Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Little Pet Peas...

This is Little Pet Peas which will be a place for all pet crafts. This is SO funny because I was actually thinking of doing this very page about pets. I was hesitant because I was not sure how everyone would like the idea but Jessica from had sent me a message suggesting this very same idea for all things pets.
Great minds think alike!!  After reading Jessica's comment I knew it would be a HIT!! So thank you Jessica for your suggestion and making me feel like my/our idea was not so silly. I really appreciate you commenting and saying something. Also, I just have to say "Please do not ever feel like you are crossing some line when suggesting something to me about an idea or whatever" There is NO such line and I LOVE to hear suggestions and comments so thank you for speaking up!!! It makes me so happy to see such a great response to

Little Pink Peas, Little Blue Peas and now Little Pet Peas!!

So if you have any projects about animals please feel free to submit them and I will post them right away. Thank you ALL for all of your support, it really means so much to me. Together we can make this a HUGE community where we share our projects and since they will be in a special catagory it will be so easy for others to find inspiration!! Many hugs, ~Terri


  1. LOVE YOUR NAME :D Looking forward to your future posts and inspiration! I am a new follower and would be honored if you checked out my blog at

  2. Can not wait to see the fun! Great ideas!

  3. Love your blog and the new additions! Left you an award on my blog!
    ♥ Laura ♥
