Little Pink Peas

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Contract Is Signed And Check Was Written Today For Our House... YAY!!! Finally!!

Tonight at 6pm we met with our builder
Enzo of Enzco Customs Homes  we brought the model that Den had made and boy oh boy did Enzo go crazy. He really loved it!! So here they are talking about the house and the floorplan. Enzo is in the brown shirt and Den my husband is in the blue shirt.

They were taking the house apart and looking all through it. It was really cute to see! Enzo really loved it. He was amazed that Den actually made this.

Enzo taking a picture to show his son who is 11 (I think). He was saying that his son LOVES to build little model homes like this but with blocks and stuff. If this picture does not show how much he liked it then I don't know what

Here is Den signing the contract. I only took pictures of Den and Enzo not me..but I had to sign the contract too. So exciting!! It took us so long to get here!

Den is writing the check for our house. This is so funny because Enzo asked if he could pay Den to make some of these models for his clients.. how cute is that?? I KNOW that made Den feel so good about himself. I was so happy for Den to hear such a huge compliment from a really amazing builder!! But, we are now just waiting for our house to sell so we can start building and I can't wait. We have So many decisions to make still. What floor are we going to have, what is our kitchen going to look like?, Are we going to have oak trim like we do now or white trim, I mean it is endless but so much fun. I will be taking pictures throughout the whole entire process and then when our house is built I am going to make a special scrapbook for us.

I hope you all have a fantastic night. Before I go, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts, well wishes and prayers for my friends. They are both doing well but I really worry for them both. They both mean So much to me and I would be absolutely crushed if something ever happened to them. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much!! Hugs!! ~Terri

My Blog Candy Winnings And Thank You's To These Special Bloggers...

Thank you to Donya at Ok Scrappin Mama for this amazing blog candy. This is what I got in this kit  (2) 4x6 DCWV paper pads, 1 is DCWV The Green Stack, the 2nd is DCWV The All Dressed Up Matstack, 3 Sakura white jelly roll pens, MS 36 yds red & white twine and approx 10 yds orange/black Halloween twine, 1 package 9 clear "sayings" stamps from inkadinkado.

Thank you to Andrea of Heart Is In The Details  for this
Your Story kit. I really LOVE it!!

Then I wanted to Thank Brynn at Flair and Frills I won the $50 prize package and just got it today. This is what she sent to me.. what a SWEETHEART Brynn is. I am going to break down what was in this big box of goodies!

In this pakage was a whole lot of great items. Included were these 2 scrapbook kits.. the girl one is from Pebble Inc., the other one is from Top Line Creations. They are both so adorable. I love them both!! So cute!

In this picture is 2 Bubble-A-Bilities really pretty green stickers. I love these! Then from Quick Quotes Scrapbook Company is a package of 3 dragonflies that are frosted with little gems in the center. Adorable!! Also included was an 8 piece craft painting kit with brushes and sponges.

Brynn sent me this great Quick Quotes tote bag that I know I will use all the time. I use these when I go to the store instead of using paper or plastic bags. I have been trying to be as green as possible. So this bag is perfect!!

The Brynn added 10 double sided designer paper from Quick Quotes. I tried to show both sides of the papers.

Then I got acrylic stamps from K&Ccompany and there are 20 stamps in this set. So so cute!! I got 4 Powder Puff Chalking Ink in these colors..Maraschino Cherry, Amaretto, Green With Envy, Tahiti. I also got a package of 6 flowers and these are so cute. I can see so many uses for these. In this picture you see a little purple bucket of buttons. The last thing is from Making Memories and it is a spiral journal book with 30 pages. There are 6 patterns, 5 of each. Really adorable!! Thanks SO much Brynn!! I LOVE it all!!

Thank you so much Brynn, Andrea, and Donya for all of these amazing goodies. I really appreciate it So so much!!
Have a good night!! ~Terri

P.S. Another post is coming about our house.. stay tuned!!