Little Pink Peas

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A New Two Pink Peas Giveaway Is Open To All....

This giveaway is sponsored by Skip "The Stamp Man" who made my Two Pink Peas stamp that is pictured above. One lucky winner will receive $10 for either a custom made stamp just like my Two Pink Peas stamp or you may choose another product that he offers.

He primarily sells his items on Ebay and you can shop his items here at . His store is called The Worms Pajamas. He also sells alot of teachers stamps so if you are a teacher and need special stamps or other items this would be a great place to look.

When I asked him to make my Two Pink Peas stamp, I wanted this exact font and he did not have the font that I needed but downloaded it just for me. Now, I call that service!! He did a beautiful job and I really really love my new stamp. I thought that his products would make a great item for a Two Pink Peas giveaway. I can tell you that I will for 100% certain will be getting more custom made stamps from him in the near future. They are that beautiful!!!

To enter in this giveaway just leave a comment below. You do not have to be a follower of Two Pink Peas although I really would appreciate if you would become a follower of my blog.

I again want to thank Skip "The Stamp Man" at The Worms Pajamas on Ebay for this great giveaway. If you purchase something from him please let him know that Terri at Two Pink Peas sent you.

Thanks so much and this giveaway will remain open for one week. Good luck everybody!!! ~Terri

Brand New Giveaway That You Don't Want To Miss...

Later on today I will be listing a brand new giveaway from an amazing sponsor who creates custom made stamps. He made one for me that says Two Pink Peas and it is just beautiful. When I list the details of the giveaway later today I will post a picture of my stamp. He did a really amazing job. Who ever wins this giveaway is one lucky person!!

Right now I am getting all of the details together and once I have everything in order I will let you all know about it and then you can enter. Have a great day everyone!! ~Terri

Blog Candy For You....

Here is some great blog candy for you all to enter and try to win. The link is and I just entered. Good luck to you all and please let me know if you happen to win. That would be so awesome!!
See you tomorrow!! ~Terri