Little Pink Peas

Saturday, April 28, 2012

PLEASE Help Baby Avery Who Will Pass Away From A Rare Disease...

I found this story about a beautiful little baby girl named Avery. On Good Friday at around 3:30 p.m., Laura and Mike Canahuati of Houston got a call from a neurologist confirming their worst fear. The tests results showed their 5-month-old daughter Avery has a rare and incurable genetic disorder.
Avery was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disorder that attacks spinal neurons and progressively debilitates muscle function. Avery's was Type 1, the most severe kind, and doctors told them their little girl had only 18 months to live.

"We had several days of sitting in shock and crying and then we pulled ourselves out of that," Laura said. "Since we had such a short time, we knew we wanted to make the best of it."
To cherish every moment with Avery, the Canahuatis created " Avery's Bucket List," a blog written from Avery's perspective where they chronicle her world and track their family adventures, checking things off from the bucket list as they go.
The bucket list includes milestones in every child's life - from sitting up, kissing her mom and dad, to having a birthday party, meeting Santa Claus, losing a tooth, visiting college and more.

"We have our days, it's not that we don't," said Mike Canahuati, 31, who writes the blog in his daughter's voice. "The blog made it into … 'Let's go to the Canahuatis and smile at Avery and appreciate life instead of crying."
"I have a lot of living to do in just a little bit of time," Avery "writes" on the blog. "In everything I do, the two most important things are that I'm spending time with my mommy & daddy, while at the same time spreading awareness for SMA."

Avery's story and bucket list has struck a chord online. Since the Canahuatis started the blog earlier this month, it has racked up close to 500,000 page views, Mike said, with people as far as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Germany and New Zealand visiting it.

"When we saw how many people it was reaching in a few days, that's when we realized we could really get the word out on SMA and spread the word as much as we could," said Laura, who worked as a kindergarten teacher before giving birth to Avery, an 11-11-11 baby.

SMA is the No. 1 genetic killer of children under the age of 2 in the U.S., but most people don't know about it, Laura explained. An estimated one in 40 people are carriers of SMA. If both parents are carriers, like Laura and Mike are, there's a 25 percent chance of their child having SMA.
Laura and Mike urge all parents to talk to their OB GYNs and get tested to see if they are a carrier for SMA.
"Our goal for Avery to be the face of SMA. Just like when you say the word cancer, I don't think there's a single person who doesn't know what cancer is, we want it to be the same for SMA," Laura said.

Avery has already lost the ability to move her legs. She can barely move her arms and doctors say eventually she will be unable to move her head or breathe without the help of a respirator. Last week, she had a G-Tube put in so she can be fed through a line in her stomach and her parents constantly monitor her oxygen levels since babies with SMA have difficulty regulating their breath.

While her parents know Avery won't be able to fulfill many of the rites of passage that are on the list, they are finding joy in what their baby can do - tasting solid foods, taking a "big girl bath," flying a kite and blowing bubbles - and are finding a way to share in some of the later milestones with her now.
Fast forward a few years, Mike and Laura took Avery on her first college visit to their alma mater at Texas State University, earlier this month. Avery just got her very own (faux) driver's license made - one with an ugly pictures and one with a great picture, hitting two items on her list.

Thanks to some mommy matchmaking, she scored her first kiss from a boy named Cooper "McDreamy," who also has SMA.

"His name is Cooper and he's 19 months old (I just love older men, they're so much more mature than 3 & 4 month olds)," Avery gushes on the blog. "My mommy and daddy said this might be the best kiss since Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams in The Notebook."

Tonight, Avery will get to throw out the first pitch at a baseball came for a new minor league team in Houston, the Sugarland Skeeters. Another day, another adventure.

The last thing on the bucket list: to overcome her illness. Laura and Mike know that will not happen since the research is too far off to save Avery, but they hope their daughter's story will raise awareness for the disease and help find a cure.

"No one should have to go through this," Laura said.
Check out here blog here: Avery's Blog 
and her facebook page HERE

Avery's parents Laura and Mike Canahuati are trying so hard to get Ellen to have them on the show so they can spread the word about Avery and her condition. Please write to Ellen and help Avery and her parents spread the word about this rare condition. You can help by writing The Ellen show and swarming her with emails asking her to have Avery and her parents on to spread the word.

Avery's parents are declaring Tuesday, May 1st, to be
"Ellen's Going To Love Me, But Not My Friends" Day.

I think Ellen is the perfect person to help me spread my message about SMA because she's compassionate, funny, and wants to meet inspirational people, which apparently some people think I am.

So here's what they need from you...Please take a moment to write Ellen about Avery.

Feel free to WRITE YOUR OWN

Dear Ellen:

I'm writing about a 5-month old little girl named Avery who has an incurable disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). While SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants & children under the age of 2, most people have never heard of it, there is no cure for it, and there's minimal clinical research being done to find a cure for it. Avery has created a "bucket list" of things she'd like to accomplish before she dies and one of those things is to be on your show to help spread awareness about SMA to protect future children and their parents/loved ones from SMA.

Since starting her blog 3 weeks ago, she already has over 500,000 page views, has been talked about in online news articles (including MSN, and she's been seen on FOX & CBS news stations throughout the country. Yet her #1 goal on her bucket list remains to be on your show so you can help her teach the world about SMA.

Will you please make time for Avery and help her achieve her #1 bucket list goal?
If you visit Avery's blog or facebook page please let them know that Two Pink Peas sent you to help! Let's all open our hearts for this precious little girl who is trying to spread the word and achieve her bucket wish list!
Big Cricut Hugs To You All!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wanna Win A Brand New Gypsy Kit W/ DVD and More?

Wanna Chance To Win A Brand New Gypsy Kit? All you have to do is go to Paper Piecings By Nikki at this link on Facebook and tell them that Terri of Two Pink Peas sent you AFTER you click LIKE! You have to click LIKE! The more I refer the more chances I have to win! But here is the great part for YOU.. After you enter under Terri Of Two Pink Peas you can ask your friends to let Paper Piecings By Nikki know YOU sent them. Here is the link.. Thanks girls and GOOD luck! This ends April 30th so HURRY on over!

If you let Nikki know that Two Pink Peas sent you I will give you an EXTRA entry for MY blog candy at just let me know that you went to Nikki's site and clicked Like and said my name! Then leave me a comment for an extra entry for my blog candy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Need Help Making A Little Girls 11th Birthday AMAZING!!

I would like to introduce to you to this BEAUTIFUL little girl named Tati Webb. Her birthday is this coming Monday and she is turning 11 years old. Her beautiful mother Therese contacted me and asked me if I could help Tati for her very special birthday. It is an honor for me to help Tati have the best 11th birthday ever and I need help from as many of you that are able to help me.

Therese and Tati are having a hard time right now as are so many families are these days. Therese wish is for Tati to receive a ton of Happy Birthday cards. This is a time that we can all pay it forward for sweet Tati. By the way..Tati's name is so beautiful. I absolutely love it!

In addition to the birthday card that I will make for Tati I am also going to send Tati a little gift. This is an option for those of you who are able to do that for her. It does not have to be something expensive as I am sure Tati would appreciate anything even if it is just a beautifully handmade card. Please do not feel obligated that you have to send a gift as this is completely optional. I know that Tati is going to be so happy when she receives so many birthday cards and sees how many people care about her.

Let's all gather our hearts and show Tati that there are so many amazing and caring people in this world that are willing to reach out and extend love and friendship to someone who needs and deserves it.

Tati's address is....

Tati Webb
1738 Lexington Ave
Apt 13G
New York, NY 10029

For those who decide to send Tati one of your beautifully handmade cards, a store bought card as it does not have to be handmade or a small gift I would LOVE to have photos so that I can post them on my blog to show off your beautiful and amazingly creative work. I also want to show you my appreciation that you are helping sweet Tati! We all are going to fill Tati's heart with love on this very special birthday and that is a gift that no money can buy.

Thank you ALL so much for taking the time to read about Therese and Tati. I hope that we can all put our hearts together and help make Tati's 11th birthday the best one ever!! I know that I have the BEST followers and blog readers ever and I know how huge your hearts are.

So, who is with me to show some love to sweet Tati??

Before I go I wanted to share an adorable video of Tati singing a Selena Gomez song. How cute is she?
Way to go Tati!!

Big Cricut Hugs To You ALL!!


Friday, April 13, 2012

We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8 Punch How To Use Video Feat. Hallie

Today my sweet and beautiful little Hallie had both of my
We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8
punches out and was playing around with them.

If you can't see it here you can go on YouTube HERE.
(I had SO many issues trying to upload it on here. I spent literally 5 hours trying to get it loaded.)
Hallie LOVES anything that has to do with crafting and she is always grabbing my tools, paper, glitter and you name it.
Any time she can use her imagination is so great as I fully encourage her to be as creative as she wants to be.
And trust me when I say that Hallie is VERY creative.

Not too long ago I had promised that I would post a how to video showing how to use these great punches.
Since I have not had a chance to make it myself
there was no time like the present. So I got my Flip out and took a few videos of Hallie using both Lucky 8 punches.

Hallie did such a great job explaining how these punches work. I was very proud of her as any mom would be! It is kind of funny because she is about the size of the They are SO huge and she is so tiny!

Hallie is a little ham and she had no issues when I asked her to demonstrate how they work for a video that would be on Two Pink Peas. So we got to work and I took a few
videos of her while I was cooking dinner.
This was a serious multi
But who are better at multi tasking then women??
Seriously though, it was no big deal.

These videos will show, explain & hopefully
help those of you who have not used them before
and those who have not bought them yet.

These punches are so versatile in that you can get 3 different looks with each punch. Hallie and I really love that the most.

I hope you enjoy watching my sweet little Hallie Bleu
demonstrate how to use these. She did a great job!

Thank you Hallie for being so brave & so willing to do this for mommy, Two Pink Peas and all of my blog readers and blog followers. Mommy is very, very proud of you!

Big Cricut Hugs! ~Terri & Hallie

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8 Punch How To Video Feat. Hallie...

Today my sweet and beautiful little Hallie had both of my
We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8
punches out and was playing around with them.

To see the video click HERE. It is on YouTube.
(I had SO many issues trying to upload it on here. I spent literally 5 hours trying to get it loaded.)
Hallie LOVES anything that has to do with crafting and she is always grabbing my tools, paper, glitter and you name it.
Any time she can use her imagination is so great as I fully encourage her to be as creative as she wants to be.
And trust me when I say that Hallie is VERY creative.

Not too long ago I had promised that I would post a how to video showing how to use these great punches.
Since I have not had a chance to make it myself
there was no time like the present. So I got my Flip out and took a few videos of Hallie using both Lucky 8 punches.

Hallie did such a great job explaining how these punches work. I was very proud of her as any mom would be! It is kind of funny because she is about the size of the They are SO huge and she is so tiny!

Hallie is a little ham and she had no issues when I asked her to demonstrate how they work for a video that would be on Two Pink Peas. So we got to work and I took a few
videos of her while I was cooking dinner.
This was a serious multi
But who are better at multi tasking then women??
Seriously though, it was no big deal.

These videos will show, explain & hopefully
help those of you who have not used them before
and those who have not bought them yet.

These punches are so versatile in that you can get 3 different looks with each punch. Hallie and I really love that the most.

I hope you enjoy watching my sweet little Hallie Bleu
demonstrate how to use these. She did a great job!

Thank you Hallie for being so brave & so willing to do this for mommy, Two Pink Peas and all of my blog readers and blog followers. Mommy is very, very proud of you!

Big Cricut Hugs! ~Terri & Hallie

Happy Spring Giveaway Added Goodies....

As promised I am posting the photos of the additional goodies that I am adding in my Happy Spring giveaway. Most of these items are halloween themed but I have SO many, tons actually of all of this stuff that I thought I would get rid of some of my stash. I am adding several Studio G punches, Glitter, Ink, adorable brads, chipboard and stickers. There is a possibility that I will continue to add more so I will keep this giveaway going for awhile. Let's see how big we can make this. One lucky person will get EVERYTHING in these photos and I may just add more goodies for you all!

To enter in this giveaway is easy. Just go HERE and leave me a comment and become a follower of Two Pink Peas on google friend connect. That's it.. easy peasy!

If you would like additional chances you are free to post this on your facebook, twitter, your blog either as a post or on your sidebar. Just make sure to leave me a comment on what you did and a link to it. Good luck to all of you. I wish I could give these goodies to all of you.

I hope that you all enjoy your day today and I am getting ready to post a how to video that Hallie made for you all showing how to use the We R Memory Keepers Lucky 8 punches. She did a GREAT job! I tried for hours last night to upload it but for some reason I was having major issues getting it to post. So I will try again now.

Thanks for stopping by Two Pink Peas.
Big Cricut Hugs!! ~Terri

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Free 100 Kodak Prints & Two Pink Peas Giveaway Info...

Hi fellow crafters! I ran across this amazing freebie and I had to share it with all of my amazing blog readers and blog followers.

Who wants 100 FREE 4 x 6 photo prints? I know I do!! :o)
To get your 100 free 4 x 6 photos just go to the Kodak site and sign up for your free account and you will get your
100 free 4 x 6 prints. I think you have to get your prints within 14 days but I am not 100% sure about that.

My giveaway is still going on. I have added some extra goodies like small punches, some ink, super cute brads and some chipboard and a few other things. I am going to keep the giveaway open for a little longer. I really need to get a photo posted so you all can see exactly what you are going to get if you win. If you have not entered and would like to just go Here to leave a comment. All I ask is that you are a follower of Two Pink Peas. My main goal tomorrow is to add a photo of all the goodies and post it so you can see it all. It is worth entering...I will say that!

So go grab your free 100 4 x 6 prints from Kodak and enter in my current giveaway. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and I will talk to you all tomorrow when I post the updated photo of my giveaway goodies.

Big Cricut Hugs!! ~Terri