Little Pink Peas

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bad Bad Bad News Just Came To Me...

Well.. I am just absolutely crushed and crying right now. One of my very very good friends who I care deeply about just called me and gave me some very bad news. He told me that he has cancer. I started to cry and I just cannot believe it. He is just an amazing man and we are just such good friends. Literally I am in shock and while on the phone with him and I am crying my eyes out he is being so strong. Where he gets this, I just don't know. This is his second time having cancer and I am SO scared for him. Please keep Vic in your prayers and thoughts. My dad passed away from cancer at the age of 49 years old. Vic is a giver like I am and he is always giving to everyone else despite feeling so badly. Girls, I am so worried for him. I don't know what to do. If anything happened to him I would die...just die!! So when I hear "I have cancer" I feel literally sick to my stomach and it is not a good reaction that I feel because of my dad. But, I just wanted to share this with you all. I know my last post was not so happy and this post is not so happy and I am just so worried for my friends right now. Why this is happening to such amazing people is so confusing to me. My counselor told me to read this book called "Why Bad Things Happen To Good People" and I am going to go download it to my Nook Color right now. I need to see things from another perspective.  I am sorry for such sad posts from me over these past 2 days but please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers!! Thanks girls.. I will talk to you all very soon!! ~Terri

Prayer's And Well Wishes Needed!!!.....

Just a few days ago I got some really really bad news from one of my best friends that I went to high school with. Her friend Sheila was in a terrible car accident and had to be put on life support. Unfortunately there was very little chance for her to make it as she had major head trauma among other severe injuries. She was taken off of life support and passed away yesterday a little after 4 pm. My friend Dawnetta is literally crushed and in complete disbelief! She is unable to afford to travel here to Ohio from Kentucky where she lives to go to her funeral. Actually Shelia's service was earlier today. If you could all please pray for Dawnetta and Sheila's family I would really appreciate it. This is just so tragic and very very sad. We are all in shock and in denial that this actually happened. We were really hoping that Shelia would pull through this but her inuries were so bad that there was no hope.

 Dawnetta LOVES to get cards.  Both of Dawnetta's parents passed away when she was younger. I think Dawnetta was around 6 years old when her mom passed away. So she has been on her own for a very long time. Dawnetta expressed to me tonight that the only family members besides her children that she feels like she really has is me. For those of you who have time and could make one of your beautiful cards for Dawnetta?? I would really really appreciate it. Even a card that you already made would be perfect. She does not get mail very often except for the mail and packages that I send to her. Today Dawnetta actually received a package that I sent to her earlier this week. Included in the package was a beautiful bracelet that I got for her that will hopefully will help Dawnetta remember Sheila and will help Dawnetta feel that Sheila will always be with her. Dawnetta called me today letting me know that she got my package and told me that she cried when reading the letter that I wrote to her and was so appreciative of the bracelet that I sent to her.

I know she would feel the exact same way receiving a beautiful card from all of my wonderful, caring and loving followers and blog readers. If you could send her a little card to help lift Dawnetta's spirits....the impact that you would make on someone who is so sad and seriously grieving right now from the loss of her good friend would be really amazing!!! It is really amazing what a little card can do to someone who is going through something this tragic and how it can lift their spirits.

It makes me feel so bad that she literally has no family besides her kids. If you are interested in making or mailing her a card could you leave me a comment with your email address and I will email you her address right away? I realize lately that I have asked you all to do so  much for me but this is not about me...this is about Dawnetta and Sheila! After you lose someone that you really love and care for it really helps knowing that others are thinking about you, praying for you and my sweet Dawnetta really needs to see that there are people out in our big world who really care about others and that she has alot of people who care about her. I know that Dawnetta will cherish each and every one of these cards forever and these cards will mean so much to her. If you cannot do is completely ok.  I understand and no explaination is needed. Thank you for being so wonderful to me and being SO supportive to me. Every single one of you just amaze me!! Never in my life have I seen so many people with such huge gigantic loving hearts like yours!!

Before I go, I wanted to take the chance to really thank ALL of you who have gone over to Pendra's blog and followed her. She is such a sweetheart and once you get to know her you will see how amazing she is. I have the best followers in the whole blogging world!! Pendra is just stunned at how many of you took the time to hop on over to her blog and follow her. She really appreciates it and my gosh, I really appreciate it SO SO much as well. Thank you ALL... Thank you all SO much!!  You all have the BIGGEST and sweetest hearts and I am just stunned at your kindness. Thank you so much!! Many hugs to you all!! ~Terri