Little Pink Peas

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Scrappy Happy Mommy 1 Year Blog Candy Giveaway...Huge!

Scrappy Happy Mommy is celebrating her 1 year blogoversary by having a huge giveaway.
How sweet and generous of her to give ALL of this to one lucky winner. As always please let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. You know the deal by now that I do not get any extra entry's. Always love to support and show blog love.
Good luck and if you happen to win I would love to know.
Big Cricut Hugs!


  1. Hi Terri! Just wanted to say you are such a blessing in the blogging community!! I'm sure there are a few that just follow these people for the blog candy, but I for one thank you for bringing bloggers to my attention that I didn't know before! There are some awesome people out there and a lot of blog buds have become my best friends! Big hugs to you!! Keep doing what you do :)


  2. TFS!!!what a nice way to Celebrate UR Blogger friend 2 yr. anniv...Hugs!!!

  3. Tina.. Thank you for such a remarkably sweet comment you left for me. You really made my day! I know that alot of blog followers only follow so they can enter and once the giveaway is over they unfollow. Once I follow a blog it is forever no matter who wins the giveaway. One of my most favorite things about blogging is getting to meet and know so many amazing bloggers and blog readers. Thank you again for your really sweet comment. It was one of the most sweetest things any one has ever said to me. Big hugs back to you Tina! Terri of Two Pink Peas

  4. Thank you Sarah! You are so sweet! I always love getting such sweet comments like you and Tina leave for me. It really brightens my day when I read them. Plus, they really mean alot to me! Hugs to you too Sarah! Terri of Two Pink Peas
