Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thank You To Becky At The Cutest Blog On The Block For My Blog Makeover...

Today Two Pink Peas got a major makeover because I won this one of a kind design over at The Cutest Blog On The Block. So I wanted to thank Becky for taking the time to re-do my blog. It looks so much more professional now and I really appreciate it. For those of you who have never visited The Cutest Blog On The Block please hop on over and take a peek at what they have. They offer SO many free backgrounds, buttons and extras there. The variety of the backgrounds, buttons and extras are amazing!! I guarantee that you will find something to put on your blog there. Did you notice my new button that she created for Two Pink Peas? It is SOOOOOO cute!! I really love it.
I would LOVE to hear your comments on what you think about the new look of Two Pink Peas. Thank you for stopping by and I will talk to you real soon.. I am going to go make a brand new post about Little Pink Peas and Little Blue Peas right now!! Have a great day everyone!! ~Terri


  1. Very Very Cute!!!!! It looks very nice!

  2. I have to say I love it... so awesome... great job to TCBOTB... Love it.

  3. Nice!!!!! the side panels with the flowers and the rounded squares on your header Terri...Funny cause I thought like a pink lip with pearls until I actually opened the blog page...Looks great...Congrats on your new look!

  4. Terri it turned out super fabulous! I love the new button and your signature is beautiful! Congrats on the makeover!

  5. Love the new look on your blog! they did a great job. :)
