Little Pink Peas

Friday, March 11, 2011

Drum Roll Please..And The Winner Of The Peel N' Stick Ribbon Is.....

Before I announce the winner, this morning my computer arrived from being fixed. I am SO happy that it is home..sheesh have I missed it so much. Now I need to back everything up just incase this happens again and I can't get it to work. I have everything on this computer. That was a close very happy that it is home and working beautifully!

Now on to the winner. I decided to just give the 20 packs of ribbon to one (1) person because I felt it was kinda unfair to change the giveaway after you all entered.
 So...the winner of the 20 Packs of Peel N' Stick Ribbon is Toby R....Congratulations Toby.
Email me at TwoPinkPeas@Yahoo.Com so I can get your information and I will get these out to you as soon as I can.

I will be having another giveaway for this same ribbon soon. I will have it to where several can win this time. Thanks to all of you who entered. I will announce the new giveaway very soon. I have so many packets of this ribbon that it is kinda unfair of me to hog it all, plus I LOVE sharing. I am such a giver anyway so this is super fun for me. Hope you all are doing well..I will talk to you all again soon! ~Terri