Little Pink Peas

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Of July From Two Pink Peas...

Happy 4th of July everyone!! I hope everyone is spending time with your family and loved ones today and having a wonderful time!!

Our fireworks were 2 nights ago as it is usually is early in the city that I live in. But because we had strong winds and rain that night they had to light the fireworks right away and do it in a hurry because they thought that everything would get wet.

Anyhow, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July and also wanted to let everyone know that I will pick a winner of the Cinch at the end of this week. I know everyone is anxious to find out who won as I would want to know myself. So I will pick a winner on Friday or Saturday. Good luck everyone and have a Happy 4th of July!!! ~Terri

P.S. If you have not gone to my facebook page yet you can go here and for my Twitter page you can go here.  I would love to have you follow me on both facebook and twitter because I will be doing special giveaways on both of those pages someday soon. You do not want to miss that!! Talk to you all soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a great 4th of July with your family... our little City didn't even do any fireworks but boy the neighborhood kids (more like their Dad's) did! We had a very relaxing day, my Grandaughter and "inlaw had stayed for the week and left on the 3rd so we were exhaused and went to bed early!! YEP... looking forward to giveaway day... pickmepickmepickme! - (Secret coded language) Talk to you later this week then... hugs, Pendra
