Little Pink Peas

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Feel The Love...

Thank You Jessica from Jessica's Craft Shaque

Thank You to Suzy of Suzy's Simple Crafts

Boy do I ever feel the love today!! I was just surprised to receive these 2 adorable awards from 2 amazing ladies!!
I want to thank Jessica for thinking of me for the BFB or Best Friends Blogger Award!! How very very sweet of you to think of me for this award. This is my first time receiving this award and it means so much to me. Thank you for being such a great friend to me!! If you have not been to Jessica's blog yet, please hop on over. I think you will find how amazing creative she is and you will definetly want to follow her as well!!

Thank you to Suzy for the Stinkin' Cute Blog Award!
I mean, how cute is this award? It really means alot to me that you wonderfully  sweet ladies thought of little ole' me for these awards. I really appreciate it and will display these on my blog proudly!! Many hugs to you both!! Please hop on over to Suzy's blog and follow her if you do not already. She is also very very talented and creative. If you could leave them both a comment that Two Pink Peas sent you I would be forever grateful!!

Here are the rules for the BFB Award:
1.Post this award on your blog and a link back to the person who gave it to you.  
ThanksJessica and Suzy
2.Pass along to those you visit and those who leave comments on your blog regularly.
I am passing this BFB Award and the Stinkin' Cute Award to the following blogs...
I could go on and on passing these awards to all of you. Each and every one of my blog readers and followers are very dear to me and if I could I would pass them on to every one of you. You know what? Actually.. that is what I am going to do!! Since I am feeling so much love I am going to pass the love back to you all!! Every single one of my blog readers and followers is awarded these 2 blog awards. I know this is probably breaking the rules but since I appreciate each and every single one of you as much as I do, I want to give these to you ALL!! We all deserve these awards, right? That's right!! Hey, maybe I could be in the Guinness World Book Of Records for being the first blogger to award the entire blogging world these blog awards..LOL. Just being silly!!
Ok.. I am going to go post the winner of my giveaway. You all have been SO patient and let's see who won. Be right back!! ~Terri


  1. Terri you are so sweet... your gonna make me cry! Thanks you make me smile almost every day!

  2. Ahhhh, Terri, what a wonderful BD present from you! Thanks so much!!
