Little Pink Peas

Little Blue Peas...

Welcome to Little Blue Peas! This new addition to Two Pink Peas will be a place to come for all things boys. In the near future I want this Little Blue Peas page to be a one stop shop, so to speak for you to get ideas, inspiration and for you to share your creative work with other creative and talented crafters for all things boys. If you have a project that you would like to share here on Little Blue Peas please leave me a comment or email me at and I will be sure to add your project as soon as I can.
Thank you for stopping by Little Blue Peas! ~Terri


Here is an absolutely adorable card made by
Sophie at Cool Beans By LB . Sophie is the little daughter of LB. This was a basball card that Sophie made for her daddy for Father's Day. I think she did a fabulous job on it!! Don't you agree? Please stop by Cool Beans and become a follower while you are there. I know LB will really appreciate it so much! I wanted to also thank Sophie for submitting this adorable card for Little Blue Peas. Here is what Sophie made for her daddy...

Didn't she do a fabulous job? Thank you Sophie!! I really LOVE it just like I know your daddy loved it.


Until I figure out how to make additional posts seperately in this new group Little Blue Peas everything will have to be on one post in this group. It may take me some time to figure out how to do that...but I will! Until then, please bear with me.
Thanks for visiting Little Blue Peas!