Little Pink Peas

Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Blog Is Having A New Giveaway...

Hi girls!! Pendra stopped by and wanted me to share a new blog with you all and she is having a giveaway to kick her new blog off. She will pick a winner when she reaches 100 followers! It is called Scrapbookers Central and she plans on having giveaways, design team calls and other news all on her blog. So hop on over to Scrapbookers Central and enter in her giveaway. Please let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. I would really appreciate that! Also, If you have not followed Pendra yet I highly recommend her. She is just so sweet, smart and I love her blog and ideas that she posts on her blog. To follow Pendra click here.
I hope everyone is doing well and I will talk to you very soon.
I have a few things to post but am not sure if I will get to it  today or tomorrow.
Big Cricut Hugs!!