Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winner Announced For Custom Made Stamp Giveaway...


Before I annouce the winner of the Custom Made Stamp Giveaway by Skip The Stamp Man I want to apologize to all of my followers and blog readers for being late in posting this. This past week I was super sick and I just could not get online to post the winner. I had to postpone my surgery because I was so ill. So I really apologize for not posting this on time as promised.

The winner of the custom made stamp is....

Ellen ♥ of CardMonkey

Ellen became a follower of Two Pink Peas and her comment was...

"I shared your giveaway on Facebook. Hopefully, this will add to your comments/followers. Thank you for sharing!
 P.S. I'd like to win one! "

Congratulations Ellen and thank you for becoming a new follower of my blog and for letting your facebook fans know about my giveaway. I will be sending you an email in just a second. If you are interested in getting a custom made stamp from Skip The Stamp Man please visit him on Ebay at his store The-Worms-Pajamas . Skip, I wanted to thank you again for sponsoring another giveaway. I really appreciate everything you have done for me and Two Pink Peas.

Congratulations Ellen.. I hope you enjoy your new custom made stamp from Skip!! I would love to see a photo of it when you receive it from Skip.

Until next time.. Big Cricut Hugs!