Little Pink Peas

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Two Pink Peas Giveaway...

So I have decided to have another giveaway but this one is going to be a bit different. I am going to giveaway more of the Peel N Stick Ribbon but I am going to randomly give it to one or two of my followers as a thank you for visiting Two Pink Peas. If you are already a follower then you are entered automatically. I will leave this open for about a week for those who are brand new and wish to follow for a chance to win this cute ribbon.
Good luck everyone. ~Terri

1 comment:

  1. I've been looking at your blog for a while, but haven't actually signed up to "follow" it so I just did! I love the grandchild ribbon, that would be great to use on my grandson's scrapbook pages!

