Little Pink Peas

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Amazing Price For "Your Story" Bundle....

I was watching HSN the other day and the Your Story came on and I could not believe the price of this machine and all the extras that came with it. Here is the link if you are interested|best_sellers&cm_re=merchzone_carousel*page1_spot1_image*merchzones&o=search-RI&cm_sp=Recommended*Search*top I would at least check it out. I never thought about getting one until I saw what all you get with this bundle and for under $20.00...I couldn't resist.

This is what you get for $19.95 (I got one and I had a free shipping coupon so that made it that much better)  

Personal bookbinding machine

14 assorted color 5" x 7" covers

14 assorted color 4" x 6" covers

User manual

Manufacturer’s 6-month limited warranty

So you get 28 covers to make 28 adorable little books PLUS the machine for under $20.00. You just cannot beat that!!

 I plan on making some little books and posting them on here. I am not sure how long hsn will have this price but if you have been looking for one of these I would run and grab one.

K.. I am off to bed. I have so much to do tomorrow. First I am getting my hair done first thing in the morning and then we are finishing our house up so we can get ready to put it on the market. That is why I have not posted any new cards lately. Once things settle down I will catch up, I promise. Then this Saturday is my sons 12th birthday so I have to run and birthday shop tomorrow too. Busy, busy,

Have a wonderful day everyone!! ~Terri

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terry!
    Thank you for your comment and follow!! I am happy to say that you are my very first BUTTON on my blog!!! I'm so excited. I am like a kid in a candy store with all this card making excitement. Thank you again for the encouragement.
    DJ Lady S
