Little Pink Peas

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Fantastic Giveaway At Carson's Cricut Creations...

Since I have not been able to make cards lately I wanted to at least direct you to some great blog candy. Go to for your chance to win. If you could also please let her know that Terri of Two Pink Peas sent you that would be SO great!! Also, why you are here please enter into my giveaway for your own custom made stamp.

Thanks everyone, have a great night and I will talk to you sometime tomorrow!! Hugs to all of my blog readers! ~Terri

Friday, April 29, 2011

HSN & Cricut Expression 2...

Well shoot, I was going to post some good news for those who missed out on the HSN Today's Special Cricut Expression 2. I was going to let you all know that is was back in stock but I just went to double check and it is sold out again.  This new machine is HOT, HOT, HOT right now. But I would say that if you are trying and trying to get one just to keep checking HSN on a regular basis. Alot of times people order them and they then cancel the order soon after and more becomes available. That has happened to me many times in the past when I ordered things that I wanted. I will keep you updated as I keep checking on the status of the new machines.

While you are here and if you have not entered in my new giveaway, please do. This is a great prize for a custom made stamp. You can find the post on the front page of my blog. You can see the Two Pink Peas stamp that I had made for me. It is just beautiful and I would love for you to win one.

I am off to get 2 hours of sleep before my kids wake up for school this morning. Have a wonderful day!! ~Terri

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A New Two Pink Peas Giveaway Is Open To All....

This giveaway is sponsored by Skip "The Stamp Man" who made my Two Pink Peas stamp that is pictured above. One lucky winner will receive $10 for either a custom made stamp just like my Two Pink Peas stamp or you may choose another product that he offers.

He primarily sells his items on Ebay and you can shop his items here at . His store is called The Worms Pajamas. He also sells alot of teachers stamps so if you are a teacher and need special stamps or other items this would be a great place to look.

When I asked him to make my Two Pink Peas stamp, I wanted this exact font and he did not have the font that I needed but downloaded it just for me. Now, I call that service!! He did a beautiful job and I really really love my new stamp. I thought that his products would make a great item for a Two Pink Peas giveaway. I can tell you that I will for 100% certain will be getting more custom made stamps from him in the near future. They are that beautiful!!!

To enter in this giveaway just leave a comment below. You do not have to be a follower of Two Pink Peas although I really would appreciate if you would become a follower of my blog.

I again want to thank Skip "The Stamp Man" at The Worms Pajamas on Ebay for this great giveaway. If you purchase something from him please let him know that Terri at Two Pink Peas sent you.

Thanks so much and this giveaway will remain open for one week. Good luck everybody!!! ~Terri

Brand New Giveaway That You Don't Want To Miss...

Later on today I will be listing a brand new giveaway from an amazing sponsor who creates custom made stamps. He made one for me that says Two Pink Peas and it is just beautiful. When I list the details of the giveaway later today I will post a picture of my stamp. He did a really amazing job. Who ever wins this giveaway is one lucky person!!

Right now I am getting all of the details together and once I have everything in order I will let you all know about it and then you can enter. Have a great day everyone!! ~Terri

Blog Candy For You....

Here is some great blog candy for you all to enter and try to win. The link is and I just entered. Good luck to you all and please let me know if you happen to win. That would be so awesome!!
See you tomorrow!! ~Terri

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

American Idol.. Did You Vote Tonight???

Are you all American Idol fans?? I used to watch it all the time but then stopped watching it. This season I have watched and voted on each show and I am just blown away by all of the talent. My favorite is Lauren Alaina!! Each week I sit and text over 200 votes for Lauren... I know..that's a bit extreme.

I want her to win so bad. Lauren is just so sweet and very talented. No matter who wins they will all end up with a record deal so it's a win win! James Durban is amazing too..Jacob Lusk is also a favorite of mine too. I really really like Hailey though. Her voice is really so amazing! Out of all of them it is so hard to pick because they are all so good and talented!

Who is your favorite? Do you watch it every week and do you vote for your favorite singer?? Since it just ended I thought I would just post a quickie post about it. Talk to you all again soon! ~Terri

If You Missed Out On The Cricut Expression 2...

If you were just wondering..
No, I have not gone to bed I'm so tired that I am actually
But something just occurred to me. If you missed out on the Cricut Expression 2 on Hsn then this is what you can do. Hsn has another website and sometimes several days after an item has aired it may become the Today's Special again. Now, I cannot guarantee this but I would just be on the look out just in case. If I see it show up as a Today's Special on Hsn 2 then I promise that I will let you all know asap.

I was not surprised that it sold out as fast as it did. It is a great little (well, little is the wrong word but you know what I updated machine.

Just wanted to put that out there. Ok, now I am off to bed for real. I have to get up in less then 1 hour to get Casey and Hallie off to school. Good night/Good ~Terri

Action Wobble Springs...Go Grab Some Now...

Chances are that if you are a card maker, scrapbooker or crafter then you have heard about Action Wobble Springs. If you are brand new to them they attach to your card, provide a 2D image and allow movement and animation. These take your cards and crafts to a whole NEW level!! Just adorable!

Since I just purchased some I thought I would post a little information about them for you. Here is the link to their website.. and their Facebook Page is!/actionwobbles.

While you are at their facebook page please click "Like". I do not or will not receive anything in return for you doing this. It is just that I love to support products that I really love and believe in and these Action Wobble Springs are one product that takes your project and makes it extra special.

I bought a pack of 25 for $9.95 or a pack of 100 for $28.95.
What a GREAT deal. Their website says that the pack of 25 is only available for a limited time. So if you would like some I would run, run, run!! If you end up ordering could you please let them know that Terri M. of Two Pink Peas sent you?? That would be so great!

Eventually I will purchase the 100 pack. Just to break it down price wise.. if you buy the 25 pack they end up being $.39 cents a piece. If you go with the 100 pack then they would be $.28 cents a piece. Their website said that they offer a 50 pack on Amazon.Com but I had trouble getting that information.  Either pack you pick you cannot go wrong. They are worth every single penny and then some!

Oh, and I was NOT charged any shipping and handling. Now, you cannot beat that! You can also pay through paypal which I LOVE!

K.. now I am really off to ~Terri

How To Use The Cricut Car Decal Cartridge To Get Layers

Lately there have been alot of visitors at Two Pink Peas   trying to figure out how to use the Car Decals Cricut Cartridge and how to get layers. The biggest question seems to be can you layer images and what do you have to do to layer the images together. Usually when I post a picture of my newest card I always try post the exact how to directions at the same time.  

 For these two cards I got so busy and forgot to do that.
I am really sorry about that!! I mean, what good is a picture if you don't know how to make it? So I am going to make up for that right now.

The Car Decals cartridge does not have a layers feature like the other cricut cartridges do. This is what you have to do to achieve the look of layers using this cartridge. Believe it or not, it is VERY simple and VERY easy. Basically just cut the same image as many times in the different patterned or plain paper that you need.

Before I go any further I want to explain one more thing. This is meant for the brand new Cricut users and not for the seasoned Cricut users. So if I seem to keep going on and on this is why. I want to make sure that everyone completely understands how to achieve this look. 
Ok, when you cut out the little girl (in the first card pictured above) in black cardstock, it will obviously all be outlined in black cardstock. When you cut the same image out in patterned paper, the whole outlined image will be cut out in that particular paper. I am sure you are probably thinking, duh That is only common sense. If you have never done this before I don't want you to think that you did something wrong. That is what it is supposed to look like for each individual cut.

 After you have finished cutting out all of the "layers" (as we will call them) that you need, the next step is to cut out each individual piece that you want so you can then layer them all together.

Actually, I am going to give you a better, more detailed 
example using the first card that I have pictured above. 
I believe that you all understand what I am saying, but I want to really make sure. And once again, this is really meant for those who are newer at card making or have never used this cartridge before.
This card is called "Just For You" and it is with the little girl and the cute little flower. This image happens to be on page 33 of the booklet. First, I cut the little girl out in the brown paper cardstock in the shadow feature. Although on this particular cartridge it is not called the shadow feature, I still call it that. Habits! They are hard to break. Just make sure that your Cricut says <Girl2-s> (if you are brand new to Cricut, the "s" stands for shift). I really want to make sure that you will get the correct cut of this image. So for this card I only cut that image out one time using the brown cardstock. I forget the size of the image but I can measure that at a later time.
My next cut was of the outline of the little girl and your
Cricut will say <Girl2>. 
This cut was first in black cardstock and that makes your basic outline.  Next I took the cute yellow flowered patterned paper and I cut out the same image again <Girl2> at the same size. This cut image will be the exact same outline (as the black) just all in the patterned paper. 
I knew that I wanted to use the same paper for the little dress, flower and little bows in her hair. Then I took my scissors and cut off the little flower, I snipped off her dress and the little bows off of her hair.
Layer those on top of the black outline, use your preferred adhesive and there you have your finished image.
It is really that simple!! My instructions may not seem that easy It is very late and I am so

You can repeat these same steps for any image in this cartridge to achieve this layered look.

I hope this helped those of you who were not sure how to achieve this look with this particular cartridge. I pay very close attention to my visitors and how they get to my site.
It really matters to me what you are searching for and I want to make sure that you can find the answers here at Two Pink Peas.
I can usually see how a visitor gets to my blog (generally speaking like using,, coming from other blogs, etc.) and what they were searching for. I just to clarify one thing, I CANNOT see any personal information like your name, address or anything like that so please do not worry. If you have a blog or website then you know what I am talking about. The information we get is very generic to say the least. We can see what city and state you are from and that is IT!! My blog is very important to me and I check the searches every day, several times a day actually. This helps me improve my blog by adding what you are searching for. Many bloggers pay very close attention to their visitors.
Anyway, if a search matches the topic or content of one of my blog posts then I can see that. This is a very helpful tool and it allows me to tailor my blog and content to what you are searching for.

How to layer using the Car Decal Cartridge has been one hot topic that many of you seem to be searching for and really want help on. I cannot even count the amount of new blog viewers coming to Two Pink Peas for this very reason.
This is the reason I am addressing this topic right now.

One of my main goals here at Two Pink Peas is to help and teach those who have questions about products, are looking for tips and tricks and want to know how to perfect techniques. 

I want you to feel comfortable enough that you too can make things you have never tried before. You can do it!!

My goal for the future of Two Pink Peas is to be one of the best card making blogs on the web.

The new and improved Two Pink Peas website that is currently being developed is going to have so many amazing features. For example Two Pink Peas will have a forum where you can share your projects, chat about anything cricut, card making and scrapbooking. We are going to have tons of contests and giveaways. There is alot to look forward to. You will be the first to know when TwoPinkPeas.Com is ready to be launched.

 If you ever have any suggestions or questions for me, I would love to hear them.
 I personally read each and every comment that is left and will personally respond to them all in a very timely manner.
I will do my very best to help in any way that I can. Even if I don't know the answer I can at least direct you to someone who can.

Finally, things with our house are beginning to slow down some.  Soon I will have a little more time to make more cards, post more pictures and try new things.
The problem is that my craft furniture is all packed away so
today I went out and purchased 2 special folding craft tables. This way I will have a place to get back to making cards and other projects. Folding tables seemed like a perfect idea because when we need to show our house to a potential buyer, I will be able to easily put everything away in a hurry.

Plus, these tables will go in My Two Pink Peas Craft Room. This will also allow me to have alot more space to do many different projects at once and that is always a good thing. If you are like me and don't have the space to do your crafting, maybe consider getting a good folding craft table. They are not permanent and can be tucked away when not in use.

Well in closing, If you happen to make any cards using these techniques, I would LOVE to see your finished cards or projects. Feel free to leave me a comment and where I can view it. I would be so happy to drop on by and take a peek. Of course I would leave a comment for you when I visit. One thing I love to do is to see all of your amazing creativity.
Imagination is one of the greatest gifts we possess!
Let your imagination go crazy!
The sky is the limit!!
Thank you SO much for stopping by Two Pink Peas.
Until next time..~Terri

P.S. Sheesh, I think this was by far the longest post that I have ever made. Talk about major It is now almost 5 am and I am severely sleep deprived and I need to go to bed and get some much needed rest. Once I read this post again tomorrow I will probably be thinking to myself "what the heck was I talking about and why did I have to ramble on and on and on" lol....My goodness!! :o)
If you read this whole post, Thank You!!
See you all tomorrow! :o)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Called Provo Craft Today & Asked Some Questions About The New CE2 & Imagine...

So this morning I wanted to call Provo Craft and ask them a few questions about the new CE2 versus the Imagine.

If you already have some of the Imagine cartridges I just wanted to let you know that some of the cartridges will NOT work in the new CE2. For instance, since the new E2 cannot print the Imagine paper cartridges will not work in the new E2. One of the questions that I had was will the Imagine be able to download some special cartridges like we can do with the Gypsy. I was told that they were working on that and in the future we might be able to do that. You already know that the new E2 comes preloaded with 4 cartridges. Those will never be available to us if we do not purchase this new machine. I asked her what machine she likes better and she told me she loved the Imagine hands down. She like the fact that you can print and cut with it and you cannot do that with the new E2. Also, for those who do not have the Imagine you can also just cut an image out and not print. So if you have patterned paper that you like you can use that to cut out any image on the Imagine. You all probably already know this but I wanted to post this for those who do not have either machine. It is hard because I like both machines so I am trying to see what machine does the most. I really like the fact that the Imagine can print and cut whereas the new CE2 only cuts. So if you have the new Imagine cartridges you cannot print on this new machine. It seems like the new CE2 is just a very very updated expression and that's it. You never know too, they may be working on another machine to launch next year. That seems to be a trend with Provo Craft.

Probably what I am going to do is just wait and see. Since we are moving and building our new house I am not going to be able to use it like I usually would so I am going to pass. Although it is very very tempting to get it right now. Especially since it will not be available anywhere else and it is a limited edition. Plus add on those ADORABLE cartridges that we will not be able to get any other way.
Well, I hope that this information is helpful to those who are still trying to make up your mind on which machine to purchase. Have a great day everyone and I will talk to you later!! ~Terri

Cricut Expression 2 Features Versus The Cricut Imagine...

While I am watching the presentation on HSN I am learning about all of the features. So I wanted to share those with you. I am not sure if all of you were aware that the CE2 does not print like the Imagine does. Before I make my decision if I am going to buy it today I would like to do some quick research. Even if it is after the HSN Today's Special and I have to pay more. It is just that I want to purchase the right machine for me.

For those of you who have the Imagine already I would love to hear any comments on how you like the features, how it prints, When you print an image does it look like a "fake" computer print out and the quality of the machine itself. Oh and I know there were alot of bugs when you first got it...were you able to work those out??

As far at the CE2, I really like the light by the blade housing so you can see when it's cutting. I like the touch screen and I really like how you can enlarge the image that you need to see better. I think if you had the choice to print with ink like the Imagine then it would be a slam dunk and I would get it right now. I also have an HSN credit card that makes life a bit easier.

Another feature is that this machine also does not use the keypad overlay. They will still sell the overlays with every cartridge for those who do not have the CE2 so you don't have to worry about that. The lcd is also in color which I really like. Oh, and you can see the mat on the touch screen so you will know where each image is going to be on your page. There will also be 4 new upgrades so when you get your machine at home you will need to upgrade it to get those upgrades. Another feature is the Rotate feature. This is a brand new feature. Then you can also change your image to cut in landscape, which I think is amazing!! You can also change the setting so if you only have a 6 x 6 piece of paper, the machine will not cut off of that size. I mean, it seems like they have thought of everything. I may just give in and get one Ooh.. you know the green plastic parts that are on each end of the CE2? In the future you will be able to change those out and get different colors and patterns. HSN said that this machine will NEVER be available in any store, it is only available on HSN. Plus it is a limited edition too. So if you are thinking you might wait to buy it at Joanns or Michaels, you will not be able to get it anywhere else but HSN.

Through out today I will be updating more information as I learn it. I know I misssed a bunch of features but I was taking a bubble bath and missed it so I recorded it on my dvr. Right now I am watching it back and listing some of the key features for you all.

 I would love to hear any comments on the imagine for those of you who have it. Talk to you all later today!! Oh, and I will let you know if I end up getting one today. The price is much much better then I ever thought. Especially with the 4 preloaded cartridges. Oh what to do, what to do.. lol. ~Terri

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cricut Expression 2 Costs.....

Unless HSN changes the price for the Today's Special the HSN.Com website lists the CE2 as

Sale Price: $344.95
 or 5 payments of $68.99
HSN Price: $379.95 | You Save: $35.00 (9%)
Retail Value: $489.97
With Free Shipping & Handling
This is what you get with the package...
  • Cricut Expression 2: Anniversary Edition 
  • Cutting blade assembly
  • Stylus
  • 12"L x 12"W cutting mat
  • Just a Note cartridge (preloaded)
  • Decals cartridge (preloaded)
  • Alphabet cartridge (preloaded)
  • Essentials cartridge (preloaded)
  • 4 cartridge handbooks
  • 3 port covers
  • LCD screen protector
  • Power adapter
  • USB cable
  • User's manual
  • Quick-start guide
  • Cricut Expression 2: Anniversary Edition certificate
  • Manufacturer's 90-day (labor and non-electronic components) and 1-year (electronic components) limited warranties
Make sure you tune in about 7 minutes...  ~Terri

WOW!! Another Great Blog Candy Giveaway...

Boy oh boy have I found some really great giveaways lately. This is another one that I thought you all might be interested in. Go to for your chance to enter. She has so many different prizes so that means you have many chances to win. There are 22 prizes for 22 different winners and she said maybe more prizes on top of that!!

This Blog Candy Giveaway ends at midnight on April the 30th!! So Hurry if you want a chance to win!! Good luck everyone!! ~Terri

Great Blog Candy Giveaway....

I found a great giveaway at Sherrie Scraps and wanted to pass it along to all of you. Just go to for the rules on how to enter. It is for the Campin Critters Cricut Cartridge and for some Cardstock Recollections Cardstock Paper~Spice Market, The Cuttlebug~Spots & Dots embossing folder and the Great Outdoors Premium Scrapbook kit.

What a great find. If you enter could you please let Sherrie know that you found this giveaway from Terri at Two Pink Peas?? I would really appreciate that so much.

Also, if you happen to win I would LOVE to hear that one of my followers won these amazing prizes. Have a great day everyone and talk to you real soon! ~Terri

Buy 3 Cricut Cartridges From Michaels Get 1 Free...

Can you even believe it?? Three blog posts in one day! This is something that I had to post and tell you all about. For a limited time if you purchase 3 Cricut Cartridges from Michaels you will receive 1 FREE Cricut Cartridge from Provo Craft.

Here are some of the details for you...

The following Rebate is intended for viewing in the United States (except Puerto Rico) and shall only be construed and evaluated according to United States law. Do not participate in the Rebate if you are not a resident of, and located, in the United States (except Puerto Rico) at the time of purchase, or if you do not agree to these Official Rules. Your participation in the Rebate will be deemed an acceptance of a contract between you and Provo Craft & Novelty, Inc., the terms of which are these Official Rules. Provo Craft and Novelty, Inc. is the Sponsor of the BUY THREE, GET ONE FREE REBATE PROMOTIONAL OFFER. The Sponsor may alter, or otherwise amend these rules at the sponsor’s sole discretion. The Sponsor is the final arbiter as to any conflict or dispute as to the meaning or purpose of these Rules.
To Participate in the "Buy Three, Get One" Free Rebate:
Purchase three full content Cricut® Cartridges at a participating Michaels® store between April 2, 2011 and May 31, 2011 to be eligible to participate in the “Buy Three, Get One” Rebate. Submission forms must be postmarked by June 29, 2011. The Rebate Form is located at Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Participants will be required to produce the Serial Number sticker (located at the top of the cartridge box) or the UPC code and a copy of your receipt. Follow the instructions on the website to submit the rebate form. The retail value of the free cartridge you receive is $89.99. Each participant is responsible for paying a $9.00 shipping and handling cost.

Once the rebate form has been received and approved, Provo Craft will ship the first available cartridge according to your choice selection. Please allow four (4) to six (6) weeks for delivery.
The recipient is responsible for any tax obligations that may arise through receipt of the Cricut Cartridge. The recipient should consult its tax professional for further information. The Rebate is subject to federal, state, and local laws and is void where prohibited.

Well right now it is after 6:30 am and I am still awake. Being sick with bronchitis does not help any. But I had to post this for you before I go to bed. I love anything free or even a good bargain or deal and this sounds like one that I might have to take advantage of the next time I go to Michaels.


Wanna Win A Cricut Expression 2?????

WOW!! What a great prize to win.. the brand new Cricut Expression 2.. just go to for your chance to win. She has many many ways to enter and you can enter more then once. Good luck everyone. When you leave your comment please let them know that you heard about this giveaway from Two Pink Peas!!

I would LOVE to hear if any of you win this amazing prize!! ~Terri

T-Minus 24 Hours Until The Cricut Expression 2 Is Launched...

Since we are now 24 hours away from the world launch of the Cricut Expression 2, I wanted to give you the times of all of the shows on HSN so you can tune in to view the
Cricut Expression 2.

Here we go:

April 26th at Midnight EST
1 am to 2 am
2 am to 3 am
6 am to 7 am
11 am to 12 pm
12 pm to 1 pm
3 pm to 4 pm
4 pm to 5 pm
7 pm to 8 pm
8 pm to 9 pm

If you want to shop online instead you can go to and you can look at all of the items from the shows on the website instead. Personally, I have not 100% decided if I am going to get the Cricut Expression 2 on the 26th or if I am going to wait to see how everyone else likes it and what kinds of bugs needs to be ironed out after they start using it. I am for certain that I want one though.
Since I knew that I was going to buy either the Imagine or the CE2 I have been buying Cricut Imagine Cartridges so I have several of them just no machine to use them on just But once I heard about the CE2 I knew that was the machine that I wanted to get. But once I heard about the CE2 I knew that was the machine that I wanted to get.

For those of you who do not want to get the CE2 and do not have a Cricut or a Gypsy yet, HSN is having a sale right now for the Cricut Create and a Gypsy Bundle for $299.95 and you get all of this:

  • Cricut Creates machine
  • Don Juan full content cartridge
  • Gypsy personal design studio with 2 pre-loaded full content cartridges (Gypsy Wanderings and Gypsy Font)
  • Cricut Creates manufacturer's 90-day (labor and non-electronic components) and 1-year (electronic components) limited warranties
  • Gypsy manufacturer's 6-month limited warranty
For $39.95 you can add a 3 year electronics repair plan.

I'm sure that I will be posting more about the CE2 when it airs in less then 24 hours. Hope you all have a great night and I will see you soon! ~Terri

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter From Two Pink Peas....

I wanted to wish all of you a Happy Easter today. I hope you all get to spend Easter with your family and friends. Our family is doing just that! We are spending time with eachother. Can't get any better then that!!

This next week I should be back to making some new cards. Since my desk and all of my furniture is all packed away in storage I am buying a folding table that I can pull out when I need to use it. I came up with some really cute ideas and cannot wait to make these cards for you. So until then have a great Easter and I will talk to you all very very soon. ~Terri

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Don't Forget The 26th Is The Launch Of The Cricut Expression 2!!!

So as I am sitting in bed sick as a dog at 1:38 am, I was just thinking that the 26th is coming up in just a few days. Make sure you tune in at midnight est on HSN for the launch of the Cricut Expression 2!!! I know I will be watching to see it and how much it will be. All I know is that I am very excited about it.

Hope you all are doing well, actually I hope you are doing much better then I am right I will talk to you very soon. ~Terri  
So as I am sitting in bed sick as a dog I was just thinking that the 26th is coming up in just a few days. Make sure you tune in at midnight est on HSN for the launch of the Cricut Expression 2!!! I know I will be watching to see it and how much it will be. All I know is that I am very excited about it.

Hope you all are doing well, actually I hope you are doing much better then I am right I will talk to you very soon. ~Terri  

Friday, April 22, 2011

Whew...What A Long And Hard Day...

Today was a very long and another hard day for our family. The real estate agent came today at 4pm to take pictures of our house to list. Today was the hardest day for me especially since I am getting a cold and am sick. My throat is so sore and hurts so bad. I am not even going to mention how bad my body hurts from all of the moving, packing, loading and unloading that we have had to do over this past week and a half. Now it is just wait and see what happens. At least our house is pretty much all ready for people to come look at it to see if they want to buy it. We put in brand new carpet, I think I told you all of that. That's it, I wanted to at least give you all an update so you know what has been going on with me. My husband Den designed a special Two Pink Peas Craft Room just for me and it is going to be amazing. I cannot wait until I am unpacked and back to making cards and other things. Lot's of pictures will be put on here so you can see how adorable it is going to be. Hope you all are doing well and I will talk to you very soon! Thanks for stopping by Two Pink Peas!! ~Terri

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pictures Of My Packed Craft Supplies And More...

Today has been one of the longest days ever. I wanted to show you some of pictures of my craft supplies after I had to pack them up. Now, I have to admit that this is NOT even close to all of my stuff but it gives you an idea on how much stuff that I actually have. In the top clear bins I have my clear stamps, wood block stamps, Martha Stewart & other brands of punches, buttons, tons and tons of ribbon, ink, embossing powders, Martha Stewart glitter and pretty much all of the important items that I will need when I want to make something new. The 6 or 7 brown boxes are pretty much filled up with just paper, cardstock and misc items. Not pictured is my Cricut Cartridges. Those are all packed up in my CGull leather bags. That way I will be able to gain access to them when I need them. I packed up the empty Cricut Cartridges boxes. When you have well over 120 cartridges you know how much room that can take. It is crazy the amount of supplies that I have on hand. Even I was shocked when I started to go through everything and had to pack it up. But, I feel that is a pretty good problem to Rather then having too little, I would rather have too
I am sure most of you will agree with me on that one.

 My 10 year old daughter Hallie wanted to be in the pictures. Obviously you can tell that she is not camera shy. Actually, she LOVES to have pictures taken of her. Like you could not figure that our for She is just so beautiful, sweet and my little buddy. Hallie has helped me ALL day and she loved every single minute of it. I feel so very very blessed to have her in my life. She is the best mommy's little helper ever. We have had so many things to do today before our carpet gets installed tomorrow morning. In 100 million years I never thought we would have to do this much to get our house ready to sell. It's crazy. Late last night we had to put a ton of stuff in a storage unit. Then today we did last minute packing and we had to empty my master bedroom, Hallie's bedroom and our upstairs hallway. After we took everything out we then ripped out all of the carpet and padding...and wow, what a job that was. Then we had to go around all of those areas and pull out these staples and throw those away. Picking out little staples was probably one of the worse parts of this whole thing. It is now 3am and we just got finished doing that. Tomorrow morning the carpet installers come and then after they leave all we have to do is put everything back in it's place and get our house picture ready so it can be finally listed. After that we can relax, and let me tell you that I cannot wait for that

Around 8:45 pm Casey, Hallie and I went to Dairy Queen to get us some ice cream. It was a promise to Casey and Hallie for helping us so much and for doing such a wonderful job today. We had to get Bella something so I got her a "Pup Cup". Here is a picture of her eating her vanilla ice cream treat with a doggie bone in it.

Please excuse Bella's furry long coat. She is getting groomed this week or next. We wanted to wait until winter past so she would stay warm when she went outside.

After we enjoyed our ice cream treat we got a bad storm out of nowhere. We had pea size hail. Here is a picture of that. All of the little white dots that you see is all peas sized hail. We really thought that the storm could turn into a tornado, but thankfully it did not. It pretty much passed as fast as it came.

Ok, I must get to bed because we have SO so much to do tomorrow. I wanted to at least update you all like I promised you yesterday. Seriously I do not know how I am going to sleep tonight being in so much pain and then with my severe complex sleep apnea. I am predicting a pretty lousy night. My cpap (my machine is called a vpap) is all packed up so I cannot use it. Once we are all done with the house then I can probably get some cards made for you. I bought a few new Sizzix Dies and really want to use them. Until then I wanted to keep you at least updated on our move.

Thank you so much for stopping by Two Pink Peas. I really appreciate each and every one of you who visit my blog. You know that I also love to hear your comments so feel free to leave any if you wish. I will talk to you all sometime tomorrow! ~Terri

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cricut Car Decals Cartridge Linking Trouble & What To Do...

Hi guys!! I have noticed that alot of people are coming to my blog by searching for Cricut Car Decal linking issues on I had the very same issue with my Car Decal cartridge and this is what I did to resolve it. I called Provo Craft and explained the issue that my cartridge would not link to my gypsy and they sent me a brand new cartridge in the mail. They said that there have been many problems with this cartridge and have had many many people calling to complain about it.

Now, I have not linked this new cartridge to my Gypsy yet
so I don't even know if this new cartridge will link ok
but  I thought I would tell those of you who are having
linking issues to go ahead and call
Provo Craft at 877-7-CRICUT or 801-932-1144.

I hope this helps those who have the linking issues. If you have any other issues and need some help please let me know and I will see what I can do to help you. Just leave me a comment and I will get right back to you.

Well, I am off to try to get some sleep. We just got done unloading a u-haul truck full of our household items. We are getting new carpet installed in our house in a few days and then at the end of this week our house will be listed on the market. We are so excited but so tired at the same time. I have not felt this sore in a very long time. All I keep thinking about is my beautiful Two Pink Peas Craft Room and how beautiful it is going to be. Once we are all moved in our new house I will post LOTS of pictures of my new craft room. 

Because we are getting our house ready to put our house on the market all of my card making supplies including my Cricut and my Cricut cartridges are all packed up. I will still have access to them so I will be able to make cards. I did not realize how much stuff I had until I had to pack it all up. I have too much stuff What a problem to have right?? lol

Once everything settles down I will be back making cards more often. Until then I will talk to you all very very soon. Sometime tomorrow I will probably post some pictures of my packed up card making supplies. You know, just for K...Goodnight! ~Terri

Saturday, April 16, 2011

We Had Ducks In Our Yard...

I wish I had a picture to show you but this morning as I was taking my yorkie-poo Bella out to go potty there were 2 ducks in our yard. We NEVER have ducks in our yard. It was so weird to see. It was a mamma duck and a daddy duck.

So I ran inside to grab some bread to feed them. Then I thought, shoot...I should have grabbed my camera. So I ran inside to get my camera and by the time I ran back outside they flew away. Next time I will grab my camera first then the We think it must have been all the rain that we got last night and this morning that brought them to our yard. Our yard has so much water in it. Anyway, they were so adorable and beautiful. It has inspired a Ducky Card idea. If I can only find the time to make it

Well, I am back to packing. Oh what NOT!
Talk to ya soon! ~Terri

My New Stampin' Up Take A Spin Order...

So while I was out today I picked up my brand new Stampin' Up "Take A Spin" stamp set with the Game Spinners. If you have not seen this set it is SO adorable and I would recommend getting a set. I got the clear stamps with 2 sets of the game spinner hands. You can chose the wood mounted instead if you prefer.

The themes on these 4 stamps are all different. On one of them is a birthday theme, and around the whole stamp it says "It's Your Birthday It's Your Birthday" repeated. This stamp is square shaped. The inside has 6 different little sections and they say... Blow Out Your Candles, Make A Wish, Play Games, Sing Happy Birthday, Open Your Gifts And Eat Cake. So so cute!!

 The other stamp in this set says "Happy" all around the rounded shaped stamp and then on the inside it has 8 different catagories and they say different things like.. Birthday, Valentines, Wedding, Father's Day, Graduation, Baby, Anniversary, Mother's Day. 
This whole set is really adorable.

Then the second set are both round stamps. The first stamp says different things around the base like... Wonderful, Kind, Generous, Thoughtful, Funny and A Blast. The last stamp has 8 different sections that says things like "Awesome, A+, X-Cellent!, Way To Go, Best Ever, Good Job, You Can Do It, Fantastic"

This set is really cute and you can use it for so many things. If you want to order this set it is called "Take A Spin" and then you will need the "Game Spinners".  For those who have never ordered from Stampin' Up before you will need a demonstrator. If you do not have one you can either go to the Stampin' Up website or I can give you the name of my demonstrator. She was wonderful and saved me alot on shipping. 

So there you have it, I just wanted to share. I will be making cards using these stamps and game spinners soon and will post the pictures.  Have a great night! ~Terri

Friday, April 15, 2011

YAY!! We Have A Piece Of Property & A New House To Build!!

Hi guys! Great great news for our family!! So as I have said many many times that we are selling our house and we have been looking for properties all over the place trying to find the perfect one for our family. We just got an email from the builder and have picked out the perfect piece of property and are building the most beautiful house and we are SO excited!! I just wanted to share this with you all. In our new house we are making a My Two Pink Peas Room just for my crafting and card making and I am the most excited over this. Now I just have to pack up all of my crafting supplies
<sniff sniff> and put most of it away. I will still have access to it but it is going to be difficult digging everything out if I want to make a card. It is all worth it though! Lots of pictures to come. This first picture is of just the lot itself before we have done anything. The second picture is of the street. There are only 12 houses in this neighborhood and there will never be more then 12. I love that!! The last picture is of my son Casey and my husband walking the property. These were taken just a few minutes ago. You can see our truck in the little driveway.

As we start building our house I will update you all with pictures of the building process. I just wanted to share this with you all. Busy busy day ahead!! We are so very excited!!
Talk to ya all soon!! ~Terri

Just For You Girly Card...

Today has been a pretty busy day since we are getting ready to put our house on the market. We have only a few days left before it is listed. I have told you all that we are selling our house and because of that I have not been able to make cards like I have been wanting to. So I just made this one tonight real fast. Tomorrow I will put all of the details and how to make it because I have to get to bed. We are having new carpet installed and they are coming early tomorrow morning to measure so I have to get some sleep. But I wanted to at least put the pictures up so you can see it.

Basically, I used the Car Decal cartridge for the little girl and the Just Because cartridge for the card itself. The paper is new paper that I bought a few weeks ago and I will list all of the details tomorrow. So I am off to bed and I will talk to ya all tomorrow sometime.

Thanks for stopping by Two Pink Peas! Have a great night! ~Terri

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sure Cuts A Lot Sale...

Hi guys, I just found a sale for Sure Cuts A Lot and wanted to share it with you. Go to and you can get the Sure Cuts A Lot download for $47.88 AND if you have a blog and make a post about this website on your blog then you will get a $5.00 credit that you can use towards the purchase of this product.

I do not have Sure Cuts A Lot right now and have been thinking about getting it. My friend April just got it and she loves it. I would love to hear any comments from those of you who have Sure Cuts A Lot. I also heard that they are going to stop selling SCAL at some point but am not sure about the details of that.

Hope you all are doing well. Talk to ya soon. ~Terri

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Time Bunny Card...

This card was made this afternoon and I did not use the cricut at all. For the bunny I used a Sizzix Bunny Die and it also included the little flower. Then I used the Cuttlebug "With Gratitude" flower embossing folder for the blue mat. I absolutely LOVE this embossing folder. If you do not have it yet I would recommend getting one. It is really so darling!!Behind that I used DCWV paper from the Linen Mat Stack.

This card was easy peasy!! And I love those kinds of Just last week I finally bought a sewing machine to use on my cards and scrapbook pages. The last time I used a sewing machine was in the 9th grade in home Surprisingly, I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I have been wanting one for a very long time and I just decided to get one now. I am really glad that I did. Adding real stitches to your cards or projects really add that something special and I love the look! The Spring Time stamp I had in my stash and so I just used that.

This card is a standard 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"
Then the mats I just cut to fit. I really did not measure this time because I was not sure where I was going with this card. The pink gem on the little pink flower was in a pack that I bought at Michael's awhile ago.

Anyhow, I wanted to get this posted now because we still have so much to do on our house. We are painting, adding new carpet, you know all the stuff you need to do to get ready to sell. Let me tell you that I am pooped and tired. I will be so happy when this whole process is over. I am not one for change!

So I hope you all have a wonderful day today. I will try to work on the other cowboy/cowgirl picture that will go in our kids bathroom later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by Two Pink Peas!! Talk to ya all soon! ~Terri

Cowboy, Horses & A Big Red Barn...

So as you all know we are getting our house ready to sell and we are also getting ready to build a brand new house. I wanted to decorate our kids bathroom into something different so I found this really cute cowboy/cowgirl theme but could not find any pictures to go with it. I decided to make 2 pictures to hang in the bathroom to go with the shower curtain and all of the other goodies that I bought. As soon as I am done I will add the finished pictures of the bathroom.

Anyway, I used the Old West Cricut Cartridge and A Child's First Year Cartridge to get all of these images. This was actually the first time that I used the Old West cartridge. I have to say that it is really adorable. I am no where done but wanted to share anyhow since it has been awhile since I added new projects. These 2 pictures will go into white
8 x 10 picture frames and will hang on the wall of the kids bathroom. This is just the first picture and it did not take me long at all. To be honest I am not 100% sure if I am going to use this exact picture or I may just come up with another idea. All I do know is that we have been running around like crazy people trying to find the perfect property to build our new house. Today I think we have narrowed it down. Once I get the bathroom done I will post pictures of the whole thing so you can see how cute it looks. The shower curtain and the rug are so adorable. I was not sure if I was going to just make a big cowboy boot and maybe a cowboy hat or do something more elaborate. Today was the first day that I got to work on it and this is what I came up with....but I am not sure if I am going to keep it or make something else. I guess only time will

It is almost 3am and I have to get my behind to bed. I am so tired. I will talk to you all tomorrow or the next day. Thanks for visiting Two Pink Peas!! I would love to hear all of your comments or suggestions. ~Terri

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A New Blog That You May Be Interested In...

Since I have been so busy lately with our house and everything and since I have not been able to post any new cards I thought I would introduce you to a brand new blog that I just found. It is more for beginners BUT I do have to say that some of the cards that Dj Lady S makes are pretty intricate. Like for instance she has a double slider card and I have not attempted to make one of those yet but she did a really great job. She has alot of videos on her site so you may want to check it out. While you are there please leave her a comment and let her know how much you like her cards. I know she would appreciate that.

The next few days will be busy for us but after that things should settle down so I will be able to make a few new cards and post them for you. I have bought SO many new craft things and am anxious to use them. I have been thinking about alot of new ideas and am so excited to get back to making cards. But in the mean time pop on over to Dj Lady S blog at . Hope you all are doing well.. talk to ya soon ~Terri