Little Pink Peas

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Want An Extra Entry & Chance To Win My Giveaway????

First I want to thank ALL of you who have entered into my giveaway. My heart hurts because after reading all of your sweet comments I wish I could give each and every one of you this package. You all deserve to win it!! Also I wanted to Thank you ALL for becoming followers of my blog. WOW.. I can't believe how many new followers I now have. It really has stunned me. So Thank you SO much!!

 Want another chance for another entry for this giveaway?? Go to my Two Pink Peas facebook page and VOTE for me to win a trip to meet my sponsored child Salifu in The Gambia. Go to and click on the "Click Here To Support My Quest" link from Child Fund and then vote. After you have done that come back and leave a comment under my original giveaway post. Not here..otherwise it would get confusing!! LOL. I would LOVE to travel to meet Salifu as I have been a major part of his life since he was 5 years old. It would mean everything to me to go and meet him in person. I did not even know that Child Fund was having a contest to meet your sponsored child until just a few minutes ago. It would mean SO much to me if you all voted for me. Have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you all very soon!! ~Terri

P.S. I wanted to tell you that I gave my little purse that I made to my counselor/life coach yesterday and she went NUTS. She could not believe that I did that for her. She immediately gave me the biggest and longest hug and then placed it on her shelf where it will stay. It really meant alot to me that she loved it as much as she did. Thank you for all of your amazing and sweet words about me making that for her. They all mean so much to me!!