Little Pink Peas

Friday, August 19, 2011

Well..Shoot, I Did Not Meet My Own Goal For My Giveaway Today.....

Hi everyone! As you can see it is almost 3:30 am and I just got home about 2 hours ago and had some family things to deal with as soon as I walked in my door so I was not able to post my giveaway. I am truly sorry about that. I have been going on very little sleep for the past several days and am running on fumes. I have to get up early for my sons middle school orientation this morning on the 19th so I need to hurry and get to bed... but I promise to post my giveaway just as soon as I can tomorrow before I go to bed..LOL. I feel really terrible because I really thought I would be able to get home in time and post it for you all. Obviously that did not work so I will make sure to do it no matter what later on today.

Thanks for hanging in there with me and I am really sorry. My intentions were to post it last night but you know how that goes when you plan something then something unexpected comes up. One question for you all.. do you prefer to just leave comments to enter in giveaways or do you prefer using the Rafflecopter instead. I would really love to hear your preference!!!  Here at Two Pink Peas I want to do what you all prefer instead of using something that irritates or frustrates you. Basically, I want to make it as easy as possible in every your feedback will help me tremendously on this one. Thanks in advance for your comments!!! :O) 

Ok.. I will see you soon.. TODAY soon, meaning the 19th I am really sorry that I was not able to get to it, this really stresses me out beyond belief. Since I was little I never liked to disappoint anyone and I still feel like that and I feel like I did. You are probably thinking that this is not that big of a deal...but to me it is!! I appreciate each and every one of you and your opinions and I am here to please and want to make you all happy. When I announce that I am going to post a giveaway on a certain day I fully expect that I will have time to post it and I have full intentions to post it on that day. So I am going to add a few more things to my giveaway as a "I am really sorry that I did not follow through and I hope this makes up for my mistake". My Two Pink Peas blog really matter to me, every single one of my followers and blog readers matter to me and when I say that I am going to do something I want you to understand that I mean it and will follow through on it.
Because I am late I will make up for it!!!!

Ok.. See you soon. Have a great day everyone and I will be back before you know it!!

XOXO ~Terri


  1. Awwww - Terri give yourself a break! I can understand how you're feeling but in the big scheme of things this is for FUN... it's not life or death!! I'm a bit like you - hate to disappoint anyone... but it's all good come the end of the day. Big hugs to you. I'm not sure what is the 'best way' or easiest way. I'll be interested either way. :-)

  2. I cannot speak for all your followers but this follower needs to tell you to give yourself a little break... sometimes your real life gets in the way of your blogger life! And honey you are WAY to important to me (and I think the rest of us) to have a heart attack or stroke trying to get a post done on time... I (and I think... we) will understand!!! You've proven yourself and your word to us over and over so take care of your real life, take a deep breath... and maybe a sleeping pill and get some sleep and then come and do your post! Hugs from your follower... and friend,

  3. And you don't need to post this... do whatever is easiest for you!!! You have my permission... listen to me, like I am Mrs. Big or something! hehehehe! Talk to you later sweetie! AND GET SOME SLEEP, even if it is a little 10 minute power nap on the couch or favorite chair... as long as it is not the computer chair!!! HUGS!

  4. i don't know what raffelcopter is. i tried looking it up and it sounds complicated to me. i'll stick with comments as my preferred method of entering giveaways. thanks for allowing the input.

  5. hope everything is ok.. no problem on the delay.. take care of family..
