Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bella's First Day Home...

Den holding Bella..Look how tiny she was.

Again, Daddy (Bella knows Den as daddy) holding Bella.

Daddy still cuddling Bella.. She already loves him!!

Look how tiny Bella is.. and she has been wearing clothes since this day 1. She LOVES her clothes and goes nuts when she gets new clothes to wear. One day I will video tape her when I change her clothes so you can see how crazy so is so super funny!! She is a girly girl for sure!! 

Hallie and Casey getting Bella's cage ready to go. They were so excited to have her they did not want us to go home.

So here she sweet, sweet Bella!! This was her very first day home. Well, not home but Den, Casey and Hallie were camping so they were in our camper and I stopped on my way home to show them Bella.

This is the story about how I got my Bella. First I want to start by saying that we always rescue animals from shelters and not purchase animals from pet stores. Casey and Hallie were invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and after the party was over Den and Casey wanted to go into the hobby shop. They LOVE trains and stuff. So Hallie and I were walking down the plaza and noticed that Pet Land had some kind of thing going on outside in front of their store on the sidewalk. They had cotton candy, snacks and other things. Hallie wanted to stop to get some cotton candy, of course. Isn't that why they have those types of treats and stuff?? It sure got us inside the store!! Well, we don't like to buy puppies or cats from pet stores because of the puppy mill issue. Well, Hallie and I walked into the store to waste some time while waiting for Den and Casey. I have always wanted a yorkshire terrier and we were looking at all of the puppies and I saw Bella and asked if I could play with her in those little closed off play areas they have. Well, not even 2 seconds later I fell in love with her. I played with her, and I recorded her on my cell phone and called Den to tell him about Bella. Yes, I named her right there on the spot. Well, Hallie and I HAD to have her. She was unlike any puppy I had ever seen. I don't know what it was about her but she was very special. Right away Den was NO, no dogs from pet stores. I of course could not take no for an answer but I had to give in, for the time being. Well for 2 weeks I literally cried every single day because I was so worried about her. I was really scared that she would go home with abusive owners. I called the store every single day, several times a day and I would say "Is my Bella still there?" They knew who I They would always say "Yes, Terri Bella is still here". So after 2 weeks of crying to Den, my being worried about her I stopped in the store, without Den knowing because I had to see her. I knew I was NOT going to leave that store without her and I didn't. Den finally gave in. It was 1 day past our 10 year wedding anniversary. Bella has been the biggest gift ever. Puppy mills disgust me and I can't understand how people can treat animals like that just to make money. But this was my thinking. Bella was born, it was not her fault that she could have been from a puppy mill and my thought was that I was going to rescue her and I did not care how much money she cost. I ended up spending a little over $1300.00 for her but she was worth every single penny and then some. You all know how much I love her and she has returned so much more to me 100 times over. I believe that things happen for a reason and I really believe it was no accident that I walked into that pet store that day, I believe it was no accident that she was still available almost 2 weeks after I first met and named her. She was meant to be mine. The little pink shirt Bella is wearing on her first day said "Daddy's Little Girl" on the back... how CUTE is that? As you can see Den just fell in love with her right away. I told you all before that I have never felt this way about any animal before but Bella is very very special and I don't know what it is. If you ever meet her you would see how special she is. I am just so thankful that I was able to get her. Anyhow, I had to share these very precious first moments of Bella meeting her family with you all. That is all for today.. 3 blog posts in one that is a record for me..I think anyway..LOL!!
Many many hugs to you all and thank you for visiting
Two Pink Peas. I will talk to you all in a day or so!!

Our House My Hubby Built...Too Cute... as I told you in my last post about my husband Dennis building a little model house out of regular white cardstock paper so I could actually see what our real house would look like. This is what he came up with. He is really really smart, sometimes too smart if you know what I mean..LOL. Seriously though, I found it really super sweet that he spent 2 to 4 hours making this just so I can see what our new house might look like. Here are several pictures of his model.

This will be the front of our house. He made the roof removable so I am going to show you the actual floor plan inside too.

This will be the back of our house. Do you see the little room that sticks out in the middle on the bottom? Well that will be our all season sun room! Then right on top of that is my craft room. He made is where my craft room bumps out over the sun room so I can see our kids playing in the back yard or swimming in our in ground swimming pool. To the left where you see the big rectangle that will be 3 windows and that will be our living room. So we will be able to see the sun room from the windows in the living room.

This is the garage side of the house. Right above the garage is our master bedroom. I will show you the floor plan of that too. But you can see the sun room sticking out better on the left hand side on the back of the house. So cute!! Don't ya think?

This is the other side of the house. Again you can see the all season sun room sticking out of the back on the right. The window you see on the 2nd floor is a window going up the steps from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor. 

This is the floor plan of the 1st floor. It is an open floor plan. We went back and forth deciding if we wanted an open floor plan or a floor plan like the house that we are living in right now. We decided that we want the open floor plan and are very happy and excited with that. Den's office will be in the front on the right after you walk in to the house. Then to the left is our dining room complete a beautiful tray ceiling with lights. On the bottom half of the wall in the dining room will be all decorative wood with a chair railing. We are getting all hard wood floors on most of the 1st floor. If you keep walking straight you can see the living room on the right hand side and to the left you see the dinette and we are adding an all season sun room off of the dinette. To get to the sun room off of the dinette will have doors right now we are not 100% sure what type of doors yet. We will either get french doors or a sliding glass door which I am not fond of. Our current sliding door drives me crazy because it gets fussy sometimes. So my vote is french doors. I LOVE sun rooms and ours will be a 4 season one.. so awesome!!. Besides my craft room I am so excited about the sun room!! Ok, so keep walking to the left and you will walk into the kitchen that will have a desk area. Keep walking straight through the kitchen and you will walk into our mud room with a HUGE closet, a beautiful bathroom and our pantry for the kitchen. Then there will be a door to enter and exit from the garage.

This is our 2nd floor. We will have 4 bedrooms, one will be my craft room and I am going to show you an up close picture of that room and an up close picture of our master bedroom which is half of the 2nd floor. Literally half of the 2nd floor!! Our laundry room will be on this floor too, which will save so much time and doing laundry so much easier. If you look on the right hand bottom corner you will see a room, that is our laundry room.

This is my Two Pink Peas Studio!!! I am SO excited about having my own room and I want to be in it right now and start decorating it. How amazingly sweet is my husband to make this just for me?? He has worked SO hard on this floor plan to make it perfect for our family and I am so grateful to him for that. He has changed our floor plans many times because we want it to be perfect for our family. I just noticed that I did not get the whole picture of my craft room but I can fix that later. I wanted to give you an idea on what it will look like. Beside my craft room is the upstairs bathroom for the kids. 

 This is our master bedroom. It is split in 3 parts as you can see. The first part on the bottom of the picture is our HUUUGE master closet.. I mean this closet is endless. The closet is 20 feet long. This closet equals 90 square feet. Den said that this closet is bigger then some bedrooms. It is long and narrow. I LOVE this closet!! The closet that we have in the house we own now is so little and I NEED lots and lots of I have so much stuff and I have no room to store things. So this closet is perfect for us!! Our original plan was to split the closet in half and put my craft room on one side and put the closet on the other side. Well, my craft room was going to be much bigger then the closet but you get the idea. But after thinking about it Den and I decided that it would be better to have a whole bedroom for my craft area and just keep the closet the way it is. I like this floor plan better anyway. Then you see the middle area which is the bedroom itself. The last part is our master bathroom. It is beautiful!! I showed you a few pictures of Bella in the big bathtub that she jumped in all by herself but could not get Den did not build the basement for the little model but basements are basements. We currently have a theater in our basement that Den built and it is beautiful!! I should take a few pics to show you. He is quite talented and I am very proud of him!! We are going to have a theater in our new house too. Again, Den just wanted to give me a much better idea on how this house will look and that is why he built this little model. I am not one to look at floor plans and be able to visualize what it will look like in real life. So he did this just for me. I just thought it was so sweet of him to do that for me so that I will feel more comfortable when we sign the final papers TOMORROW!! Lat night he came up to our room around 1 am or so, it could have been later but I was till up and he said "come downstairs, I have a surprise for you" and I said "what is it?" Well, he built the roof for the model. What is funny about that, well not funny but sweet is that I had asked him if he was going to build a roof for the little model house and he said "I don't know" and he did, he built it just for me!! I had told him a few nights ago that I wanted to put this on my blog and I think he finished it so I could share this with you all! What a sweetie pie he is!! :o)

Well, that is about it. I think he might finish it and color the outside somehow. Oh, and this is the 2nd new floor plan that he made. We have the 1st floor plan that looks like this but arranged differently downstairs. I just want to say thank you to my sweet husband Den for doing this for me and our family. You know that I trust you 100% and I am so grateful that you are building our family a brand new house and I want to thank you for working so hard on it just to make me feel better about the floor plan. I appreciate every thing you do and I love you!

 I hope you girls like what Den did and I would LOVE to hear any comments about his model. I told him that I would get some comments and that I would pass them on to him. Thanks for stopping by. I have one more post to show you tonight. I found pictures of Bella on the first day that I brought her home and OMG..she is SO tiny and cuuuuute!! I have to share them with you. See you in a few!! Hugs, ~Terri

Off Topic... Those Who Suffer From Fibromyalgia...

For those of you who do not know, besides having chronic pain from my total joint replacement on both sides of my jaw I also suffer from fibromyalgia. I have had fibro for many many many years. Probably over 11 years now. At least that is when my fibro was really at it's worse. I was pregnant with my youngest daughter Hallie, she is now 10 and right after I had my c-section my fibro went crazy and out of control.
 I could barely walk, move, I mean I hurt everywhere. It was the most pain that I ever had to that date, besides getting my jaw broke but that is a whole other story.

I am a part of 2 fibro groups and one of them is sort of new. We are looking for new members to join. Our fibro group is on facebook and if you would like to join just click here and then friend request the group and we can add you. The owner of the group is Tiffany and she is really really sweet, very caring and very very supportive! Tiffany named me one of her admins just a few days ago and I help her out with several things. If you are looking for a ton of support, others that really understand what you are dealing and living with on a daily basis and new friends that share this condition then this group is for you!! Our groups name is called
Fibro M.O.M. which means Fibro Mind Over Matter and it also is a group for moms that live with fibro!!
 We talk about everything from family, life in general, funny things, sad things, supportive things and this includes having and living with fibromyalgia. I know talking about fibromyalgia is way off topic from what I usually post on my blog but there are so many women that I have met through blogging that craft and they suffer from many different medical conditions one being fibromyalgia.
We would love to have you so if you are interested just let them know that Terri of Two Pink Peas sent you that way we will know how you found out about our group.

I also found some picture of my joint replacement and I thought I would share what it looks like..This is my joint replacement on the 3-D model that they had to make just for me. This was so they could custom build my new joint and it would fit perfectly.
Here are 2 pictures of my total joint replacement after is was built on the 3-D model of my exact skull.

Well, thanks for letting me talk about a subject that I normally would not talk about on here. If you are interested in joining our Facebook Fibro M.O.M. Group please go to this link and we would be so happy to have you.
Have a GREAT day everyone!! ~Terri

P.S. My husband made a real 3-D model of the house that we are thinking of making so I am going to go take some pictures of it right now to share with you. It is SO cute that he made this just for ME because I am a very visual person and I have to see what something looks like and I really cannot tell by looking at a blueprint or a layout of a house. Wait until you see how he did this.. it was so sweet that he went through ALL of this work just for me. Just so cute!! Be right back in a few!