Little Pink Peas

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Winner Of The UPrinting Giveaway Is...

Well, before I announce who won, I used Random.Org and I screen captured it and tried and tried and TRIED to put it on here but I am having MAJOR blogger issues..but I finally got it.
Sheesh, what a job!! LOL I don't know what the problem was but as you can see #19 is the winner out of 31 comments..
So you are probably asking "Well, who is #19?" LOL

PENDRA...of Pendra's Place

Pendra.. I am SO excited for you sweetie!! You have been such a great friend to me and I was so EXCITED that Random.Org picked your number!! I will forward your infomation over to
UPrinting and they will get in touch with you. I am very interested to see what you design on your postcards because remember you get some really great postcards.
For those who have never heard of Penra's Place trust me when I say that you will want to hop on over to her blog and check her out. Pendra is the sweetest most precious person I have met in a long time. Thank you Pendra for being such a loyal follower of Two Pink Peas and for always checking up on me. You are such a rare gem and I am so proud to call you my friend!!
Congratulations Pendra!! I am SO excited for YOU!!!

I have 2 more great giveaway's coming up soon, very soon that you will not want to miss. So stay tuned and I will announce the givaway before I post it.
Thank you to ALL of you who took the time to enter and for leaving me such sweet comments. I appreciate each and every one of my followers and blog readers.
I will talk to you all very soon!!
Hugs to you ALL!!


  1. Not sleeping tonight (nothing new there) so I thought I would check on my friend Terri and see what she is up to and WHOOO HOOO...boy did you just make my day better!! Thanks Terri, you always brighten my day!
    Your friend,

  2. Congrats Pendra~How exciting and fun!
