Little Pink Peas

Friday, April 13, 2012

We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8 Punch How To Use Video Feat. Hallie

Today my sweet and beautiful little Hallie had both of my
We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8
punches out and was playing around with them.

If you can't see it here you can go on YouTube HERE.
(I had SO many issues trying to upload it on here. I spent literally 5 hours trying to get it loaded.)
Hallie LOVES anything that has to do with crafting and she is always grabbing my tools, paper, glitter and you name it.
Any time she can use her imagination is so great as I fully encourage her to be as creative as she wants to be.
And trust me when I say that Hallie is VERY creative.

Not too long ago I had promised that I would post a how to video showing how to use these great punches.
Since I have not had a chance to make it myself
there was no time like the present. So I got my Flip out and took a few videos of Hallie using both Lucky 8 punches.

Hallie did such a great job explaining how these punches work. I was very proud of her as any mom would be! It is kind of funny because she is about the size of the They are SO huge and she is so tiny!

Hallie is a little ham and she had no issues when I asked her to demonstrate how they work for a video that would be on Two Pink Peas. So we got to work and I took a few
videos of her while I was cooking dinner.
This was a serious multi
But who are better at multi tasking then women??
Seriously though, it was no big deal.

These videos will show, explain & hopefully
help those of you who have not used them before
and those who have not bought them yet.

These punches are so versatile in that you can get 3 different looks with each punch. Hallie and I really love that the most.

I hope you enjoy watching my sweet little Hallie Bleu
demonstrate how to use these. She did a great job!

Thank you Hallie for being so brave & so willing to do this for mommy, Two Pink Peas and all of my blog readers and blog followers. Mommy is very, very proud of you!

Big Cricut Hugs! ~Terri & Hallie