Little Pink Peas

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Just Ordered My Peachy Keen Stamps That I Won...

So I just got an email with my gift certificate from Peachy Keen Stamps for the blog candy that I won from Heidi at I was not sure what set I was going to pick so I asked my 10 year old daughter Hallie to help me chose. After looking at each and every stamp set available Hallie wanted me to get this set which is called
 PK-450 Wide Eyed Kids Face Assortment.

They are so adorable and I can see these little faces being used in so many ways. This was a shock for me today finding out that I won a gift certificate for PKS and it really made my day!!

Thanks again to Peachy Keen Stamps and to Heidi at for picking my name.
I really really appreciate it so much!! 
I also wanted to thank my sweet little Hallie for helping me pick out which set to get.
Your the best Hallie Bleu and I love you to pieces!!
Thanks for helping mommy!

 We are just getting over a terrible thunderstorm. We lost our power for a few minutes and our satellite went out many times during the storm. Bella started barking when she first heard the thunder...she did not know what it She is to funny. For the past few days Bella has not been feeling very well. I think it all started when I took her to the vet and she got 2 vaccines, blood work and a few other things done. I know the blood work did not cause her to feel bad but the vaccines could have for sure. Yesterday she was sick to her tummy and shook alot of the day. Poor baby. But today is a new day and she is MUCH better. She is back to her normal self. Thank goodness.
I hate seeing her sick like that.
Well I hope everyone has a great rest of the night and I will talk to you all real soon!! ~Terri


  1. Congrats on your win! I have that set and love it!!

  2. Terri,
    Congrats on you win. Hallie picked out a great stamp set

  3. Terri,
    Just me again
    I have an award for you on my blog, swing on by and pick it up!

  4. Hello Terri, thanks for visiting my blog and joining in on my candy. And congratulations on winning these lovely stamps with the faces. I've actually never seen these before! Hugs, Frea
