Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

RUN..$.25 Burlap Rolls Sale Walmart...RUN! RUN! RUN! My Incredible Burlap Haul....

Crafters boy do I ever have a monster of a 
SALE for you...
While shopping at my local Walmart today I was cruising the craft aisle, you know like I always do, and on one of the end caps they had a bunch of burlap. 
The price sign on the top said the burlap was the normal price of $3.47 so I grabbed 2 rolls of off white burlap and off I went.

Before I check out I always scan my items at a price checker just to see if the item rings up a different price or is on sale...well as you can imagine my shock, surprise & GIDDY excitement when they rang up for only .25. That's right a quarter for a roll of burlap! I never moved so fast in my life to get back to the burlap and I grabbed as much as I could. 
People were literally looking at me like I was a crazy woman but I didn't care, not one little

Now we all know that us crafters love shopping for craft supplies but we love it even more when you find an AMAZING deal such as this. Shoot, I am still excited that I found all this burlap for .25. 

Listen to my savings.... All of this burlap totalled $14.25 but if I paid full price I would have paid a whopping $197.79!!! WOW!

If you shop at Walmart RUN...Run as fast as you can to see if the burlap is marked down at your store. Just remember that even if the sign says a certain amount it may be on sale so SCAN your items before you check out that way you can get more if you wish. My Walmart had other burlap on the end caps that rang up at $2.00 and the normal $3.47 so if you are not sure if it is on clearance just ask someone. I'm betting that the $2.00 burlap is most likely on clearance for .25 too but they just didn't get marked down. Actually I am gonna head back tomorrow and see if those ones are also on clearance. 

 Each burlap roll is 5.5"x30 feet for the normal burlap rolls and the smaller, colored rolls are 5.5" x 15 feet.
That's a lot of burlap!!

If you all find burlap at your store I would love to know if you were able to get them for .25. I am sending out big clearance vibes to you all.. hopefully that helps! As always feel free to leave a comment telling me what amazing deals you found and how much you got. 
Happy Shopping!

As always Big Burlap Hugs....

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