Little Pink Peas

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

American Idol.. Did You Vote Tonight???

Are you all American Idol fans?? I used to watch it all the time but then stopped watching it. This season I have watched and voted on each show and I am just blown away by all of the talent. My favorite is Lauren Alaina!! Each week I sit and text over 200 votes for Lauren... I know..that's a bit extreme.

I want her to win so bad. Lauren is just so sweet and very talented. No matter who wins they will all end up with a record deal so it's a win win! James Durban is amazing too..Jacob Lusk is also a favorite of mine too. I really really like Hailey though. Her voice is really so amazing! Out of all of them it is so hard to pick because they are all so good and talented!

Who is your favorite? Do you watch it every week and do you vote for your favorite singer?? Since it just ended I thought I would just post a quickie post about it. Talk to you all again soon! ~Terri

If You Missed Out On The Cricut Expression 2...

If you were just wondering..
No, I have not gone to bed I'm so tired that I am actually
But something just occurred to me. If you missed out on the Cricut Expression 2 on Hsn then this is what you can do. Hsn has another website and sometimes several days after an item has aired it may become the Today's Special again. Now, I cannot guarantee this but I would just be on the look out just in case. If I see it show up as a Today's Special on Hsn 2 then I promise that I will let you all know asap.

I was not surprised that it sold out as fast as it did. It is a great little (well, little is the wrong word but you know what I updated machine.

Just wanted to put that out there. Ok, now I am off to bed for real. I have to get up in less then 1 hour to get Casey and Hallie off to school. Good night/Good ~Terri

Action Wobble Springs...Go Grab Some Now...

Chances are that if you are a card maker, scrapbooker or crafter then you have heard about Action Wobble Springs. If you are brand new to them they attach to your card, provide a 2D image and allow movement and animation. These take your cards and crafts to a whole NEW level!! Just adorable!

Since I just purchased some I thought I would post a little information about them for you. Here is the link to their website.. and their Facebook Page is!/actionwobbles.

While you are at their facebook page please click "Like". I do not or will not receive anything in return for you doing this. It is just that I love to support products that I really love and believe in and these Action Wobble Springs are one product that takes your project and makes it extra special.

I bought a pack of 25 for $9.95 or a pack of 100 for $28.95.
What a GREAT deal. Their website says that the pack of 25 is only available for a limited time. So if you would like some I would run, run, run!! If you end up ordering could you please let them know that Terri M. of Two Pink Peas sent you?? That would be so great!

Eventually I will purchase the 100 pack. Just to break it down price wise.. if you buy the 25 pack they end up being $.39 cents a piece. If you go with the 100 pack then they would be $.28 cents a piece. Their website said that they offer a 50 pack on Amazon.Com but I had trouble getting that information.  Either pack you pick you cannot go wrong. They are worth every single penny and then some!

Oh, and I was NOT charged any shipping and handling. Now, you cannot beat that! You can also pay through paypal which I LOVE!

K.. now I am really off to ~Terri

How To Use The Cricut Car Decal Cartridge To Get Layers

Lately there have been alot of visitors at Two Pink Peas   trying to figure out how to use the Car Decals Cricut Cartridge and how to get layers. The biggest question seems to be can you layer images and what do you have to do to layer the images together. Usually when I post a picture of my newest card I always try post the exact how to directions at the same time.  

 For these two cards I got so busy and forgot to do that.
I am really sorry about that!! I mean, what good is a picture if you don't know how to make it? So I am going to make up for that right now.

The Car Decals cartridge does not have a layers feature like the other cricut cartridges do. This is what you have to do to achieve the look of layers using this cartridge. Believe it or not, it is VERY simple and VERY easy. Basically just cut the same image as many times in the different patterned or plain paper that you need.

Before I go any further I want to explain one more thing. This is meant for the brand new Cricut users and not for the seasoned Cricut users. So if I seem to keep going on and on this is why. I want to make sure that everyone completely understands how to achieve this look. 
Ok, when you cut out the little girl (in the first card pictured above) in black cardstock, it will obviously all be outlined in black cardstock. When you cut the same image out in patterned paper, the whole outlined image will be cut out in that particular paper. I am sure you are probably thinking, duh That is only common sense. If you have never done this before I don't want you to think that you did something wrong. That is what it is supposed to look like for each individual cut.

 After you have finished cutting out all of the "layers" (as we will call them) that you need, the next step is to cut out each individual piece that you want so you can then layer them all together.

Actually, I am going to give you a better, more detailed 
example using the first card that I have pictured above. 
I believe that you all understand what I am saying, but I want to really make sure. And once again, this is really meant for those who are newer at card making or have never used this cartridge before.
This card is called "Just For You" and it is with the little girl and the cute little flower. This image happens to be on page 33 of the booklet. First, I cut the little girl out in the brown paper cardstock in the shadow feature. Although on this particular cartridge it is not called the shadow feature, I still call it that. Habits! They are hard to break. Just make sure that your Cricut says <Girl2-s> (if you are brand new to Cricut, the "s" stands for shift). I really want to make sure that you will get the correct cut of this image. So for this card I only cut that image out one time using the brown cardstock. I forget the size of the image but I can measure that at a later time.
My next cut was of the outline of the little girl and your
Cricut will say <Girl2>. 
This cut was first in black cardstock and that makes your basic outline.  Next I took the cute yellow flowered patterned paper and I cut out the same image again <Girl2> at the same size. This cut image will be the exact same outline (as the black) just all in the patterned paper. 
I knew that I wanted to use the same paper for the little dress, flower and little bows in her hair. Then I took my scissors and cut off the little flower, I snipped off her dress and the little bows off of her hair.
Layer those on top of the black outline, use your preferred adhesive and there you have your finished image.
It is really that simple!! My instructions may not seem that easy It is very late and I am so

You can repeat these same steps for any image in this cartridge to achieve this layered look.

I hope this helped those of you who were not sure how to achieve this look with this particular cartridge. I pay very close attention to my visitors and how they get to my site.
It really matters to me what you are searching for and I want to make sure that you can find the answers here at Two Pink Peas.
I can usually see how a visitor gets to my blog (generally speaking like using,, coming from other blogs, etc.) and what they were searching for. I just to clarify one thing, I CANNOT see any personal information like your name, address or anything like that so please do not worry. If you have a blog or website then you know what I am talking about. The information we get is very generic to say the least. We can see what city and state you are from and that is IT!! My blog is very important to me and I check the searches every day, several times a day actually. This helps me improve my blog by adding what you are searching for. Many bloggers pay very close attention to their visitors.
Anyway, if a search matches the topic or content of one of my blog posts then I can see that. This is a very helpful tool and it allows me to tailor my blog and content to what you are searching for.

How to layer using the Car Decal Cartridge has been one hot topic that many of you seem to be searching for and really want help on. I cannot even count the amount of new blog viewers coming to Two Pink Peas for this very reason.
This is the reason I am addressing this topic right now.

One of my main goals here at Two Pink Peas is to help and teach those who have questions about products, are looking for tips and tricks and want to know how to perfect techniques. 

I want you to feel comfortable enough that you too can make things you have never tried before. You can do it!!

My goal for the future of Two Pink Peas is to be one of the best card making blogs on the web.

The new and improved Two Pink Peas website that is currently being developed is going to have so many amazing features. For example Two Pink Peas will have a forum where you can share your projects, chat about anything cricut, card making and scrapbooking. We are going to have tons of contests and giveaways. There is alot to look forward to. You will be the first to know when TwoPinkPeas.Com is ready to be launched.

 If you ever have any suggestions or questions for me, I would love to hear them.
 I personally read each and every comment that is left and will personally respond to them all in a very timely manner.
I will do my very best to help in any way that I can. Even if I don't know the answer I can at least direct you to someone who can.

Finally, things with our house are beginning to slow down some.  Soon I will have a little more time to make more cards, post more pictures and try new things.
The problem is that my craft furniture is all packed away so
today I went out and purchased 2 special folding craft tables. This way I will have a place to get back to making cards and other projects. Folding tables seemed like a perfect idea because when we need to show our house to a potential buyer, I will be able to easily put everything away in a hurry.

Plus, these tables will go in My Two Pink Peas Craft Room. This will also allow me to have alot more space to do many different projects at once and that is always a good thing. If you are like me and don't have the space to do your crafting, maybe consider getting a good folding craft table. They are not permanent and can be tucked away when not in use.

Well in closing, If you happen to make any cards using these techniques, I would LOVE to see your finished cards or projects. Feel free to leave me a comment and where I can view it. I would be so happy to drop on by and take a peek. Of course I would leave a comment for you when I visit. One thing I love to do is to see all of your amazing creativity.
Imagination is one of the greatest gifts we possess!
Let your imagination go crazy!
The sky is the limit!!
Thank you SO much for stopping by Two Pink Peas.
Until next time..~Terri

P.S. Sheesh, I think this was by far the longest post that I have ever made. Talk about major It is now almost 5 am and I am severely sleep deprived and I need to go to bed and get some much needed rest. Once I read this post again tomorrow I will probably be thinking to myself "what the heck was I talking about and why did I have to ramble on and on and on" lol....My goodness!! :o)
If you read this whole post, Thank You!!
See you all tomorrow! :o)