Little Pink Peas

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cricut Won Lawsuit Against SCAL & MTC...

Hi girls.. News about your Cricut and SCAL...
I just came from and read that Cricut won their lawsuit against SCAL and MTC and this is what I found out. What this means is if you update your Cricut Firmware then you will NO longer be able to use either of these programs. If you have NOT updated it yet then you can still use these programs. My one question was "won't you have to update your firmware at some point and that means that you will not be able to use these programs any longer". I don't know but I wanted to pass this info on to you girls. For those girls who are lucky enough to have more then one Cricut then you can keep one and not update it and use it for SCAL and MTC and use your other Cricut and update it when you have to!! That is the only thing I can think of! Have a good night!! ~Terri


  1. This news actually came out a couple of months ago. The latest version of MTC is still compatible if you already owned version 3.2.1 with your cricut. You can learn more about upgrading with your cricut after the lawsuit on the mtc forum. It's worth researching as the new update looks great. If you search online the cricut plugin is actually available to anyone now! Some people (not MTC) have posted it as a free download. Just FYI.

  2. Yea I'm not real sure, but my guess would be that if you have Design Studio or another program that requires the update you'll have no other choice. But I really don't know much about all of that. Good luck :)

  3. I just bought a new cutter because of this and gave my expression away.

  4. I think they will force that update thru the new cartridges, and as well the Gypsy to update.. if you think about it, they will offer some incentive of 2 to 5 new cartridges and everyone will want it.. and poof your machine won't work personally I am getting rid of my Cricut and just got teh new ecraft from Craftwell, I also carry them in my store.

  5. I really feel that unfortunately they will force them to update thru teh gypsy or the new cartridges. and then all machines will be updated.. I recently switched to the ecraft compatible with MTC and SVG and started carrying them locally in my store soon to be online.
