Little Pink Peas

Friday, June 3, 2011

Boy...Do I Ever Have A Surprise For You All......

First I want to thank all of you who left your super sweet comments on the interview that I did with Kim Score at . She is so talented and amazingly sweet. Thank you again Kim for doing that!! I learned alot from you and I think alot of others did too!! 

After thinking about my interview with Kim for a minute something just hit me! I knew that I HAD to interview some one else, someone that we ALL know and love. For right now I have to keep it a secret but trust me when I say that you will ALL enjoy this interview very much and you will be very very surprised to find out who it is!! She is amazingly talented, very very successful, so very creative and just an all over sweetheart!

After she agreed to do the interview with me I was so super excited and I could not wait to tell you all about it. I know it might not seem fair that I am not telling you who it is but trust me when I say that you might be shocked!! Plus, this adds to the fun of it. As soon as I get my questions back I will post it immediately!! This is so worth the wait!!!! :0)

I hope you all have an amazing Friday and I will talk to you soon! ~Terri

P.S. While you are here please take a moment to enter in my blog cany giveaway...You will find the post below! Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possibly someone who has one of the same words that's in your blog name in her blog name?? Just guessin' :-)
