Little Pink Peas

Thursday, July 28, 2011

WOW!! More Donations For Terry...

Well, I just cannot believe the kindness pouring in for Terry and his family. Someone so sweet who was reading
 on Justina's facebook read her post about
Terry and donated $15.00.
Thank you so much! I am just floored at everyone and I wish there was something more I could do for all of you who have donated as a thank you for helping Terry and his children.

Tonight my neice Jillian and Hallie's best friend Erin are staying the night at our house. Well, Casey, Hallie, Erin and Jillian all got together and wanted to make more of a difference for Terry and his family. I had planned on taking all of the kids bowling tomorrow night and Jillian gave me $5.00 of her money to give to Terry. I mean, how sweet is that? Jill is a really good girl and I am really so proud to call her my niece!! Jill is only 11 1/2 (can't forget the 1/2) but for her to want to give some of her bowling money to me to give to Terry is just amazing to me. She has such a huge heart and I am very very proud of her for that!!
Then, Casey my son who only has $1.00 gave that to me to to add to the donation. I am very proud of them!!
The kids are preparing to do a lemonade stand tomorrow to raise some more money for Terry. Casey, Hallie, Erin and Jillian are really all pumped up to get as much money as then can to help Terry and his kids. Here is a picture of them with their money and signs that they made... So cute!!

Casey is in the back left with his $1.00 oh his hat, Jillian is next to him in the back with her $5.00 on her hat, then Erin is in front with the floral shirt and Hallie is in the orange and they are holding the signs they made for their lemonade stand tomorrow!! I am a very proud mama and auntie right now!!

So that puts us up to a whopping $69.00 for Terry!!!
How AMAZING is that? Seriously, this hopefully will help Terry and his children for awhile and hopefully he won't
have to walk 15 to 20 miles a day, especially in this
terrible heat for a while.

Thank you so much for donating to this really amazing cause!! We are on a roll and we are really going to change Terry's life, even if it is only for a little while. Change is change!! Hugs! ~Terri

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