Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pictures Of My Packed Craft Supplies And More...

Today has been one of the longest days ever. I wanted to show you some of pictures of my craft supplies after I had to pack them up. Now, I have to admit that this is NOT even close to all of my stuff but it gives you an idea on how much stuff that I actually have. In the top clear bins I have my clear stamps, wood block stamps, Martha Stewart & other brands of punches, buttons, tons and tons of ribbon, ink, embossing powders, Martha Stewart glitter and pretty much all of the important items that I will need when I want to make something new. The 6 or 7 brown boxes are pretty much filled up with just paper, cardstock and misc items. Not pictured is my Cricut Cartridges. Those are all packed up in my CGull leather bags. That way I will be able to gain access to them when I need them. I packed up the empty Cricut Cartridges boxes. When you have well over 120 cartridges you know how much room that can take. It is crazy the amount of supplies that I have on hand. Even I was shocked when I started to go through everything and had to pack it up. But, I feel that is a pretty good problem to Rather then having too little, I would rather have too
I am sure most of you will agree with me on that one.

 My 10 year old daughter Hallie wanted to be in the pictures. Obviously you can tell that she is not camera shy. Actually, she LOVES to have pictures taken of her. Like you could not figure that our for She is just so beautiful, sweet and my little buddy. Hallie has helped me ALL day and she loved every single minute of it. I feel so very very blessed to have her in my life. She is the best mommy's little helper ever. We have had so many things to do today before our carpet gets installed tomorrow morning. In 100 million years I never thought we would have to do this much to get our house ready to sell. It's crazy. Late last night we had to put a ton of stuff in a storage unit. Then today we did last minute packing and we had to empty my master bedroom, Hallie's bedroom and our upstairs hallway. After we took everything out we then ripped out all of the carpet and padding...and wow, what a job that was. Then we had to go around all of those areas and pull out these staples and throw those away. Picking out little staples was probably one of the worse parts of this whole thing. It is now 3am and we just got finished doing that. Tomorrow morning the carpet installers come and then after they leave all we have to do is put everything back in it's place and get our house picture ready so it can be finally listed. After that we can relax, and let me tell you that I cannot wait for that

Around 8:45 pm Casey, Hallie and I went to Dairy Queen to get us some ice cream. It was a promise to Casey and Hallie for helping us so much and for doing such a wonderful job today. We had to get Bella something so I got her a "Pup Cup". Here is a picture of her eating her vanilla ice cream treat with a doggie bone in it.

Please excuse Bella's furry long coat. She is getting groomed this week or next. We wanted to wait until winter past so she would stay warm when she went outside.

After we enjoyed our ice cream treat we got a bad storm out of nowhere. We had pea size hail. Here is a picture of that. All of the little white dots that you see is all peas sized hail. We really thought that the storm could turn into a tornado, but thankfully it did not. It pretty much passed as fast as it came.

Ok, I must get to bed because we have SO so much to do tomorrow. I wanted to at least update you all like I promised you yesterday. Seriously I do not know how I am going to sleep tonight being in so much pain and then with my severe complex sleep apnea. I am predicting a pretty lousy night. My cpap (my machine is called a vpap) is all packed up so I cannot use it. Once we are all done with the house then I can probably get some cards made for you. I bought a few new Sizzix Dies and really want to use them. Until then I wanted to keep you at least updated on our move.

Thank you so much for stopping by Two Pink Peas. I really appreciate each and every one of you who visit my blog. You know that I also love to hear your comments so feel free to leave any if you wish. I will talk to you all sometime tomorrow! ~Terri

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