Little Pink Peas

Friday, June 17, 2011

I Just Won A Blogger Award... So Sweet!!

Awww.. Stacy from just gave me this sweet blog award. Thank you SO much Stacy.. you are just a super sweetheart and I am so glad that I met you and we are blogging buddies!!

The rules for the award are the following:
1) Send a thank you to the person who nominated you and include their link.
2) To accept this award, I had to answer 7 random facts about me.
3) Pass the award on to at least 8 other awesome blog buddies.
So here are 7 random facts about me...

1) I talk to my sweet Bella (my little yorkie-poo) like she is a little person! She understands everything I say.. it is so amazing! Since day 1 I have talked to her like that and I guess she just learned over time what I was talking about.
This picture was just taken while I took Bella outside to go potty. Isn't she so sweet? She is my furry best friend and I love her so much!!! 

2) I am a super Just ask my husband. :o)
I especially love to buy craft supplies. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs so I think being a shop-a-holic is just fine.. don't ya think?? LOL My husband does not Men!! :o)

3) Since January 2006 I have sponsored a child and his family from The Gambia. His name is Salifu and he is amazing. We write letters back and forth and he sends me his report cards and other school work that he has done many times a year. I also send Salifu and his family LOTS of care packages and they love it. Salifu and his family has been the BIGGEST blessing to me. If you can do it I would highly recommend being a sponsor to a child who desperately needs help. I know that you will get more out of it then they do. The charity that I go through is and it is simply AMAZING! If you ever decide to sponsor a child you will receive SO much in return that you would have never expected. When I first met Salifu he was only 5 years old and now he is almost 11 years old. His birthday is June 28th, so he will turn 11 in just a week or so. I cannot believe how much he has grown. One day my family will travel to The Gambia and visit him and his family. Salifu wants to be a doctor when he grows up and I know he will achieve his goal!

4) Photography is a passion of mine. It has always been. I once made a camera out of an oatmeal container and took pictures with it. Boy, that was along time ago.

5) I love to collect Invicta watches and Longaberger baskets.
I have too many Longaberger baskets to count. I have been to Dresden, Ohio where the headquarters is located many times. If you can go I would highly recommend that. I even got to make my own Longaberger basket and it is beautiful. I just took a picture to show you what it looks like. I made this back in 1996. 

6) I don't like change. I like things to stay the same and that goes for everything in my life. This might be because when I was a young child my family moved so many times that I cannot count. So with us moving and building a new house it is a challenge for me.

7) I can eat the same foods every day for months. My dad was that way and I must have got that from him. When I was little he would ask my mom to make Tuna Noodle Casserole all the time. To this day she will not make it because she hates it that

Now to pass this sweet blog award on to 8 other blogs...

Again, thank you so much Stacy for picking me for this really sweet award. You are just a sweetheart and I am so glad that you are my blogging friend!!

As always you all know how much I love comments so if you could leave me one showing me that you were here I would love that!! Off to play with Bella for a while. Talk to you all soon. ~Terri

P.S. I am getting together a HUUUUGE giveaway in honor of Father's Day. More information about that will come soon!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blogs and your sweet words! Congrats on your award!!! I am going to go poke around your blog for a bit now.

  2. Thanks so much for leaving me a link to your sweet blog, Terri!! :) I've really enjoyed all of your wonderful comments during the preview week -- I'm so thankful that you decided to visit me!! :)

    Have a GREAT day!! :)

    Amy :) at
    and Decorate To Celebrate!

  3. Thanks so much for the recognition, Terri!

    Kim Score

  4. Congrats on your blog award.You do wonderful work.

  5. Congrats on your blog award.
    Thanks for visiting the Pixie blog and for the shout out for Pixie, good luck!

  6. Congrats on your blog award, Terri, and sharing it w/ me! Very sweet of you! :-)

  7. Congrats! Thanks for sharing about sponsoring a child. That is so important in their life! I am looking into it.

  8. Oh I am so sorry. It is hard to loose our Daddy's. He sounds like he was an amazing dad and a lot of fun to be around. I bet he is so proud of you and is smiling down. :))


  9. I just saw your sweet baby Bella. I, too have a Yorkie-Poo that will be 3 in October. He is black and with a bit of a white beard and bow-tie. His name is Pablo. His name derived from the kids show Backyardigans and the fact that he is "penguin-like colored".
