Little Pink Peas

Sunday, July 15, 2012

We Finally Moved Out Of Our House Update..

Well I never thought I would be posting about our family finally selling and moving out of our house so soon!
But thank goodness our house finally sold and this past weekend we moved out. Our house was on the market for a little over one year and there for a while we, well me really, did not believe it would actually sell.
Den my husband knew it would sell all along and he
would always reassure me every time I felt down about all
of the fruitless showings and especially
how long it was on the market.

In the 6 years that we have lived in this house I did not really realize how much stuff we have accumulated until we had to pack it and move it. Several months ago we packed up
half of our house to make it look a lot bigger for the showings and we put our stuff in a storage unit. After moving completely out this past weekend we now have 2 full storage units.
This is even after a few huge yard sales at Den's parents house. That is how much stuff we had.

Because of my recent knee surgery I was not able to do as much as I would have liked to. Den and my 13 year old son Casey did most of the work. Casey did such an amazing job helping his dad and I was so proud of him. Hallie helped me go through and separate my craft items. We had to take all of the items that could get ruined from the extreme heat like ink, paint, rubber stamps and items like that and we boxed those items up and took them to Den's parents house. I am so grateful that they let us keep those items in their house. As we all know craft items are so darn expensive and I did not want one thing damaged or ruined. I was so cautious that I took all my cricut cartridges and overlays and took them to Den's parents house. There was no way I was going to take a chance. I am sure they would have been ok but since I own over 200 plus cricut cartridges I was not going to chance it.

Bella, my yorkie-poo, was very stressed out while we were moving out. She kept running up to our master bedroom and when she would walk in and see it empty or even half empty she would whine and whimper. I felt so bad for her because this is the only house she knows. She would not eat and I had to pretty much force her to drink. The last day when we were cleaning up she got sick and she never does that. The good news is that Bella is doing ok now. In a million years I never thought that she would be so upset like that. The most important thing is that Bella is ok now and I feel much better.

The family that bought our house has 2 young children and our house is perfect for them. I hope they enjoy it as much
as we did. We have so many memories as this was the
very first house we bought.
Those memories can never be taken away from us!

So now the real fun begins. We can now start building our new house. Our family is obviously very excited! It should be done in about 3 months or so. We will be documenting every single step of the way and I will be sharing that with you all.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me and as soon as we move into our new house and my new Two Pink Peas Studio is all set up be prepared for tons of new crafts, cards, scrapbook pages and everything in between. I can't wait and it cannot come fast enough for me.. lol. Den designed my
Two Pink Peas Studio for me and it is going to be amazing!

But I wanted to give you all an update and let you all know that we finally moved out and are starting this new and very exciting chapter in our lives. Now that I am able to relax some I will be able to post my new giveaway from my new sponsor. My goal was to have it posted weeks ago but since we sold our house things went so fast that I literally had no time to do it. I really apologize for the delay! So stay tuned for that!
Until then...

Big Cricut Hugs To You All...


P.S. The first photo above is Bella in our old living room. The second photo is Bella in our master bedroom. It looks so weird empty like it is. But it is time to move on to bigger and better things for our family!


  1. Congrats on the sale of ur home & ur New coming adventure for ur family...

  2. Aww...look at little is she adjusting so far? It is moments like these that show the true strength of your family, huh? Hope all is well with you and you are recovering quickly. Can't wait to see that new Studio.
    Blessings sweetie!
    Jessica S
