Little Pink Peas

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rosalee's Scrap Lounge HUGE Blog Candy...

Rosalee's Scrap Lounge is having a HUGE
Blog Candy Giveaway.
How generous is Rosalee for going through some of her own supplies and giving such a huge lot away to one lucky winner? As always, please let Rosalee know that
Two Pink Peas sent you.
To get to Rosalee's blog either click on the photo or the link.
Good luck to you all!
Since I cannot create anything while our house is being built, which is killing me by the way, I wanted to share lot's of great giveaway's and other great finds for you. I will be back to full speed ahead soon! Cannot wait!
Big Cricut Hugs,

Scrappy Happy Mommy 1 Year Blogoversary Blog Candy Giveaway..

Scrappy Happy Mommy is celebrating her
1 year blogoversary with this huge
blog candy giveaway.
To get to her blog either click on the photo or link!
How generous of her to give one lucky winner all of these goodies!
As always please let her know that Two Pink Peas
sent you. Good Luck and if you win I would love to hear
the wonderful news!
Big Cricut Hugs!

Cuttlebug Blog Candy...

In My Minds Eye is having an amazing giveaway
for anyone who would like a chance to win a
CUTTLEBUG machine!
Easy entry and you can either click on the photo or the link to get to her blog. As always please let her know that
Two Pink Peas sent you. You all know I only do this to show blog love and support...not for any extra entries.
Good Luck and if you happen to win I would love to know.
I just found out that I won about $600 in ALOT of different prizes and because my email was messed up I lost ALL of the prizes. Bummer huh? But that is ok, as long as someone won the prizes I am ok with that. Make sure to check back on the blogs you enter so you don't lose your prizes like I did.
Until next time!
Big Cricut Hugs!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thank You all for ALL my Happy Birthday Wishes...

Yesterday was my birthday and I wanted to thank ALL of you who took the time to post on my Two Pink Peas facebook page, my personal facebook page, text messages and the many many many Happy Birthday email's you all sent to me.

As always, I had an amazing birthday and it was so much better because of all your loving and sweet comments, emails and text messages. I was overwhelmed that so many people were so kind to take time out of their day to leave me a comment or email.

I have the BEST followers and blog readers on the net.
Thank you all so so much! I am trying to respond to each and every one of you but it might take a bit of time. That is how many I received. You all really made my day!

Big Cricut Hugs To You All!
