Little Pink Peas

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two Pink Peas Won A Major Makeover Thanks To...

Whoooo Hoooo.. I wanted to thank 2 Moms Talk because I won this amazing blog candy giveaway. So that means that Two Pink Peas is getting a Major makeover and boy do I need Thank you girls SO much for providing this to me, this layout is simply gorgeous and I appreciate it SO much. If you have not stopped by their blog before I would highly recommend dropping by. They offer alot of free items for your blog and boy are they talented! I really did not think I had a chance to win but when I got home today I got an email from them letting me know that I won. My luck lately has been really great, huh? I can't believe it!
So to 2 Moms Talk Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!
 I can't wait to see the finished product. I know it is going to be gorgeous and perfect!!! :o)

If you have never been to their blog before trust me when I say that you NEED to hop on over and take a peek. They are very talented ladies and you will love it and want to follow them. Have a great night everyone!! ~Terri


  1. Congratulations!! Can't wait to see your blog makeover!!

  2. Congrats..what a perfect color combo for your blog if that is the one you are actually getting. Looking forward to the makeover...hugs

  3. Congrats on your "more" blog candy. Man, girl -- w/ all the blog candy you've winning lately, I think you should go and buy a LOTTO ticket. Looks like good luck is coming your way, which is great, cuz you so deserve it!! Enjoy!! :-)

  4. WOW!!! How fun! YOU DESERVE IT! I truly believe that good fortune comes to those who are giving and good to others and don't expect to get anything in return for their own generosity! Can't wait to see the makeover!
    we inherited another yorkie puppy 2 nights ago. I will try to get pics up soon

  5. Congrats! I can't wait to see it!!

  6. Congrats on your win!
    And thanks for visiting the Pixie blog and the shout out for Pixie, good luck!

  7. I think your blog already looks good, but I am excited to see the makeover! :)

  8. Good for you Terri, you deserve it! I will miss the pink and brown but I have no doubt the new blog design will be stunning! Congrats!

