Little Pink Peas

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank You All!!!

I wanted to thank all of you new followers for joining my blog! It really means alot to me. We are going to have alot of fun here. Lots of giveaways, lots of contests and lots of fun! If there is anything that you want me to put on here just let me know and I will do my very best to get that for you. I started working on a new card late last night. I did not get to finish it because I was gone all day with my 2 kids as they had a film project that they were involved in (thank's again Amy & Eric).  I started it as soon as I got home which was around 10:30 pm or so. We were all dead tired so I did not get to finish it. Some time today I will finish it and post it with the directions on how to make it.  Thank's again for being a new Terri Tv follower. I want this blog to be a place that you can come to for inspiration, ideas and just plain fun. Talk to you soon. Terri


  1. THank you terri, you have such great ideas on here we could not help but Follow! Can't wait to see this new one.

  2. Thank you Summer, that was really sweet! I appreciate your kind words. :o) Terri

  3. It's always fun to see what a fellow card-lover is up to! ; )
