Little Pink Peas

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blog Candy Giveaway To Try To Reach 100 Followers...

Pam over at Pams Party Planning is trying to reach her goal of 100 followers and she is really SO close. So Pam is having a blog candy giveaway so if you could hop on over to her blog and show some blog love and become a follower of hers I know she would really appreciate it. Please let her know that
Two Pink Peas sent you. Then enter her blog candy giveaway while you are there!! You can't win if you don't enter.
Pam's giveaway looks like a really great one. I made sure to follow her and also to enter in her giveaway.

Tomorrow I am going to do a giveaway from a really GREAT sponsor and I am really excited about this one. I will give you all of the details tomorrow sometime.  While I am here, I was out today with my kids and we looked all over for Terry. We wanted to give him his money that you all were so generous to give him. We looked and looked and we unable to find him. I think it was to late but we will find him by monday. BUT, here is some possible really amazing news. The builder that is building our house has seen Terry before and knows exactly who I am talking about. So he has put out the word in Terry's area to all of his builders to see if there is a job that Terry could do. How AMAZING is that? Oh, I really hope this pans out and I can find Terry a job. I will of course keep everyone posted and let you know when I find him and if we can get him a job. I am trying and trying and really trying for him. I was on the phone most of the morning calling everywhere for help and assistance for Terry today. Giving him money will for sure help him but finding him a job where he will have stable money coming in will be the best and greatest gift for him and his children.  This afternoon my kids plus Erin and Jillian got together and made Terry a brand new poster. I have lots of pictures to show you when we finish it. All 4 kids wrote something special on the back of the poster for Terry and his children. They are well wishes and other really sweet words. I will share that with you as well. K.. I am off to get some sleep.
 I will see and talk to you tomorrow!! Many hugs!! ~Terri

1 comment:

  1. Great candy! I am a follower.
    Thanks for the chance to win these great stuff!)))
