Little Pink Peas

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Awww.... Look How Sweet This Is....

Today I received the SWEETEST little gift by the sweetest and one of my most favorite blogging friends that I have. As you all saw that I received a few blogger awards and I passed both of these awards to Pendra at Pendra's Place. So as a thank you to me she did the most sweetest, amazing and just loving blog post on her blog about me. Thank you so much Pendra!!!! I told her that one of my most favorite things about blogging has been finding the most amazing friends. When I first started blogging I really did it just to share my cards and other items that I made. Never did I think that I would become so close to so many other people like I have. Penra does not have very many followes and she just DESERVES to have as many followers as blogger will allow. I would love it if you all would show some major blogger love and hop on over to Penra's Place and follow her. Thank you Pendra for being such a good friend to me, for always making me smile and always being one of the first friends to leave me a comment. I just have to add that her comments are always the sweetest and most loving comments too. I really appreciate you and I want others to see what I see and appreciate you as much as I do!!  

I hope you all have a wonderful day today and please hop on over to see Pendra and show her some love. That would mean so much to not only me but Pendra herself. Trust me when I say that you will make a new friend when you follow Pendra. Blogging is not only just about cards, crafts and cricut's, it is also about making new friends and building new relationships that will last much longer then any card will.  Thanks so much in advance and I will talk to you all really soon!! ~Terri


  1. That's awesome Terri! I agree with you, blogging has become so much more to me than just posting crafts, it's such a good way to meet great people such as you!

    I'll hop over to Pendra and let her know Terri sent me!

    Hope you're feeling okay and enjoying the day! ;)


  2. What a lovely post, pendra is also lucky to have you as a friend as well. I will pop over and say hello. Anne x

  3. This is just the best way to balance a great blogging experience...Great Creativity and inspiration + Great friendships in the making...Loving this new blogging community my friend....I will stop by her blog right now....Your never stop amazing me are so special! Hugs

  4. Terri,
    I agree with Anne, a very lovely post and Pendra is very lucky to have you for a friend as well
