Little Pink Peas

Friday, May 25, 2012

Update On Me & My Happy Spring Giveaway...

Hi guys! I know it has been awhile since I have posted. Especially since I first posted my latest happy spring giveaway. I wanted to explain to my blog readers, followers and those who entered my spring giveaway why I have not picked a winner yet. I promise that I have a good reason!

This past few months my health has taken a turn and I have had to be on some pretty serious medications to try and get things under control. For the past year there have been some elevations and markers in my blood that my doctor is very concerned about. After some further testing she said that I could have either one of these 3 diseases...they are either lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or cancer. None of them are conditions or diseases that I would want. But what person would want any disease? No one that I know!  My doctor ruled out Lupus and we are almost positive that rheumatoid arthritis is not the culprit is not the issue either. There is a high rate of cancer in my family so cancer really makes me nervous. My dad passed away from cancer at the age of 49. Anyhow, Six months ago my doctor started me on this very serious medication to see if it would help change things. Unfortunately this medication did not change anything. My blood work actually got worse. So I was told to the stop the medication and let me tell you I was more then happy to stop it. It had some pretty serious side effects including blindness and thank goodness I was lucky enough not to have any of the side effects. When I heard that blindness was a side effect I was very hesitant to take it. But in order to get better I took the chance and thank goodness I had no side effects and I can still see. :o) It is a shame that 6 months have passed by and my condition has only gotten worse.

My doctor said the next step is to start me on chemo therapy. I am not sure how long I am supposed to be on it. It could be a few months to a year as she is not sure. I just know that I am not looking forward to the massive side effects of this medication including losing my hair. I have a ton of long, naturally curly thick hair that I do not want to lose. But according to my doctor this is what is next and my goal is to feel better as that is the most important part of all of this.

On top of all that, like that is not enough, I have been having some serious issues with my knees, especially my left knee. It has been swollen like super swollen and I have been in some serious pain for over 1 year now. The medication that I took for the 6 months should have helped my knee symptoms but unfortunately it did nothing. So after getting an x-ray and an MRI it was revealed this week that I have a tear in my left meniscus as well as some serious osteoarthritis and bone spurs on both sides of my knee that require surgery to correct these several issues. The surgeons will smooth out my knee bones on each side as well as remove those several bone spurs. He will also drain the excess fluid that is causing my knee to look several times it's normal size. I also have a pretty bad case of bursitis in several areas all around my knee. Boy oh boy, I can tell you that it is very painful. The best way I can describe the pain is that it feels like a hot poker is being jabbed inside my knee.  This pain never stops no matter what I do. So my knee surgery will be on June 7th. I will have to be off of my knee for 6 to 12 weeks and then I will have to start physical therapy.

Hopefully that will take care of my knee but I now must see an oncologist to see what other treatments are best for me for my other health issue. If it is not one thing it is another! I am trying to stay as positive as possible. My friends and family are always there to support me and they really have helped me accept all of this is going on and I can beat it all and get better. I really am not sure what I would do without them! They are the best!!

Because all of this is going on right now I have decided to leave my giveaway opened for a bit longer and hopefully that is OK with you all. Once everything calms down I promise I will pick a winner and you will be the first to know who won.

Thank you all for your understanding and for being patient with me while I go through all of this. I am looking forward to feeling better and getting back on my feet. Not sure how long it will take for me to get there but it is my goal to get better as soon as possible.

As I continue to get more updates I will keep you all posted! Just know that I hope you all are doing well and I miss being on here blogging and posting my newest projects! Thank you for understanding and for continuing to follow me here at
Two Pink Peas!!

Big Cricut Hugs!


  1. You will be in my prayers. Take care of yourself!!!

  2. wow Iam so sorry for all of your Medical Issues I hop and pray all will get better for you. Keep the Faith.
    thanks for the fact you told us Prayers are on the way.

  3. Praying for you! Stay strong and think positive. Your health is far more important than the giveaway, we can be patient. Relax and concentrate on you and your family.

  4. What dreadful news, Terri! So sorry to hear about all the discomfort you're in, not to mention the more menacing possibilities. I'm not a regular patron of your shop (I was laid off my job 21 months ago and have been on less than a shoestring budget for my craft supplies) but I am a regular reader of your blog. I wish you a speedy recovery from the knee surgery (been there myself) and hope you tolerate the chemo well. As far as the hair goes, you can always cut it off now and have a wig made of your own hair if you can afford to do that. Otherwise there are some beautiful wigs on the market. Take good care of yourself! You'll be in my prayers.

  5. Praying for you to get better. big hug

  6. Will be thinking of you and praying for your recovery. Anne x

  7. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry you've been having to deal with all of these health issues. I suffer from an autoimmune problem myself and I know how hard it can be to diagnose and treat. I am hoping that your doctors can figure out a good treatment for you and that you will be doing better soon. Will be thinking of you as you have your knee surgery, and I know that your recovery from that will be long and extended. Hope that you are able to relax with some crafting during your recuperation...big hugs to you!

  8. Take care of yourself, hope you feel better soon.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  9. In my thoughts & prayers.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
