Little Pink Peas

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Jar For You...A Jar For Me...

This is the finished jar above...

I started with this simple jar that I got at Target, I picked the smallest size.

Here are most of the items that I put in the jar. I forgot to add the string in this picture for the beads.

A side picture of the jar.. you see the glitter glue sticks..they were all nice and neat and standing up straight but they tipped

The other side of the jar showing the beads, rubber stamp
and an ink pad!

Finally a close up picture of the lid of the jar. You don't see the tags that I attached to each jar with the names of the girls.

Here is the story of this jar and why I made it....

Fabi over at  Mrs Sassy Crafter was so very sweet and she asked if she could feature me on her website. How amazingly flattering and sweet is that? Fabi is such a sweetheart and I could not ever say no so I immediately said yes, of course!!

We have been really busy lately with our house and some other things and I have not had time to really sit down and be creative. 
Hallie wants to have a crafting party so I created some little craft jars. These are for her and her friends when they come over to our house. They will have a little adorable craft jar with their own craft supplies to use and then they will be able to take
 it home when they are all done.
This was an easy peasy project.  
 We put a few things in each of the jars
and this is what we added...

2 Rubber Stamps that all say "Hello" and "Thanks"
1 Ink Pad
6 Glitter Glue Sticks
Beads To Make Necklaces or Bracelets
String For The Necklaces and Bracelets
2 Sheets of Bling

 I will give them paper and some other items to use when they are here. But this is like a little gift that they can take home and they will be able to use the jar for something else when
they want to. I love giving little gifts that can be taken home!

For the lid Hallie and Erin picked out the paper that they liked
and I traced a circle big enough to cover the lid generously
 and then I cut it out with scissors..No Cricut or Gypsy was used here. Again, simple simple and so simple!
 I took some white ribbon and tied it around the paper and tied a knot to keep the paper in place. Over the white ribbon I used pink ribbon with white polka dots and made a bow.
I bought these adorable flowers that had little clips on them and I just clipped the flower in the middle of the ribbon to jazz it up a bit. They could probably use the flower and clip it in their hair if they wanted to. The flower was a 2 pack that I got at Walmart.
I used scissors to curl the white ribbon and that is it.
I do have tags with their names on it but I was in such a hurry to get this over to Fabi that I did not take a picture with the cute Martha Stewart tags that I used and attached to the jar under the ribbons. Oh well, you all get the idea. Sorry about that!

This project was so very simple and I know that the girls will really LOVE them. You can also make a "beauty or makeup jar" and add little makeup's, finger nail polish, lip gloss and any other items that you can think of. How fun would that be to let your daughter have a little make up party and give each guest a little jar filled with make up, finger nail polish and so on?
The girls would go nuts. All little girls love makeup!!
This is just a simple thing to make that will really mean alot
 to those who will receive them.
Think of all of the ideas you can do for boys too!!
The ideas you can come up with these jars are limitless really.

Please hop on over to Fabi's website here and check out her blog if you have not already. Really it was so flattering to be asked to be featured on someone else's blog.

Thank you so much Fabi for thinking of me
 and I hope that this little
It has been so difficult to craft and create since we have
 been so busy.  Next time that Fabi wants me to show a project of mine I will make sure to make plenty of time and I will be
able to make something more elaborate!

Many many hugs to you all!
Hopefully you are all enjoying your Sunday.

Tuesday I should be able to announce the winner of the Cinch kit giveaway. Good luck everyone and I will talk to you very soon!
Please go check out Fabi's website at
While you are there if you could be so kind and
leave her a comment letting her know that Two Pink Peas
 sent you. I appreciate each and every one of my blog followers and readers. So thank you for taking time to visit me today! I have the best followers in the whole blog world...but I think I might had said that Thanks so much... ~Terri

P.S. I wanted to also take a quick second to thank ALL of you who went over to Felicia's blog at and left her a comment letting her know that Two Pink Peas sent you. You all are really so sweet and I appreciate it so much!! Good luck in that blog candy giveaway too. If you have not heard of this giveaway scroll down and you will find all of the details about her 7 days of blog candy give away~Terri
project is ok.

7 Days & 7 Chances To Win For Reaching 100+ Followers Over At...

Congratulations to Felicia at Scrapper In The Making for reaching over 100 followers. What an amazing goal to reach!! She is having a 7 day blog candy giveaway starting today. The goal is to have your followers hop on over and leave a comment that Two Pink Peas sent you and the person who has the most referrals gets the blog candy. If you could go visit her blog here leave her a comment and let her know that Two Pink Peas sent you I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks to everyone in advance for letting her know that I sent you. Then for extra chances of your own go post it on your blog and try to get your followers to let her know that you sent them. Good luck to everyone. Oh, be sure to check back on her blog every single day for 7 days for a chance to win some blog candy!!

 Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. We are going to some open houses today. You are probably thinking "why look at houses when you are building?" Well the reason is because we have been looking at a few houses and the prices have really dropped and we want to make the right decision for our family. Some of these houses are really huge for the price. Most likely we are going to build but you just never know! Talk to you all later today sometime!!
Thanks again for letting Scrapper In The Making know that Two Pink Peas sent you!! You all are the BEST followers in the whole blogging world!!! :o) ~Terri