Little Pink Peas

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thank You For Another Sweet Blog Award...

I have been so busy lately that I have not had a chance to post a Thank You to Jenn at That was so sweet of you to think of me and it really means alot to me that you picked me out of all of the amazing blogs out there. I do want to say that I am sorry for not posting this sooner so I hope that you did not take it personally where you felt that this award did not mean anything to me. It really does!! So thank you so much again!! You are just so sweet!

The rules of the award are to thank the person who gave it to you, tell 7 things about yourself, and then pass it on to 8 others. 

7 Things About Me:

1.) Since my son joked about me being short I thought I would tell you how short I am.. I am 5'2..

2.) Coach is my favorite handbags in the whole entire world!

3.) I love my Ugg boots and wear them almost every day!

4.) When I was in high school I had to carry an "Egg Baby" for 1 week. Well my mom made it for me and it broke within the first few days so she had to perform "surgery" and cut open the panty hose body and replace the egg. I still have it and here is a picture of it... Boy is this old!!

My mom has ALWAYS been a very talented crafter. I should take pictures of some of the things she has made for me over the years and you would be blown away. When she made my Egg Baby soft sculpture dolls were just becoming poplular. I still love this little Egg Baby. I had the cutest one in the whole entire school!!

5.) I am a major people person and I love to give!

6.) I think I have told you all that on Nov. 20th 2002 I had to have a total joint replacement on both sides of my jaw, my tmj area. I have severe chronic pain and must take pain medications for the rest of my life.

7.) I mostly drink water but I love rootbeer!! Boy it is hard coming up with 7 random things about

I want to pass this award on to these sweet blogs.. Evy Carrie K

I want to thank Jenn again for passing this on to me. You are a real sweetheart and I feel honored to be one of the blogs that made your list!! Have a great day everyone!! ~Terri



  1. You are welcome!! Thanks for always sharing such crafty things!!


  2. Congrats Terri! You deserve a sweet award for being such a sweet person! Ok, I have to add more to our "in common list"... I have you beat by an inch, 5"3, down from 5'5! (Argh...) I too love Coach and I have 4 pairs of Uggs, love em! Too funny!

    I was so thrilled making the b-day card for Salifu today! I ran out to Archiver's and picked up some special things just for his card. I will email the picture in the morning, I just finished it and it's drying. What a good feeling knowing something you do means so much to another person, isn't it? Have a good evening Terri! :)


  3. Terri,
    Congrats on your award.
    Sweet award for such a sweet person

  4. Oh wow, Terri. I'm so honored that you picked my blog. I just started to follow you and I'm shooked that you would think of me. Thanks you so much for this award. Hugs, Friday

  5. Congrats on the award and on your win from Tammys blog!! I love it when I see names of people I "know" on winners lists!!

  6. Wow! I am super excited to have my first award. I would like to thank you Terri. I was surprised and happy . Thank you so much Terri for brighten my day.

  7. Congrats on the award.

    hey, Pixie Dust Paperie is having a giveaway, please come join in the fun!

  8. Hey sweetie... Congrats on your award, and thanks for mine! You are so sweeeeeeet to think of me for this, I spent a month trying to get my blog set up... it is getting better and considering I am not very computer literate it is surprising it is as good as it is! Okay so now I have some work to do in lieu of this honor. Thanks honey! (And still waiting to see who is the winner of your candy... love to hear my name hehehehe or to hear what the winner says, fun fun fun)!
