Little Pink Peas

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Baby Avery Passed Away...

I was very sad and upset to read that beautiful little Avery passed away on April 30th 2012. This is what happened according to Avery's daddy on Avery's blog..

Hello everyone this is Avery's father. Avery passed away yesterday sometime around 3pm due to pulmonary complications related to SMA. In short, one of her lungs collapsed and she went into cardiac arrest. I immediately performed CPR on her and was able to bring her back to life, but only for a brief period of time before she passed away shortly after arriving at the hospital. Avery's passing this quickly came as a complete shock to all of us, as she had just been given a thumbs up at her last doctors appointment only three days ago. While we were aware of the severity of her diagnosis, we never lost hope for Avery and even in her passing, we still have hope for our daughter and all of her friends. I'm going to share a note Avery gave me back when all of this started, but made me promise not to open until I knew the time was right...(The note is on Avery's blog and the link is below))

This photo was taken 15 to 20 minutes before Avery passed. Before reading about Avery I never knew about SMA. This sweet angel has made a HUGE impact on our world in such a short time. Please visit Avery's Blog and Avery's Facebook Page.

I admire Avery's parents for loving their sweet little baby so much and how they are raising awareness about SMA. They are trying to raise enough money to help other babies with SMA. If you are able to donate anything...even if only $1.00! Think about it.. if every single person donated $1.00 they would have a TON of money to help the research and help find a cure for SMA. Every penny counts! Avery and her story has touch my heart in a very special way and I will never forget about her. Don't forget to count your blessings tonight and hug your babies tight.

Avery...thank you for sharing your beautiful life with all of us. You will be missed by millions and millions but your spirit and memory will live on in our hearts forever!

Big Avery Hugs To You All!!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, was sorry to hear this news. You are an angel to help spread awareness for Avery's family's wish to do so! Bless you Terri!
    Jessica S
