Little Pink Peas

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Dad...

Today June 20th is my dad's birthday. He passed away on January 5th 1994 at the age of 49 from cancer. There is not one single day that goes by that I do not think about him. He hid his cancer from me and the only reason I can think of why he did is because maybe he did not want me to see him sick. By the time he was in the hospital sick with cancer it was pretty much to late for me. So today on his birthday and yesterday on Father's Day have been pretty rough days for me. I would give anything for just 5 minutes to be with him. They say that those who passed that loved you in your life come to visit you in your dreams and I do have alot of dreams of my dad. It could also be because I miss him so much. If you are blessed enough to have your parents in your life try to take advantage of every second that you have with them because you never know when they will be gone and pass away.

When my dad was alive he used to say super funny things. He was a joker and was always smiling. He used to say funny things like "Never eat yellow snow!" and when I used to ask him for something he used to always say "Give Me, Lend Me, Loan Me, Do You Got, Can I Have" LOL. He would say it really fast. I understand how he felt because Casey and Hallie are always asking me for something almost on a daily basis. It makes me sad that he is not here to see my kids grow up. 

These pictures above are pictures of my dad and I when I was a little girl. I treasure these pictures so much. My dad was a twin but I have lost touch with him because he moved out of the state. Maybe some day I will find him and reconnect with him. That would be so awesome! Thanks for letting me share my dad with you all.

On a different note, Earlier today I have tried many times to post this about my dad but I have been having major blogger problems. I also wanted to post my brand new giveaway but because of my blogger issues I could not do it. So right now I am working on and putting together a huge blog candy giveaway. Hopefully when I go to post it tomorrow I won't have any issues blogger wise. Have a wonderful night and I will talk to you tomorrow!! ~Terri


  1. Hi Terri!

    I just stumbled onto your blog and wanted to stop in, say hi and introduce myself. Boy do we have ALOT in common. First off, I am sorry to hear about your dad. My dad also passed away at a young age, 48. I also have a Dennis in my life, my 16 year old son. You don't hear the name Dennis too often these days do you? Like you I also have a yorkie, Shadow, which is a name that fits him perfect. I also suffer with chronic pain daily, and will for the rest of my life also. I can relate to what you said in your profile about crafting, etc., being a coping skill to help with the pain. I am guessing your favorite colors are pink and brown as that is the color of your blog. I love that color combo so it goes without saying that I love the look of your blog! I'm a new follower and I do hope you stop over by me and become a blogging bud. I look forward to hearing from you! I will post your button on my blog also!


  2. Terri,
    Thank you so much for sharing pics of your daddy with us. My father passed away in June of 1992, he was only 56. I miss him every day of my life!! He didn't get to see my son be born in Sept of '92 nor walk me down the aisle in '95. Growing up my dad was an alcoholic and a mean one at that, so my childhoood wasn't the greatest. But as I got older I did forgive him and we became very close a little to late. My only regret is that it didn't happen sooner. I only have a few pictures of the two of us, and boy do I cherish them
    Many hugs to you sweetie

  3. You were such a cutie pie. Great pics of you and your father. Wonderful memories are what always hold the ones left behind together.A lot tend to being thinking and being sad and then the wonderful memeories start to flow and then the laughing(wether inside or out loud) begins.Keep all those memories close to your heart and never let go. Also, I am one of those people that believe your loved ones that have passed come to visit in your dreams.

  4. Thank you for sharing your Dad with us! He left you way too young. I also lost my Dad to cancer in 2008. Cancer sucks. Your Dad's sayings are funny, and it's great you still remember and now relate! It's so true, the give me, can I have saying LOL! I love it. Many hugs to you chica!

  5. What wonderful pictures of happy times. You can see the love in his eyes for you. I lost my dad a few years ago and miss him a lot. He, too, hid his cancer from us and by the time we knew something was wrong it had spread. Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. My dad had cancer two years ago, but he made it through. I know I can't understand what you went through and still feel each and every day, but I can understand the teeniest bit because I was afraid of losing my father during that time. I think it's great that you have memories of the funny moments! It's good that you're writing them down and sharing them with us!

  7. What a sweet tribute to your dad :) I am so sorry for your loss. I never knew my dad, he left us when I was 6 weeks old. but I have a stepfather that is so wonderful that i think it is true what they say about things happening for a reason. I consider him to be my dad and my kids just recently figured out that he isn't. It was really quite funny! Thanks for sharing your dad with us.

  8. I just came across your blog the other day and just came back today to look more at your blog. This is so sweet! I know it must be hard not having your Dad. I am sure he is looking down at you smiling and proud of the person you have become. :)

  9. Awesome tribute to your dad, Terri. Thanks for sharing that w/ all of us.

    I, too, lost my Dad and I miss him terribly. :-(

    Take care! :-)

  10. Terri, those sweet memories are the best way to deal with the loss of a loved one. I have dealt with my fair share of loss ever since the age of 8 years old. I too, believe your loved ones visit you in your dreams. I think that dreams do have a way of being message portals between us and our angels. Thanks so much for a wonderful post. I am so blessed to have came across your blog.

  11. I am really sorry for the loss of you dad. But I am happy that you have really good memories of him and the pictures are truly beautiful. :)
