Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bella's First Day Home...

Den holding Bella..Look how tiny she was.

Again, Daddy (Bella knows Den as daddy) holding Bella.

Daddy still cuddling Bella.. She already loves him!!

Look how tiny Bella is.. and she has been wearing clothes since this day 1. She LOVES her clothes and goes nuts when she gets new clothes to wear. One day I will video tape her when I change her clothes so you can see how crazy so is so super funny!! She is a girly girl for sure!! 

Hallie and Casey getting Bella's cage ready to go. They were so excited to have her they did not want us to go home.

So here she sweet, sweet Bella!! This was her very first day home. Well, not home but Den, Casey and Hallie were camping so they were in our camper and I stopped on my way home to show them Bella.

This is the story about how I got my Bella. First I want to start by saying that we always rescue animals from shelters and not purchase animals from pet stores. Casey and Hallie were invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and after the party was over Den and Casey wanted to go into the hobby shop. They LOVE trains and stuff. So Hallie and I were walking down the plaza and noticed that Pet Land had some kind of thing going on outside in front of their store on the sidewalk. They had cotton candy, snacks and other things. Hallie wanted to stop to get some cotton candy, of course. Isn't that why they have those types of treats and stuff?? It sure got us inside the store!! Well, we don't like to buy puppies or cats from pet stores because of the puppy mill issue. Well, Hallie and I walked into the store to waste some time while waiting for Den and Casey. I have always wanted a yorkshire terrier and we were looking at all of the puppies and I saw Bella and asked if I could play with her in those little closed off play areas they have. Well, not even 2 seconds later I fell in love with her. I played with her, and I recorded her on my cell phone and called Den to tell him about Bella. Yes, I named her right there on the spot. Well, Hallie and I HAD to have her. She was unlike any puppy I had ever seen. I don't know what it was about her but she was very special. Right away Den was NO, no dogs from pet stores. I of course could not take no for an answer but I had to give in, for the time being. Well for 2 weeks I literally cried every single day because I was so worried about her. I was really scared that she would go home with abusive owners. I called the store every single day, several times a day and I would say "Is my Bella still there?" They knew who I They would always say "Yes, Terri Bella is still here". So after 2 weeks of crying to Den, my being worried about her I stopped in the store, without Den knowing because I had to see her. I knew I was NOT going to leave that store without her and I didn't. Den finally gave in. It was 1 day past our 10 year wedding anniversary. Bella has been the biggest gift ever. Puppy mills disgust me and I can't understand how people can treat animals like that just to make money. But this was my thinking. Bella was born, it was not her fault that she could have been from a puppy mill and my thought was that I was going to rescue her and I did not care how much money she cost. I ended up spending a little over $1300.00 for her but she was worth every single penny and then some. You all know how much I love her and she has returned so much more to me 100 times over. I believe that things happen for a reason and I really believe it was no accident that I walked into that pet store that day, I believe it was no accident that she was still available almost 2 weeks after I first met and named her. She was meant to be mine. The little pink shirt Bella is wearing on her first day said "Daddy's Little Girl" on the back... how CUTE is that? As you can see Den just fell in love with her right away. I told you all before that I have never felt this way about any animal before but Bella is very very special and I don't know what it is. If you ever meet her you would see how special she is. I am just so thankful that I was able to get her. Anyhow, I had to share these very precious first moments of Bella meeting her family with you all. That is all for today.. 3 blog posts in one that is a record for me..I think anyway..LOL!!
Many many hugs to you all and thank you for visiting
Two Pink Peas. I will talk to you all in a day or so!!


  1. What a sweet story. Loved the "bonding" that went on! Very sweet!

  2. Bella is adorable... I just can't imagine a life without my pets. most of my pets have been rescue pets and it is almos tseems like they try and please you more, like they are so appreciative! I know that may sound crazy but that is how it truly feels... they have been the best! I have been away from home now for 3 weeks and got to go home for a few hours yesterday and my big fat cat came flying at me and jumped into my arms, talk about crying... I did!!! My cocker was happy for about 2 minutes... she is totally a daddies girl! Anyway thanks for sharing Bella with us... she is a dolly!!!

  3. Terri, I love this are a very special person to have been paired with sweet sweet bella!

  4. Love your Story about Bella,She is so Cute!!!! I agree with you about Puppy Mills. We have had a lot of dogs over the years. Most were strays that showed up. They always seem to find us. But once I walked into a pet store to and the same thing happened to me. I feel in love on the spot for a white Pekingese. I knew I had to take her home. Her name was Precious.I had her for 10 years and had her Daughter for 16 years. Enjoy your little Bella!!! :0)

  5. Oh my gosh, Bella is sooo cute and I can tell she is very special by the way she is looking into the can see her tittle personality in her eyes.... I have a very special puppy named Chanel....she is my perfect little bundle of love...I originally wanted a Yorkie because I thought they were so cute and I did not want a poodle at all....but when I saw Chanel (she is a Maltipoo) there was just an instant connection...and even though I still think yorkies are more cute....I would NEVER trade my Chanel....I am happy that you now have Bella....and of course I love her name ( yes I am a twilight nerd)LOL



  6. Oh Terri, Bella is just absolutely precious! What a wonderful story of finding her - she was meant to be yours! Pets are one of the greatest joys in life! I hope you will keep posting pictures of her - she is so adorable!!


  7. What a love story! How you came across your Bella is the same way I came across my girl Kiki. I already had Shadow, (my yorkie), and I had to run into Petsmart for some food for him. They were having a adoption event for dogs who didn't have homes. My husband was like, "no, close your eyes and walk by". Well he didn't tell my Dennis, who was 6 at the time, to do that and it was his first look at Kiki that did him in! Then when I saw her beautiful almond shaped eyes I just feel in love with her and the rest is history! You know how people have soul mates? Well I think pets and humans have the same connection. Your Bella is beautiful and she is very lucky to have such a loving and caring "soul mate" with you! Thanks for sharing your story and pictures Terri, she is precious!


  8. Bella is sooo cute and I love her name. What a beautiful little dog.
