Little Pink Peas

Friday, July 1, 2011

Today I Received The Sweetest Gift Ever....

Today after many many years apart I reconnected with my dad's sister Carol. She gave me the sweetest gift that I think I have ever gotten...she gave me pictures of my Dad and his twin brother as little boys and as they grew older. I have not seen any of these pictures, except for 2 of them but this really has meant so much to me. I thought I would share these with you all if that is ok.

This is my dad and his twin as babies!

My dad and his twin a little older.

Both of them dad is on the right!

Again, my dad is on the right and his twin on the left.
My dad on the right, his twin on the left.

These are both of my dad while in the Vietnam army.

At my mom and dad's wedding.

Thank you Aunt Carol for taking the time to upload these for me. She said it took her 6 hours to get them loaded for me and that she was determined to get it done so I could see them today. How amazing and sweet is that?
Anyway, thanks for letting me share these pictures of my dad with you. He is missed so much and I just wish he was still here. Aunt Carol, I love you and thank you so much for doing this for me! What a precious, precious gift that I will always cherish! ~Terri 


  1. Wow! Those pictures are a very special gift!! Are you going to scrap them? When my grandma went to live in the nursing home, I was given lots of old pictures and I had so much fun scrapping them! Some of my great grandparents that I had never seen before. Those are probably my most precious albums!

  2. What a special gift! I'm a family researcher, so I understand how you feel.

  3. Wow! What a great gift! :) Those are priceless! ♥

  4. Great pics of your dad. Very handsome gentleman.I bet looking at them brings back many, many memories.

  5. Terri, these are very special pics of your Dad... he was a very handsome man! My Father is also gone and missed so much and I wish I had such wonderful photos of him. I am happy for you and know that you will treasure them so! TFS!

  6. Those are wonderful. What a priceless gift.

  7. that is so nice of you to share those pics with us!! it is obvious how special they are to you! may God bless your Aunt Carol for doing that for you!

  8. Hi Terri!

    Don't you love looking at old pictures? That was so nice of your Aunt to pass these along to you. Your dad is very handsome and your mom is so pretty! Did you ever see the movie Goodfellas? Your mom looks just like the actress that played Karen Hill, I think it was Lorane Bracco, (or something like like). What wonderful photos!

    I hope your having a great 4th of July! :)

