wings and making ALL kinds of noises and was squawking like she did not want me to leave. Uh... it literally broke my heart to leave her. I almost turned back around and went back to her. That is how much of a fuss she made when I left her. <sighs> 
She was only a mere $2,499.99 ...chump change.. right??  Wrong.. lol.
Oh, but if we were not selling and building a house right now I would have been so tempted to buy her right then and there. On my way home I was talking about Roz to Hallie and Erin and I said "that is a diamond ring, it could be a car" LOL.. but never in my life have I ever seen a bird that was this sweet and was so loving. She literally melted my heart. Roz will be seeing me again, that is for sure. I talked to the manager and pleaded with them to "make sure, make triple sure" that who ever buys her will take care of her. I also said that "I am worried about her and who ever gets to take her home that they will treat her right". They assured me that they would only let Roz go to a very responsible owner. Jokingly I asked "would you sell Roz to me?" They said "YES"!!  The girl that worked there that got Roz out of her cage told me that one drunk lady came in and wanted to drain her bank account just to buy Roz and they told her "NO". That made me feel better. But I still worry. That is my big heart that I have. I really do worry to much about everything and anything!!
 You girls probably think I am crazy for falling in love with this sweet bird. I wish you all could see her in person. Unbelievable and Oh So beautiful!! I really like Roz and clearly Roz really liked me!! How sweet is that??
 Roz made my day today!!

Ok, back to Bella's monster, the main purpose of this post...If you girls happen to know where I can get my Bella a new monster please let me know. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks for listening to my ramblings today.
 Many hugs!! ~Terri

P.S. Oh, how funny is this? As soon as I got home my husband told me that it is rumored that Casey Anthony now lives in the next city, but same county as us. Oh gosh I really HOPE not. That would be just terrible!! It is ALL over the internet that she is here. So weird!! 

Cricut Won Lawsuit Against SCAL & MTC...

Hi girls.. News about your Cricut and SCAL...
I just came from and read that Cricut won their lawsuit against SCAL and MTC and this is what I found out. What this means is if you update your Cricut Firmware then you will NO longer be able to use either of these programs. If you have NOT updated it yet then you can still use these programs. My one question was "won't you have to update your firmware at some point and that means that you will not be able to use these programs any longer". I don't know but I wanted to pass this info on to you girls. For those girls who are lucky enough to have more then one Cricut then you can keep one and not update it and use it for SCAL and MTC and use your other Cricut and update it when you have to!! That is the only thing I can think of! Have a good night!! ~Terri

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thank You For Paying It Foward...

Well, the other day I had written my second long post about Paying It Forward and when I went to send it my whole post got erased!! I could not believe it!! here we go  This has happened a few times to me before and what a pain. But, today is a new day and I wanted to thank these ladies for Paying It Forward..

Jo sent $10.00 (I mean WOW!!!) and this is the comment she left me.. "Just sent you my little part. Thank you for doing this for a stranger. You took the time to listen and you acted. If we all would do this, what a better world this would be."

Suzy's Crafts sent $5.00 (WOW again!!) Suzy's  comment said "Good for you. You have really touched my heart today and I am making my donation. Thank you!"
Please visit Suzy's Crafts at 

Last but certainly not least Roxanna sent $2.00
(so amazing!!) and Roxanna said "Terri, I live in BC, Canada and read your Pay it Forward and wanted to send a little donation for 'the man with the sign'. I will stop sometimes and give people money because I know what it is like to have next to nothing. As you said we do not always carry money anymore but I give what I have."

Please visit Roxanna at:

Thank you girls SO SO SO much for be so giving and opening your gigantic hearts to this really sweet man. In the post that I wrote the other day about Paying It Forward (that got erased) I was telling you all his first name. 
Well believe it or not his name is...Terry!! Can you even believe that?? I just thought how weird is this? Just to clarify.. Terry is the man with the sign... I am Terri the person who just wants to help him. We are not the same
But isn't that really amazing??
We share the same name!! To me that was a sign and a really big one at that!!   
I don't know if you all believe in signs but sometimes I do. This was one of those signs that I saw crystal clear.  I mean, we have the same name, granted different spelling but we have the same exact first name. Even if his name was different I would still have this deep need and passion to help him and his poor innocent kids. I do this for anyone that is in need!
So after my counseling appointment today I drove around to try and find Terry.  I have not taken any of the donated money out of PayPal because one of the donations is still pending but I did not see Terry anywhere and I could not find him anywhere. The next time I will see him probably will be this weekend sometime. So if you would like to still donate, even if it is just $1.00, which is perfectly fine and very much appreciated you still have plenty of time. You can donate through PayPal if you wish and just use my personal email address which is If you wish to send a check instead just let me know and I will email you my address. It is completely up to you. Anything is really greatly appreciated!!   At some point in our lives everyone needs some sort of help. When I see Terry next and I tell him that complete strangers donated money because they care and want to pay it forward he might get choked up. I really want him to know that people do care about him and his kids. Hopefully that will make him feel good inside to know that people do care. Everyone is worth helping no matter their situation. I plan on helping Terry for a long long time. My next goal is to get him a job. That would be the ultimate gift for him!! Today at my counseling appointment the first thing I asked her was what else I could do to help Terry further. She gave me a 2 page list of Community Resource Contacts. So after I send this post I am getting on the phone to see what I can do for him.
 It really made me super upset and sad when Terry told me that he is getting harassed and so is his children. Why people take things out on kids is really beyond my scope of understanding. That has got to be very difficult for his 2 kids. Just imagine being a little 10 year old and your dad has to walk 10 to 15 miles a day just to find a job. Terry told me that his kids are being essentially bullied by other kids because their daddy has to try to find a job every single day while walking with a sign on his back. That has to be really really rough on them. We have to help this family in any way we can, and we are doing that thanks to you all!! You all have really huge hearts and that touches my heart!!
Casey, Hallie and I will hopefully make his new sign tomorrow and we will post pictures of it when we are done.  Thank you for ALL of your support and donations to help Terry and his family. You all are the absolute BEST and you are Paying It Forward in a MAJOR way!! Every single cent will go to Terry on top of what our family will give him.
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you so much!!
Have a blessed day everyone!! Hugs to you all!! ~Terri

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thank You SO much For Paying It Forward To Roxana And Susan.....

Well, shoot!! I made a super long blog post about paying it forward and receiving help and for some reason the post did not show up on either of my blogs. We have to leave because someone is coming to see our house. As soon as I get home I will fix it..I am SO sorry!! Thank you in advance to the girls who have already donated and I will post about you and put a link from my blog to yours!! I really an stunned because I don't know what happened!! I will be back in about an hour!!
Take care and THANK YOU!! ~Terri

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Pay It Forward For Today...And I Need Some Help From You... PLEASE!!!

Hi girls!! Boy, today was a very rough day for me for several reasons. First I went to see my counselor who I LOVE to pieces. She is helping me work through many things that I have not dealt with and she is really just a huge gift to me. Never have I felt this way about any counselor before but she IS just a huge huge gift to me!! After my appointment which was over around 1pm Hallie (who went with me today) and I were driving down a well known road. I can't tell you which road it is (to protect him and his kids, he asked me to do this) and I will tell you why in a second. It was about a month ago that I met up with this man who was walking down a major road and I had to stop and give money to. Anytime I see someone who needs help I am always the one to stop. I don't care how they look or if I may put myself in danger. Just a note before I go on, I have never been in danger ever for stopping and giving to someone in need!! Since I met him before I knew he was ok and so I knew I was ok too. So I had to drive about 1/4 of a mile going the opposite direction and had to turn around and try to catch up with him. He was on foot so I know I could catch up with him. But I was determined to stop and talk to him. I finally caught up to him and I got out of my car and had Hallie stay in the car with the doors locked (even though I know this man is virtually harmless but just to be on the safe side I had her stay inside with all doors and windows locked). I got out and I asked him if he remembered me and he did. I stood in the burning heat for over 30 minutes talking to this man (who I promised that I would not give out his name or where he walks because his children are getting bullied and they are getting pretty much attacked anywhere they go. When I heard that it made me SICK! This is wrong and should NOT happen. It is not those childrens fault. Some people are just sick! This is just a very sad situation to me. He has a sign on his back that says this..Exactly word for word this is what is says..

"'I'm Not A Bum! I Need Work! I Have 2 Children 2 Take Care Of. Christian Family" He does not panhandle and refuses to take any sort of pity. I cried for most of my visit with him. Here was this man who walks 15 to 20 miles EACH and EVERY day and he is trying to cheer me up. He asked me about my medicine that is a lollipop and what is was for. I explained about my total joint replacement and what happened and he was doing all he could to make ME feel better. I could NOT believe it. I gave him all of the money that I had (normally we don't carry cash, we use our check card or credit cards). It ended up only being $17.36 and I felt like such a LOSER that I could not give him or help him any more. He said that 1 out of 100 hundred cars will stop and some only hand him pennies some just call him bad names and harrass him! Seriously?? Pennies? Hallie and I were on our way to Chick-Fila and I asked him if I could take him with us to feed him lunch. He said he was not hungry because he just ate 2 hours before. I then asked him if I could bring him some food back to take home. He said no because it probaly would not good in the heat. Then I asked him if he needed a ride somewhere and of course again he said no. So I wanted to look at his sign close up with many many tears in my eyes and streaming down my face and his sign is very old, tattered and in not very good condition at all so I asked him if I could make him a brand new sign. He told me that the one he had was ok and for me not to go through the trouble. Well, I am not one to take No very easily. So I finally convinced him that I would make him a brand new sign. His only worry was that it could NOT be fancy because his thoughts were if people saw him with a fancy sign then he if afraid that they would think that he could afford other things. Made perfect sense to me. I was obviously going to use my Cricut to make it but I wanted to keep it super simple. So I went and bought one of those foam poster boards that has foam in between the layers of poster board. Do you all know what I am talking about? So, I bought him that and then I found some basic black adhesive letters that are made by Art has 310 pieces, including 10 of each letters and some numbers. I think it cost a little less then $5.00. I mean, I would LOVE to bling his poster all out but I completely understand why he wants it very simple and plain and that is what he will get. He has a rope with a little hole on each side that he cut with a knife or something so I am going to use grommets, heavy duty grommets so that the board will not rip. Anyhow, I felt so bad for crying because of his situation and here he was lifting me up the whole time!! Amazing! This man is just amazing! He said he did not want pity, he did not want people to think he was a bum, he had dignity and I definetly saw that dignity in him and it was crystal clear to me today!!  I ended up giving him my phone numbers so he can call me if he needs school clothes, school supplies, food or anything that he may need for his kids or himself. I would be so happy to help him in anyway that I can. This man is VERY special but is just very down on his luck. So this weekend I am going to make him a simple sign but that is neater so that people will be able to read it better. I will post pictures of us the making his new sign when Hallie, Casey and I sit down to make it.
This was my Pay It Forward for today. And he was the most PERFECT choice to Pay It Forward!! I only wish you could meet him!! You would be so amazed!!

What I would like to ask of all of you and this may seem, um, I don't know what word to use, But.. I would like to see if any of you would like to donate even $1.00 or $2.00 or what ever you feel you can donate to help him and his children. If you could send it to my paypal account and I will prove to you that every single penny will go to this man. If you cannot donate anything this time, that is 100% okay and I understand!! No need to tell me why you are unable to do this.  This man is NOT a drunk, he is not a smoker, all he really wants to do is get a job to support his family. We all want that! I cannot help him with that right now but I would love to give him a little bit of money when I see him this coming Monday. You can send it to my personal paypal account and my email is Because I am asking you all to open your hearts I am getting a little giveaway together for you all. Maybe I will have 2 or 3 winners. These will be simple things but it will be a showing of gratitude for opening your heart and helping this man who is so desperate to help his children!! That is ALL he wants. As you can tell I take things like this so personal. My whole counseling appointment today was about my 2 friends who are going through very tragic situations and now I am really worried about him. If each of you could at least donate $1.00 to this man it could add up to be alot (at least for him) and could put some food on the table for his kids for a few days to a few weeks. If you feel uncomfortable about donating it is really OK!! I understand, and I would never be upset at those who choose not to. It is really really ok. My goal is to help him as much as I can. While Hallie and I were at Chick-Fila I talked to the manager and talked to them about this amazing man who is so down on his luck. They agreed to pay it forward and give him some free meals. How AMAZING is that?? It only takes one person to make a difference but if we ALL get together imagine how much of a difference we can make for this one man and his 2 children?? It could be HUGE! I do want to note that I will not and WOULD NOT keep not one single cent. I am a very honest person who just loves to help those in need. I needed help a long long time ago and I will tell you all that story one day, but I had no one to help me. It hurt so bad I can't even tell you!! But we have the power to help him and trust me when I say that he is worth it, he does NOT want pity, he just wants a simple job. It makes me sad that not one other person stopped to help him in the past week and a half except ME!! How sad is that? So if you could find it in your hearts to donate at least $1.00 or what ever you can or what ever you feel you would like to donate by Monday I would be forever grateful and you would be paying it forward too. Please consider this, it does not matter how much you give but every single cent goes to him. If you do decide to donate in the comment section of paypal (if you have paypal) just put that you are helping "The Man With The Sign". Thank you SO much girls.. let's help him in any way we can. Oh how I hate to ask you but I feel like if we all put a little bit in this could really help him in so many ways. If you have any questions please email me at and I would even be willing to talk to you on the phone if you need to confirm it. What ever you need I will do. Thank you so much and I will post picture of his new poster this weekend. Let's rally together and make a change for this man and his children!! By the way, our 30 minute meeting ended with 2 hugs!! He was worried about getting me sweet is he?? Of course I did not care and I asked for those 2 hugs. I know that was a first for him!! So so sad. I cried for a long time today because I feel helpless and I wish I could help everyone in need!! <sighs>
Much love and many hugs to you ALL!! ~Terri

P.S. This picture you see of him with his sign was the very first time I ever met him. I cried for 30 minutes after giving him some money. He looked so sad and just completely beat down. His health is really bad, I mean really realy bad and he needs help. I do not plan on stopping here. My next goal is to help him get a job.  That is all any man wants for his family, a job to be able to support his family. They do not want hand outs or pity. Thank you for reading this and for opening your hearts to this wonderful man who is really down on his luck right now. Let's all get together and make a little difference in his life right now!! Let's Pay It Forward Today!!! Thank you!! Hugs!! ~Terri

Pay It Forward Friday's....

Hi girls!! I know this is coming to you late but I have been busy worrying about my 2 friends, one who has cancer and my other friend who just lost a dear friend of hers. Thank you for your continued prayers, well wishes and thoughts!!

I am and have always been a giver. I LOVE to help those who really need it. I especially hate to see things thrown away when they can go to others who really need them. Like women who are in domestic shelters, or the homeless living on the streets. I told you about digging in the trash and donating those items to those who needed them in a previous post. So I got to thinking about me and how I try to always pay it forward any chance I can and thought well, why don't we all try to pay it forward?

When you pay it forward you can really help change the world little by little. So every Friday I am going to have a Two Pink Peas Pay It Forward Friday's. I would LOVE to see all of you pay it forward somehow!! It can be something so small but to the person who receives it will be very large and will mean a great deal to them. So even though it is technically Saturday think about what you can do to pay it forward to someone, anyone today. It can be something small like to sit and listen to someone who has no one else to talk to, you can donate items to your local shelters for women, men or children...what about donating to the animal shelters? I love to do that too!! What about going to your local nursing home and visiting those who never has any visitors? To them it would mean so much. We need more kindness in our world and this is a perfect way to do that.

So please pay it forward to someone today and if we ALL pay it forward today, just imagine the impact that we will make today!! I would LOVE to hear how you paid it forward and we can all gain inspiration and get ideas on what we can do next Friday. It only takes one person to make a difference, let's rally together and make a HUGE difference!!
Have fun and get your kids involved, get your friends involved but just do something today, anything big or small. It does not matter. Paying it forward it what matters!!!

Many hugs to you all!! ~Terri

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Contract Is Signed And Check Was Written Today For Our House... YAY!!! Finally!!

Tonight at 6pm we met with our builder
Enzo of Enzco Customs Homes  we brought the model that Den had made and boy oh boy did Enzo go crazy. He really loved it!! So here they are talking about the house and the floorplan. Enzo is in the brown shirt and Den my husband is in the blue shirt.

They were taking the house apart and looking all through it. It was really cute to see! Enzo really loved it. He was amazed that Den actually made this.

Enzo taking a picture to show his son who is 11 (I think). He was saying that his son LOVES to build little model homes like this but with blocks and stuff. If this picture does not show how much he liked it then I don't know what

Here is Den signing the contract. I only took pictures of Den and Enzo not me..but I had to sign the contract too. So exciting!! It took us so long to get here!

Den is writing the check for our house. This is so funny because Enzo asked if he could pay Den to make some of these models for his clients.. how cute is that?? I KNOW that made Den feel so good about himself. I was so happy for Den to hear such a huge compliment from a really amazing builder!! But, we are now just waiting for our house to sell so we can start building and I can't wait. We have So many decisions to make still. What floor are we going to have, what is our kitchen going to look like?, Are we going to have oak trim like we do now or white trim, I mean it is endless but so much fun. I will be taking pictures throughout the whole entire process and then when our house is built I am going to make a special scrapbook for us.

I hope you all have a fantastic night. Before I go, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts, well wishes and prayers for my friends. They are both doing well but I really worry for them both. They both mean So much to me and I would be absolutely crushed if something ever happened to them. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much!! Hugs!! ~Terri

My Blog Candy Winnings And Thank You's To These Special Bloggers...

Thank you to Donya at Ok Scrappin Mama for this amazing blog candy. This is what I got in this kit  (2) 4x6 DCWV paper pads, 1 is DCWV The Green Stack, the 2nd is DCWV The All Dressed Up Matstack, 3 Sakura white jelly roll pens, MS 36 yds red & white twine and approx 10 yds orange/black Halloween twine, 1 package 9 clear "sayings" stamps from inkadinkado.

Thank you to Andrea of Heart Is In The Details  for this
Your Story kit. I really LOVE it!!

Then I wanted to Thank Brynn at Flair and Frills I won the $50 prize package and just got it today. This is what she sent to me.. what a SWEETHEART Brynn is. I am going to break down what was in this big box of goodies!

In this pakage was a whole lot of great items. Included were these 2 scrapbook kits.. the girl one is from Pebble Inc., the other one is from Top Line Creations. They are both so adorable. I love them both!! So cute!

In this picture is 2 Bubble-A-Bilities really pretty green stickers. I love these! Then from Quick Quotes Scrapbook Company is a package of 3 dragonflies that are frosted with little gems in the center. Adorable!! Also included was an 8 piece craft painting kit with brushes and sponges.

Brynn sent me this great Quick Quotes tote bag that I know I will use all the time. I use these when I go to the store instead of using paper or plastic bags. I have been trying to be as green as possible. So this bag is perfect!!

The Brynn added 10 double sided designer paper from Quick Quotes. I tried to show both sides of the papers.

Then I got acrylic stamps from K&Ccompany and there are 20 stamps in this set. So so cute!! I got 4 Powder Puff Chalking Ink in these colors..Maraschino Cherry, Amaretto, Green With Envy, Tahiti. I also got a package of 6 flowers and these are so cute. I can see so many uses for these. In this picture you see a little purple bucket of buttons. The last thing is from Making Memories and it is a spiral journal book with 30 pages. There are 6 patterns, 5 of each. Really adorable!! Thanks SO much Brynn!! I LOVE it all!!

Thank you so much Brynn, Andrea, and Donya for all of these amazing goodies. I really appreciate it So so much!!
Have a good night!! ~Terri

P.S. Another post is coming about our house.. stay tuned!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bella's First Day Home...

Den holding Bella..Look how tiny she was.

Again, Daddy (Bella knows Den as daddy) holding Bella.

Daddy still cuddling Bella.. She already loves him!!

Look how tiny Bella is.. and she has been wearing clothes since this day 1. She LOVES her clothes and goes nuts when she gets new clothes to wear. One day I will video tape her when I change her clothes so you can see how crazy so is so super funny!! She is a girly girl for sure!! 

Hallie and Casey getting Bella's cage ready to go. They were so excited to have her they did not want us to go home.

So here she sweet, sweet Bella!! This was her very first day home. Well, not home but Den, Casey and Hallie were camping so they were in our camper and I stopped on my way home to show them Bella.

This is the story about how I got my Bella. First I want to start by saying that we always rescue animals from shelters and not purchase animals from pet stores. Casey and Hallie were invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and after the party was over Den and Casey wanted to go into the hobby shop. They LOVE trains and stuff. So Hallie and I were walking down the plaza and noticed that Pet Land had some kind of thing going on outside in front of their store on the sidewalk. They had cotton candy, snacks and other things. Hallie wanted to stop to get some cotton candy, of course. Isn't that why they have those types of treats and stuff?? It sure got us inside the store!! Well, we don't like to buy puppies or cats from pet stores because of the puppy mill issue. Well, Hallie and I walked into the store to waste some time while waiting for Den and Casey. I have always wanted a yorkshire terrier and we were looking at all of the puppies and I saw Bella and asked if I could play with her in those little closed off play areas they have. Well, not even 2 seconds later I fell in love with her. I played with her, and I recorded her on my cell phone and called Den to tell him about Bella. Yes, I named her right there on the spot. Well, Hallie and I HAD to have her. She was unlike any puppy I had ever seen. I don't know what it was about her but she was very special. Right away Den was NO, no dogs from pet stores. I of course could not take no for an answer but I had to give in, for the time being. Well for 2 weeks I literally cried every single day because I was so worried about her. I was really scared that she would go home with abusive owners. I called the store every single day, several times a day and I would say "Is my Bella still there?" They knew who I They would always say "Yes, Terri Bella is still here". So after 2 weeks of crying to Den, my being worried about her I stopped in the store, without Den knowing because I had to see her. I knew I was NOT going to leave that store without her and I didn't. Den finally gave in. It was 1 day past our 10 year wedding anniversary. Bella has been the biggest gift ever. Puppy mills disgust me and I can't understand how people can treat animals like that just to make money. But this was my thinking. Bella was born, it was not her fault that she could have been from a puppy mill and my thought was that I was going to rescue her and I did not care how much money she cost. I ended up spending a little over $1300.00 for her but she was worth every single penny and then some. You all know how much I love her and she has returned so much more to me 100 times over. I believe that things happen for a reason and I really believe it was no accident that I walked into that pet store that day, I believe it was no accident that she was still available almost 2 weeks after I first met and named her. She was meant to be mine. The little pink shirt Bella is wearing on her first day said "Daddy's Little Girl" on the back... how CUTE is that? As you can see Den just fell in love with her right away. I told you all before that I have never felt this way about any animal before but Bella is very very special and I don't know what it is. If you ever meet her you would see how special she is. I am just so thankful that I was able to get her. Anyhow, I had to share these very precious first moments of Bella meeting her family with you all. That is all for today.. 3 blog posts in one that is a record for me..I think anyway..LOL!!
Many many hugs to you all and thank you for visiting
Two Pink Peas. I will talk to you all in a day or so!!