Little Pink Peas

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heads Up..Getting Ready For A New Two Pink Peas Giveaway...

Hi girls!! How is everyone doing today? Excellent, I hope. After running my many errands that I have to do today I will be posting a brand new giveaway sponsored by ME. It is a huge Thank You for being so loyal to me and Two Pink Peas. I will be gathering some items together and will post all about this giveaway later tonight when I have time to sit down and put it all together. In other news, a new sponsor contacted me a few weeks ago and we are working on a giveaway sponsored by them so until that giveaway is ready I wanted to do a giveaway for you all right now meaning today!!! :O) 

Plus, my birthday is on the 31st of this month so this giveaway will be in honor of my birthday and me getting older..LOL. The BIG 42!! Ouch is all I can say. I don't know about you girls and guys but my mind does NOT feel 42!  I certainly don't look like I am going to be 42. To be perfectly honest with you about 99% of the people are always shocked and I mean shocked when they find how old I am. Thank goodness I at least inherited great genes for that..LOL. My body on the other hand feels 102 years old.. sheesh. There is nothing I can do about how my body feels since I have severe chronic pain on my jaw/tmj (my whole face is actually always in pain) from my total joint replacement and I also have fibromyalgia.  Enough sad talk and back to my giveaway, I wanted to give you a heads up that I will post the giveaway tonight (it is my goal to post it tonight so please don't be upset if I can't actually post it until tomorrow. I am going to do my very very best to post it today or tonight sometime)!!!

Obviously my blog candy will be all craft items and all brand new!  It's just a simple thank you for being loyal and oh no I am getting older giveaway! LOL

I hope you have a fabulous day everyone and I will talk to you later today!

Hugs to you ALL!! ~Terri

P.S. I know that some of you have chronic pain or suffer from fibromyalgia so I wanted to let you know that I am in an AMAZING facebook fibromyalgia group if you would like to join. When you have chronic pain you need support and this group will give you tons of support plus so much more. If you are interested just leave me a comment here and I will get back to you with the link to join. Trust me when I say this is a very special group and I love it so much. These girls help me get through my very rough days, so if you suffer from chronic pain or fibro think about joining. You will really love it!! Sorry for all of the


  1. That's so nice of you. I love looking at your blog because you always do such cool stuff.

  2. I turned 40 this year and am still trying to figure out how that happened! LOL. I hope you have an awesome birthday!

  3. 42 ewwwwwww... you are soooooo old! My Birthday is on the 27th of this month too and I will be 54.... oh that was hard to even type!!! Can't wait to see your next giveaway!!!!

  4. Hiya Terri. I've been unable to come by your blog for a while now cuz it was showing a warning of "malware" and wouldn't let me in. Glad to see that you're up & running again. :-)

    I wanted to e-mail you to tell you about it but dum-dum here deleted ALL of her messages and lost your e-mail addy. Good one, eh? Would you please e-mail me so I have your e-mail addy again.


  5. I just celebrated 42 years of life last month!!! I'm so glad to have great genes my younger sisters both look older than me. LOL

  6. Hey your still young chickie, I just turned 49, but I remember what it was like to be 42.
    That is very sweet of you to do a give away to celebrate your birthday.
    Hugs & Blessings

