Little Pink Peas

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year & An Update from Christmas....

Hi everyone!!  Sorry that I have not been on here posting lately. Boy, it has been awhile since I have posted anything. Things have been pretty, well really hectic around here. How was everyone's Christmas? Ours was great as always. Den, my sweet husband went out on the 23rd while I was still sleeping in the early morning to buy gifts for Casey and Hallie. On his way home he called me because I had a doctor's appointment that morning and he wanted to know when I had to leave. I had no idea that he had even left... so I told him my appointment time which was in just about an hour or so. He had told me that he bought me a "prize" and he asked me if I wanted it now or on Christmas. First of all I had NO idea what he had bought for me and I was so excited like a little so I said I want it He bought me a new computer and I was completely shocked and very happy because my computer was literally dying. We looked at computers when we went to Best Buy just the day or so before and they were out of stock. So when he came home with a new computer for me I was surprised...very surprised. He did not have to get me anything because he bought me the Cricut Imagine for Christmas. How sweet is he? Anyhow, our kids Casey and Hallie were happy as usual on Christmas morning. They got every thing they asked for. It is hard to believe that Christmas came that fast and now it is over. In just 25 minutes 2012 will be here then on January 3rd my sweet Hallie will turn 11. Now I really can't believe that. Anyhow, I hope you all have a safe & Happy New Year and I hope that your Christmas was just as great as it was for our family. Things should be calming down so I should be able to spend time getting back to my blog again. I really missed you all and posting things. Anyhow, just wanted to give you a quick update and wish you all a Very Happy New Year!! ~Big Cricut Hugs... Terri