Little Pink Peas

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hello To You All & A Request That Will Help Someone You Don't Know...

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I don't know about you all but this past weekend seemed to go by so fast for me. I got to relax a little which is always needed for I can never relax to much.

Friday night our neighborhood had a chance to set out trash that they can not normally throw away during the week. I noticed these 2 women going through my neighbors trash and their van was jammed packed with stuff that they wanted to save. Personally I have never gone through other peoples trash but I offered to help put their extra stuff in my truck and follow them around and then deliver their stuff to their home. The lived about 10 minutes from me. These 2 amazing ladies were absolutely stunned that a perfect stranger would offer to help. Let me just add that it was pouring down rain... I mean we were soak and wet. I HATE to throw things away that others can use or that they need. I was literally STUNNED at the stuff that people threw away. I mean I found a Baby Juicy Couture hoodie that was perfect in every way. So I grabbed about 2 or 3 trash bags FILLED with designer baby and toddler clothes to donate to our local woman's domestic abuse shelter. Every year we ALWAYS give or donate to them. It amazes me how somebody could throw away such beautiful clothing that can be used by children whose mother's cannot buy for them. So tomorrow I get to drop that off and that was a good thing, plus it is better for our environment. From this day on I will go around each year and do this very same thing and donate what I find to shelters. What a shame and what a waste to throw such things away.

On to other news. Today I went to my counselor/life coach and I just have to say that I really adore her so much. She is so amazing. Today she gave me this poem and wants me to read it to myself each morning. I wanted to share it with you all. Although I am not very religious this is a poem to god and it is very beautiful and it goes like this..

Dear God,

Take my life and let me live serenely for today.
Open my mind to happy thoughts.
Take away my self-pity, I don't want it.
Take away my ill-will toward others.
Make it possible for me to feel joy, love and compassion.
Help me to accept what it, to hold my tongue, to do my daily tasks and to let go with love.
Take away my worry about the future.
Make me realize that in Your hands everything will be provided for, that I have no control over anything but myself.
Help me to remember that all the hatred and pain that are directed at me are the hatred and pain the other person is feeling toward himself/herself.
Thank you for your willingness to accept my burdens and lighten my load.


There are alot of things in this poem that do not apply to me but it is a beautiful poem and I wanted to share it with you all. Maybe these words will touch someone's heart and help someone.

On another note, today I received a letter from Salifu from The Gambia. Remember he is my sponsored child and his birthday is tomorrow the 28th and he will turn 11 years old.  I had sent him $35.00 which turns in to $994.00. I really do not know how much money that is to them but I think it is alot. A little to us goes a looooooooong way to them!! He said that he is going to purchase shoes, clothes, juice, food and he is going to have a birthday party with his friends and neighbors. I love getting letters from Salifu and I know he LOVES getting letters in return 100 times more. I would like to ask you all a HUGE favor. You all are so special and talented and special to me. Are there any of you who would be willing to send Salifu a birthday card? It is ok that it will be late but just think how special Salifu will feel receiving alot of homemade cards from perfect strangers!! I am going  to put his address and contact information down and I would just appreciate it SO much if you could send him something heartfelt. Salifu will keep these cards for the rest of his life and it would mean so so much to him and his family. Here is his info...

Salifu Sanneh
Kabafita Family Helper Project
Christian Children's Fund
Private Mail Bag No. 2
Banjul, The Gambia

If you decide to send him a little card you have to put every part of this address on the envelope, otherwise it will not get to him. As you can see Salifu is VERY very important not just to me and my family but to so many others. I just know that in my heart he will be so surprised and excited to get so much attention and love from all of you. So thank you SO so much in advance for sending my sweet boy a happy birthday card.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening. Next week I will pick a winner for my giveaway. So that means you still have time to enter if you have not already. Thank you all so much for becoming new followers of Two Pink Peas and I will get to each and every one of your blogs and follow you too. It just might take a little time to get to all of you. This giveaway has literally blown me away with so many enteries and brand new followers. I mean to go from 50 something to over 200 followers.. WOW!! Amazing! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Good luck and if you don't win, don't worry as I am currently working on another amazing giveaway. I wish I could give each and everyone of you this package and that is the only bad part about this giveaway.

Well, I did not mean to ramble on so long but thank you if you got this Please consider sending Salifu a card and please leave me a comment if you decide to send him one. Much love and hugs to you ALL!! ~Terri