Little Pink Peas

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Why did my BEST friend have to die? Completely devastated!

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be making a post about my best friend Renee. Sadly, my sweet, beautiful and amazing best friend Renee passed away on Nov. 14th. 2012. Her funeral was on Nov. 24th but because I was not aware that she passed away until about a week later, which is very shocking that it took that long for me to find out, sadly it was too late for me to fly to Arizona to attend her funeral. Since I was not able to attend her memorial I wrote something to be read by one of Renee's friends, Kelly, now a friend of mine, was sweet enough to get up and read it on my behalf. This is what I wrote for Renee...

My name is Terri and Renee was my best friend. It is unfortunate that I am not able to be here today to remember and celebrate Renee’s life. Kelly was so sweet enough to read this for me.

There are only a handful of people who come into your world, and touch your life in a dramatic fashion. Some of the people are just flickers of light during a long life, while others are consistent glows for years. For me, Renee was my consistent glow. She was my best friend and we confided in each other about everything and anything.

Renee has touched so many lives with her kindness, caring, loving and peaceful nature. As I go on the journey of my life, I always know that Renee will still be with me. She will be my best friend forever. The sweet memories that she has woven into my life will live on and continue to touch lives- mine as well as many others.
Everybody will tell you what a great mother she was to her beautiful son Chris, and there is no question that is certainly true. Renee would often talk to me about Chris. She would always tell me how incredibly proud she was of him and how great he was doing in school. There was no doubt that she loved Chris more then anything and he was her entire life.

How do you say goodbye to someone like Renee who was so selfless, loving, who always supported & cared about others despite suffering from her relentless nonstop chronic pain? Renee was my source of encouragement and my source of strength when I needed it & I was always hers.
Renee has graced my life more than you will ever know. To Renee I say this: "I love you dearly and will cherish you always. I am filled with gratitude that you enriched my life in so many ways. This world was much improved by your being in it." God bless you Renee. You will be greatly missed.
May you rest in peace.

Renee was one of the most amazing friends I have ever had in my whole entire life. As you can see I am absolutely devastated, crushed and so very sad by her passing. She was so loyal and knew every single thing about me and I was very loyal to her and knew every thing about her.

I find myself calling her phone just to hear her sweet voice. Every time I call her I leave a message for her to please call me back and tell me that this is a huge misunderstanding and that she is ok. For some reason I am having a hard time believing she is really gone. The same thing happened with the death of my dad. It's just hard to believe she is really gone and that I won't be able to talk to her ever again. For the many years that Renee was in my life I was the luckiest best friend in the world. After our normal 2+ hour phone chats we would always tell each other how much we meant to each other and ended our call with "I love you honey".

The only thing that is helping me get through this is knowing that she is not in pain anymore. Renee had severe very painful jaw issues as well as severe chronic pain all over like I do. We were able to relate to each other in a way that no one else could ever understand. I will always carry my sweet Renee in my heart forever. She will be greatly missed!

I have more updates to make but will make them in a few days. For now I wanted to let you all know about Renee.

In closing...please don't take any relationship whether it is a best friend, a family member or your spouse, for granted. We never know when that dreaded day will come. Losing Renee was a complete and total shock for me and I am just thankful that she knew how much she meant to me and how much I loved and appreciated her. Renee will be in my heart forever!

Big Cricut Hugs...


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Who Wants 60 FREE 4x6 Photos? How About A $2.00 Photo Mug?

In celebration of my first beautiful grand baby girl, I wanted to share an amazing deal with you all.
Right now York Photo is having a huge sale on a lot of items.
If you go now to York Photo you will get
60 FREE 4x6 photos, 40% off of posters,
a $2.00 custom 11 ounce mug and so much more.
This was a deal I had to share with you all.
Click on the photo above or one of the two links in this post to get you your special link for your FREE 60 4x6 prints.
Unfortunately, I am laying in bed at a little past 5am sick but since I can't sleep I wanted to share this with you all.
Have a great day everyone!!
Big Cricut Hugs!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's A Beautiful Baby Girl....

It's A Beautiful Baby Girl!!!
It has been a while since I have posted but I had to share & announce some very exciting
and wonderful news to all of you!
Announcing the birth of my
1st daughter's BEAUTIFUL baby girl!
This is my 1st grandbaby and I am so excited & over the moon for my daughter, her wonderful husband
and our whole family.
Little Ms. McKenzie was born on Oct. 30th at 10:48 pm  weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz 21 1/12 inches.
McKenzie is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and Gorgeous just like her mama. Mama and baby are doing amazing and as soon as I get permission from my beautiful daughter I will post photo's of our precious, adorable and beautifully sweet McKenzie.
We are all overjoyed and so excited for the arrival of our very special beautiful special little princess!
Congratulations Lindsay & Patrick.
I love you all more then life itself!!
If Lindsay gives me the ok I will post a few pictures of McKenzie.
You will ALL just die because she is just
amazingly GORGEOUS!
I am extremely PROUD of Lindsay for delivering her 1st beautiful baby girl. Wait till you see her!! OMG!
The only thing I wish is that my dad who passed away on Jan. 5th 1994 was still here to meet his great grandbaby girl McKenzie. Below is a photo of my dad and my 1st baby Lindsay. You can tell how much he loved Lindsay by his expression in his sweet face. He was one amazing grandpa to Lindsay and I KNOW he would have been one amazing great grandpa to McKenzie!
Dad...if you are aware of what is going on and you know that you have a brand new beautiful grandbaby girl...We LOVE and MISS you more then you will ever know. We will always tell McKenzie about you and how amazing you were and how much you love her. Not one day goes by that we don't think about you. We hope you are so proud of your
granddaughter Lindsay and now
your new grandbaby McKenzie. I know you are proud so I really didn't need to say that!
On a different note, I hope that those of you who were in the path of Frankenstorm Sandy are all ok and made it through unharmed and safe. We were in the path and it was scary but thank goodness we had no damage what so ever. We did have some very strong winds and very heavy rain. Trees were knocked down all over, streets were closed but we are all ok. Thank God for that!
Some how we got very lucky. Many prayers going out to all the families who were affected in any way.
We pray for your safety and your loved ones.
One more update...a few weeks ago we have started building our brand new house and we were so worried that the storm would damage our house and the progress. We were very worried that we would have to start all over.
We spoke to our builder and thank goodness it looks like everything they have done so far is ok and nothing was damaged. I don't know how we got so lucky but we did.
We have so many blessing to count right now and I am so relieved that my 1st born daughter and her 1st born daughter are wonderful, healthy and doing great. That is the most important thing to me right now. I have been such a mess worrying about my daughter, her 1st baby! Even though we were worried about our house that we are building, that can be replaced and my daughter and grandbaby girl cannot. Someone was certainly looking out for all of us.
As soon as I can give you more updates on Lindsay and McKenzie I will do that asap!!
Big Cricut Hugs To You All!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rosalee's Scrap Lounge HUGE Blog Candy...

Rosalee's Scrap Lounge is having a HUGE
Blog Candy Giveaway.
How generous is Rosalee for going through some of her own supplies and giving such a huge lot away to one lucky winner? As always, please let Rosalee know that
Two Pink Peas sent you.
To get to Rosalee's blog either click on the photo or the link.
Good luck to you all!
Since I cannot create anything while our house is being built, which is killing me by the way, I wanted to share lot's of great giveaway's and other great finds for you. I will be back to full speed ahead soon! Cannot wait!
Big Cricut Hugs,

Scrappy Happy Mommy 1 Year Blogoversary Blog Candy Giveaway..

Scrappy Happy Mommy is celebrating her
1 year blogoversary with this huge
blog candy giveaway.
To get to her blog either click on the photo or link!
How generous of her to give one lucky winner all of these goodies!
As always please let her know that Two Pink Peas
sent you. Good Luck and if you win I would love to hear
the wonderful news!
Big Cricut Hugs!

Cuttlebug Blog Candy...

In My Minds Eye is having an amazing giveaway
for anyone who would like a chance to win a
CUTTLEBUG machine!
Easy entry and you can either click on the photo or the link to get to her blog. As always please let her know that
Two Pink Peas sent you. You all know I only do this to show blog love and support...not for any extra entries.
Good Luck and if you happen to win I would love to know.
I just found out that I won about $600 in ALOT of different prizes and because my email was messed up I lost ALL of the prizes. Bummer huh? But that is ok, as long as someone won the prizes I am ok with that. Make sure to check back on the blogs you enter so you don't lose your prizes like I did.
Until next time!
Big Cricut Hugs!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thank You all for ALL my Happy Birthday Wishes...

Yesterday was my birthday and I wanted to thank ALL of you who took the time to post on my Two Pink Peas facebook page, my personal facebook page, text messages and the many many many Happy Birthday email's you all sent to me.

As always, I had an amazing birthday and it was so much better because of all your loving and sweet comments, emails and text messages. I was overwhelmed that so many people were so kind to take time out of their day to leave me a comment or email.

I have the BEST followers and blog readers on the net.
Thank you all so so much! I am trying to respond to each and every one of you but it might take a bit of time. That is how many I received. You all really made my day!

Big Cricut Hugs To You All!


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Addicted To Pinterest...

Since learning about Pinterest a long time ago I have been completely addicted to it as all of us are. This past week I have pinning things like crazy. I wanted to share a few things I have found. These few things are really nothing compared to the amount of pins I have added to my boards.
Just really LOVE Pinterest!!
The first photo above is such a great idea for decorating your Christmas tree. Add some adorable bells to your string of lights. So CUTE! Love this and I am definetly doing this on our tree this Christmas this year.

Here are some Freebie Printable Tags. I have a board named
Craft Freebies and it is filled with so many different freebies. Head on over and see if you find something you can use.

How about making this adorable ornament for your tree this Christmas? It is a snowman. Really cute. You can do so many different things with this idea. So cute!

Here is an adorable halloween card. It is on my board called
Beautiful Crafts I LOVE I believe this was made with paper piecing! Love this alot!

Look at this handmade button wreath for your Christmas tree.
Really cute!

Look at these adorable Christmas tree tags cut out of music paper, glittered edges with bells and ribbon added.
So cute!

How about taking a special or an old letter that has alot of meaning to you and enlarging it then framing it to use as wall art? This is so clever!
Look at this very elegant painted pumpkin with an initial on it with a matching bow! I love this! It is so classy!!
How about this really cute and clever idea for a card?!
A little piggie bank card.
I love this idea and have to copy this for sure. The amount of talent in our world is seriously amazing.
Look at this little girl cake! I mean, how in the heck can cake makers create such an adorable cake and make it look so real! I LOVE this one.
I love finding new ideas and all that Pinterest has to offer.
If you have not seen my Pinterest page hop on over and take a peek. I have SO many different things pinned there. From amazing card ideas to really beautiful crafts to amazing cakes and cupcakes to adorable pet photos to great photography photo ideas to really great quotes to beautiful places and spaces to why didn't I think of that to I love my kids to creating family traditions to great teachers gifts to great food recipes to great children's activities and so on!
While you are there I would LOVE you all to follow me if you don't already.
You can click on any photo or highlighted link to get to my Pinterest page.
I hope some of this has inspired you and you have found some great ideas for any situation.
Until next time!
Big Cricut Hugs!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Scrappy Happy Mommy 1 Year Blog Candy Giveaway...Huge!

Scrappy Happy Mommy is celebrating her 1 year blogoversary by having a huge giveaway.
How sweet and generous of her to give ALL of this to one lucky winner. As always please let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. You know the deal by now that I do not get any extra entry's. Always love to support and show blog love.
Good luck and if you happen to win I would love to know.
Big Cricut Hugs!

A Mermaids Crafts Blog Candy Giveaway...

is having a giveaway.
Look at this huge blog candy Lisa is giving one lucky winner.
Please hop on over for your chance to win.
Her goal was to reach 1000 followers and she passed that
so let's keep supporting Lisa and follow her amazing blog.
As always please let Lisa know that Two Pink Peas
sent you. You all know that I do not get any extra entry's ever.
Just love to show support and blog love.
Also she is sharing a beautiful tag she made using some recent blog winnings she won. It is really pretty.
Good luck and if you win I would love to know.
Big Cricut Hugs!

Blog Candy From Terri's Tries @ Making Cards...

ordered a set of these Nestabilities Labels 1 and she already had the set and had forgot.
I do that all the time so Terri is not alone. LOL
 Want a chance to win this amazing set?
Hop on over to Terri's blog and please follow her if you don't already and let her know that Terri of Two Pink Peas sent you over. You know that I do not get any extra entry's if
you l let Terri know I sent you.
I always love to show blog love and support!
Good luck and if you win I would LOVE to know!!
Big Cricut Hugs!

Blog Candy Giveaway...

is having a huge blog candy giveaway.
Hop on over to her blog and let her know that
Two Pink Peas sent you.
I do not get any extra entry's for you letting her know.
Please follow her and support her goal of getting more followers.
Good luck to you all!

Big Cricut Hugs!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Amazing Deals...16X20 Poster Only $4.00..Personalized Stainless Steel Mug Only $2.00

Here are 2 amazing deals that I wanted to share with you all before I log off for the night.
How about getting a
16" X 20" Collage Poster for only $4.00 for a limited time??!!
It runs until August 31st....
which just happens to be my birthday!

The poster is at York Photo

One 16 X 20 Collage Poster only $4.00
Coupon Code: 4POST
Expires: August 31st. (My Birthday :o) )
PLUS..Get 40 FREE Prints Upon Registration
Regular Price $13.99

The next deal is at Ink Garden

Personalized Stainless Steel Mug only $2.00
Coupon Code: TMUG2
Save $12.99
There are a ton of different designs to chose from.

Last year I made a custom Two Pink Peas stainless steel mug exactly like this one and I love it. I hope you all are able to get these two amazing deals.
Until next time! I hope you all have a great night!

Big Cricut Hugs!

Unity Stamp Co. Winners Annoucement!

Thank you to everyone who entered in my 
 Unity Stamp Co. Bow Maker giveaway.
Sorry for the late winner announcement...
I have had major internet issues all darn day.
Finally, after much trouble I was able to connect...
So I can now announce the 2 winners..

Congratulations to....

I am SO excited for the both of you!
Please email me at and I will
place the order and have your Bow Makers sent directly to you. If you have any questions please let me know.
I love these little bow makers so much that I am going to have another giveaway for 2 of these soon.

Thank you all so much!

Big Cricut Hugs!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Last Chance Call To Enter My Unity Stamp Co. Giveaway...

Last chance call to enter for my Unity Stamp Co. Bow Maker
To enter go HERE
All of the easy entry directions are listed.
This giveaway ends in 2 days so hurry.
Good luck to you all!

Big Cricut Hugs,


Monday, August 6, 2012

Unity Blog Candy Giveaway From Two Pink Peas...

I am SO excited to sponsor this giveaway for you all.
A few days ago I ordered one of these from the
These make ADORABLE bows and you can see you are able to make several different sizes.
That is one feature that I really like alot. These are made out of Maple wood and made with the excellent quality that you would expect from Unity.
As you can see these are super cheap and only cost $3.99 and shipping is just under $3.00.
For those who don't want to wait to see if you will win one you can hop on over to the Unity Stamp Co. You have to chose an ippity chick before you can order one.
I would suggest Ippity Chick: Heather Flaherty. That is who I went with. I found her from a blog and entered one of her blog candy giveaway's. You obviously can pick anyone you want but if you don't know anyone who represents Unity then Heather would be a good CHICK to go with.
The SKU# is UBM-001

This giveaway is going to work very simple..
I will give you extra entries if you do any of the following after becoming a blog follower...
Please become a blog follower through google friend connect.

You can also follow me on facebook, twitter, pinterest and klout.. here are those links

If you would like extra entries beyond this to up your chances you can also:
 add my button to your blog
 post my giveaway on your blog
 add me to your google+ circles
 follow me on networked blogs
share this on your facebook page
tweet about this giveaway with a link to my blog
refer new blog followers & have them leave a comment that you sent them

After the winner is selected I will go to the Unity website and place an order and have it shipped directly to you.
Actually, I am SO excited about this item that I am going to give 2 (TWO) of them away! How about that??!!

Just leave me a comment letting me know what you have done for entries. Good luck to everyone and I am just so excited for this giveaway because this little tool makes the most adorable bows you have ever seen!!
Thank you for taking the time to enter and I hope whoever wins this will enjoy it as much as I know that I will!
This giveaway will run until August 13th!

Big Cricut Hugs!

P.S. I wanted to also announce that I chose a winner for my cricut cartridge & stars giveaway. It was shipped out and received already. Sorry for the delay in posting this. Good luck on this giveaway!

My Crafting Channel Giveaway...AMAZING!

My Crafting Channel is having an amazing giveaway for a
Jo-Ann store gift card.
The giveaway is worth $150.00 and you can do up to 4 different and simple ways to enter.

If you do visit My Crafting Channel and enter please let Nana know that Two Pink Peas sent you.
I do not gain any extra entries! 
It is important to me that other bloggers are aware 
of how their new followers heard about them and their giveaways.
Thank you so much in advance for letting Nana know that you found out about her giveaway from me.

Speaking about giveaway's I purchased something from the Unity Stamp Company and LOVE it so much that I am going to sponsor my own giveaway and share one (I will let you know what this item is once I post the giveaway in a few minutes) of these with one lucky follower.

Big Cricut Hugs!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Free Cricut Cartridge with Any Northridge Publishing Magazine Offer...

Hi Crafters! I found and wanted to share this AMAZING deal for those who want to take advantage!

Northridge Publishing is offering One FREE Cricut Cartridge with a 12 month subscription of any of their magazines. According to the promotion you can choose from over 100 Cricut Cartridges.

To take advantage of this offer you need to do the following..

1. Order a 12 issue subscription to any one of these magazines

2. On the checkout confirmation page, copy your confirmation number and send it in an email to

3. Take the coupon code you are sent in reply, good for 100% off any cartridge, and order the free cartridge of your choice from, (be sure to enter the coupon code during checkout), and you're done! (S&H not included).

I am not sure how long this promotion goes for, but I hope for those of you who are interested in getting a free cricut cartridge with your magazine subscription you are able to get one before it ends.
This would be an amazing gift for someone!
Christmas is only 4 months away.

Since I am posting this I wanted to let you all know that I have been having some internet issues and I have so many Craft Wars episodes to catch up on. Now that I think the internet should not be an issue anymore I should be getting to those soon. I hope you all are doing well and I will talk to you soon!

Big Cricut Hugs! 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

We Finally Moved Out Of Our House Update..

Well I never thought I would be posting about our family finally selling and moving out of our house so soon!
But thank goodness our house finally sold and this past weekend we moved out. Our house was on the market for a little over one year and there for a while we, well me really, did not believe it would actually sell.
Den my husband knew it would sell all along and he
would always reassure me every time I felt down about all
of the fruitless showings and especially
how long it was on the market.

In the 6 years that we have lived in this house I did not really realize how much stuff we have accumulated until we had to pack it and move it. Several months ago we packed up
half of our house to make it look a lot bigger for the showings and we put our stuff in a storage unit. After moving completely out this past weekend we now have 2 full storage units.
This is even after a few huge yard sales at Den's parents house. That is how much stuff we had.

Because of my recent knee surgery I was not able to do as much as I would have liked to. Den and my 13 year old son Casey did most of the work. Casey did such an amazing job helping his dad and I was so proud of him. Hallie helped me go through and separate my craft items. We had to take all of the items that could get ruined from the extreme heat like ink, paint, rubber stamps and items like that and we boxed those items up and took them to Den's parents house. I am so grateful that they let us keep those items in their house. As we all know craft items are so darn expensive and I did not want one thing damaged or ruined. I was so cautious that I took all my cricut cartridges and overlays and took them to Den's parents house. There was no way I was going to take a chance. I am sure they would have been ok but since I own over 200 plus cricut cartridges I was not going to chance it.

Bella, my yorkie-poo, was very stressed out while we were moving out. She kept running up to our master bedroom and when she would walk in and see it empty or even half empty she would whine and whimper. I felt so bad for her because this is the only house she knows. She would not eat and I had to pretty much force her to drink. The last day when we were cleaning up she got sick and she never does that. The good news is that Bella is doing ok now. In a million years I never thought that she would be so upset like that. The most important thing is that Bella is ok now and I feel much better.

The family that bought our house has 2 young children and our house is perfect for them. I hope they enjoy it as much
as we did. We have so many memories as this was the
very first house we bought.
Those memories can never be taken away from us!

So now the real fun begins. We can now start building our new house. Our family is obviously very excited! It should be done in about 3 months or so. We will be documenting every single step of the way and I will be sharing that with you all.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me and as soon as we move into our new house and my new Two Pink Peas Studio is all set up be prepared for tons of new crafts, cards, scrapbook pages and everything in between. I can't wait and it cannot come fast enough for me.. lol. Den designed my
Two Pink Peas Studio for me and it is going to be amazing!

But I wanted to give you all an update and let you all know that we finally moved out and are starting this new and very exciting chapter in our lives. Now that I am able to relax some I will be able to post my new giveaway from my new sponsor. My goal was to have it posted weeks ago but since we sold our house things went so fast that I literally had no time to do it. I really apologize for the delay! So stay tuned for that!
Until then...

Big Cricut Hugs To You All...


P.S. The first photo above is Bella in our old living room. The second photo is Bella in our master bedroom. It looks so weird empty like it is. But it is time to move on to bigger and better things for our family!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

4th Of July Cards & Other Great Ideas

Hi crafters! Since I am not able to craft and I am still recovering from knee surgery I wanted to share some really great and beautiful ideas for the 4th of July that I found off of Pinterest. You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking the link. I would love to have you follow me there if you would like to!
The picture above is a beautiful pocket card.
I really love this one! Too cute!


What about a beautiful way to decorate your table.


Here are some adorable 4th of July cards!

How about some printable Bingo cards using heart buttons?

This is a cute way to decorate drinks. I love the wood crate!

Here is a 4th of July invitation. So adorable!

Another cute card.

How about using paint chip cards for a
Stars & Stripes banner?
Cute idea!

Here are some great children's book!

Another paint chip card made into a flag.

I LOVE these firework shaped name tags for the table.
So super cute!


Another beautiful 4th of July table. The sparklers on the plate are wrapped and decorated! Super cute idea!

More printable Bingo cards. Super Cute and colorful!

What about adding playing cards to your bike spokes?


And lastly here are some beautifully made star shaped
name place holders.

I hope this gave you all some great ideas on how to decorate for this 4th of July. There are so many great ideas on Pinterest and I add new amazing items all the time. Plus I follow some really amazing boards! If you would like to follow me at Pinterest I would love to have you.
I hope you all have a safe and amazing 4th of July.

Until next time!
Big Cricut Hugs!

P.S. I apologize if the pics are a little smaller then usual. All of these are pinned on Pinterest on my boards. You can see them bigger and get more info if you wish.