Little Pink Peas

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Silence Hides Violence Raffle Announcement...

Every 15 Seconds A Women Is Abused In
The United States!
Sadly, One of my closest friends is trying to get out of a domestic abusive relationship and she needs help...
 alot of help.
Unfortunately she does not have any family that can help or assist her in this time of need.

So Two Pink Peas is going to have a Raffle for my friend and you will have a chance to win an amazing bundle of prizes.

First you will have a chance to win a
 $75.00 HSN Gift Certificate and on top of that included will be 5 to 7 Cricut Cartridges and
2 or 3 12" x 12" DCWV Mat Stacks
and I possibly will add more items as we go.

Stay tuned for more information as I begin to put this together.  This is for a great cause and Domestic Violence needs to be stomped out once and for all. It literally breaks my heart when I hear a woman tell me that they have been or are in an abusive situation. I am sure that you may know someone who has gone through a domestic abuse situation. Helping abused women is so important to our family that we donate money to our local Women's Shelter every single month. We also give them the clothes and shoes our kids have out grown, unused products, any other household items and furniture they may need. Putting an end to Domestic Violence is very important and dear to me! After hearing that my very close friend from high school is dealing with this I had to try and help.
By doing a raffle I believe we can raise some money to help this family and try to take some of this intense
pressure off of their shoulders.
If any of you wish to donate items for this raffle please email me or leave a comment below. Any and all help is very much appreciated and I know that this family appreciates every thing that I am doing to try and help her in this desperate time of need.  I will be announcing this raffle very soon and if you can keep this family in your prayers we would appreciate that so very much!

Big Cricut Hugs to you all,


  1. Hi Terri,
    My daughter works for an agency that provides emergency help and advocacy to abused women. The place she works is for deaf women, but they also have resources for everyone.

    I think what you're doing to raise money to help your friend is AWESOME. If she is still in crisis in a domestic violence situation, she may need help NOW.

    If your friend is still in her abusive relationship, there is a 24hour hotline number she can call. It's the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and the number (in the US) is 800-799-7233. They can point her to help, emergency shelters, and other recources in her area.

    Amy E.

  2. Hey Terri!!

    I too was in an abusive marriage, i got out 3 years ago, but it took alot for me to leave, he tried to kill me and i still stayed out of fear, it wasn't until her threated my 7 month old that i got the heck out of there. People on the outside can look at it and think why doesn't she just leave, but it's not that simple. men who abuse threaten, make the women feel ashamed, unloved, and like no one is there for them or that they will never find someone else. I will be praying that your friend finds the strength to leave.Please let her know that leaving maybe hard but there is hope after, take it from me, i never thought i would get back on my feet again and it was very hard but with God's help i have come through it even stronger and I know that God turns every bad situation into good. I know that God will use what i have gone through to help other people in similar situations. No one deserves to be a punching bag!!
    sierrababy08 dot blogspot dot com

  3. Hey Terri, just wanted to let you know as well that i posted about this on my blog so that my followers can come over here and help you out!!
    sierrababy08 dot blogspot dot com

  4. This breaks my heart Terri. Will watch for more info on your raffle.

  5. Hey sweetie, your heart is so large it is amazing it doesn't burst! You are the kindest and most giving person I have had the privilege to call friend! I will keep my eye on your site and I will post about your raffle when you get the info together! I hope and pray that your friend will find the strength to get out, my younger sister was in an abusive marriage... he was a cop, worst offenders! She got out thankfully but it really did a number on her head. And I know you also had a very bad relationship that has had very long term effects... stay strong and I will pray for your friend! Miss you!
    Crafty Hugs,
