Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Surgery Tomorrow.. No New Cards For A Few Days...

Hi everyone! I have been busy tying things up before my surgery tomorrow. Sorry that I have not added any new cards today. There will probably not be any new ones tomorrow either. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am not slacking just busy. I appreciate all your kind comments and love all of your visits to my blog. Please keep coming back and please follow me if you have not done so already. I want you to be a part of my contests and giveaways but need to be a follower to do so. Contests and giveaways are coming soon. I will post something tomorrow if I can letting you all know how I am doing. Talk to you soon! ~Terri


  1. good luck, Terri! Hope all goes well.

  2. Terri - Prayer for the surgery and a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself, we will still be here when you return! :)


  3. Hope all goes well, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Hope things go well for you tomorrow. Prayers for you and look forward to you being back in the saddle. Melissa

  5. Good luck with the surgery today! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!


  6. Good luck, Terri. I'll be sending prayers up for you!! {{hugs}}
