Little Pink Peas

Monday, July 11, 2011

I Won Blog Candy From Ok Scrappin Mama... Can't Believe it!! WOW!!

Well, I just got home and I was checking blogger and every blog that I follow like I usually do and I went to
Ok Scrappin Mama and I was reading her post about the winners and I am one of her winners. I could NOT believe it. There were 4 winners and I was number 3 and the funny thing is that 3 is my favorite how funny is that?

I want to thank Donya at Ok Scrappin Mama for picking me as one of the winners. This is what I won...  
The third winner is for (2) 4x6 DCWV paper pads, 2 Sakura white jelly roll pens, MS 36 yds red & white twine and approx 10 yds orange/black Halloween twine, 1 package 9 clear "sayings" stamps from inkadinkado.
Two Pink Peas said...
This is my second entry because I really hope to win one of your giveaways. They are all amazing!! Terri M of Two Pink Peas
I still cannot believe it! Please take a chance to hop over to her blog and show some blogger love, leave her a comment and let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. I really really LOVE to give but I have to admit that it is fun to receive. Usually I am much much better at giving then receiving but with my winning streak lately I am getting used to it. I would also recommend that you follower her blog if you do not follow her now. She has so many wonderful things and giveaways and I think you will find that you will absolutely love her blog. Thanks so much and I am off to post something about Casey! I can't believe what he found and you might be shocked yourself. ~Terri  


  1. Congratulations !!!!


  2. Excellent Terri! I am so happy for you! I hear you about loving to give but it is nice to be on the other end sometimes too and you so deserve that!

    Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog....{{{blog hugs for you}}}! With all we have to deal with on a day to day basis all the little things that make us smile is so dearly appreciated, and I know you know what I mean! I'm so glad you won! I can't wait to hear what Casey found!


  3. Wow another great win! congradulations....good things come to good people.

